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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Kelliria - I hope you caught it this month too! Good luck with your tww.

@Beaut1ful - Thanks for the answer! I definitely have more EWCM then previous cycles. I'm worried about the ovary pain during BDing as that is not normal for me and was hard to ignore... We'll see how it goes next time.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hmm all my other previous cycles w clomid before o I’ve been in the 97. Something range and always jumps to 98. Something after ovulation. I have been waking up a lot lately, maybe that’s the reason.
Mayo Inisitol is something I’m trying this month they’re veggie capsules to help regulate hormones, especially for pcos which I may or may not have.

6 years ago

Ok. Glad it doesnt afftct your temp. I hate that it messes with my chart but i know now cd 5-7 are elevated when taking it. I was worried before i read that.
Never heard of mayo inisitol. I may have to read into it. My hormones have been wacky these last 3 months.

6 years ago

Good evening ladies. I hope everyone is doing well. Tomorrow morning is my ultrasound and this will finally clear up my suspions. Will keep everyone posted.

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6 years ago

@ FlamingoGirl13 - Actually, I'm gonna order a blood test myself (from a Company that offers many different types of blood tests). We are waiting to see a fertility expert, but it's taken so long to get an appointment time, so I feel like I have to do something while we wait.

Yup, that is my FF chart in my signature. FF updates it for me, so I only have to update in my app.

6 years ago

Dragonfly- Oh how wonderful! Good luck!

I get my second ultrasound tomorrow!!! I’m excited and nervous at the same time. But the morning sickness has started to kick in now. I read that it hits about 6weeks. So right on time.

6 years ago

@ DiviniumLiv - I'm glad you can order a blood test and get a head start on things before you see a fertility specialist. Keep us updated on how it goes. I think it's so cool that you have your FF chart in your signature. I'm going to look into it and see if I can get mine to work too. Did you find the link on the app or their website? So far I have only used their app but it's my favorite BBT char.

@Dragonfly23 - Will this ultrasound show if you have twins!? Can't wait to hear how it goes!

@Beaut1ful38 - Same for you! Have a good ultrasound and maybe you can hear the heartbeat this time?!

AFM - I got my High on my OPK! Should have my peak on Friday and O on Saturday like normal. DH is off this weekend so it's a good time to get some BDing in! The EPO had really increased my EWCM so I'm hoping that helps us out.

6 years ago • Post starter

Good day ladies. Back from my ultrasound, will post pics tomorrow once I clean it up. I'm at 6w 2days and got ONE strong heartbeat. Was so sure it was twins but hey, I'm happy with one. Next ultrasound is April 3.

@Beaut1ful38. Try not to worry about tomorrow. Everything will be okay and your baby is fine too.

@FlamingoGirl13. Hoping you and hubby can catch the egg and the EPO will do its trick. Are you going to use pre-seed?

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6 years ago

@Dragonfly23 - The heartbeat must have been amazing to see/hear! We might use pre-seed for a few BDs but not for all. DH is not that big a fan of the pre-seed so it takes some of the romance and spontaneity out of everything for us.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. I really only used the pre-seed when I got my "yes" on the FR ovulation kit. Didn't get to hear the heart beat but you can see it beating on the monitor. It was nice to see the baby.

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6 years ago

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