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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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To the ladies that ovulate late, I am one of those, it can make getting pregnant harder but it does happen, I’m 18 weeks this week and didn’t ovulate till cd20 ish this time around x

5 years ago

@emma thank you! That gives me hope. I hope you and number 9 are doing fine!

5 years ago

Shay glad your hubby is better! I have everything crossed for you this cycle you both deserve it!!!
Agatch is good to hear that you got some answers but I’m not sure I understand why you should wait so long before trying.. I would definitely take a second opinion on this.
Kate yay! Egg is dropping and I really hope you’ll catch it

AFM hubby yesterday was very upset and sad again about the baby issue. He told me he want to order the supplements again and not just the maca and ginseng powder. I’m happy that I can see now that he’s on the same page as I am finally but I’m so sad he feels that way.... I wish I could give him some good news In few days

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5 years ago • Edited

Alex I totally get how you feel!! My hubby was having a rough time a week or so ago too. He had nightmares that we wouldn’t be able to have children and all of that. It kills me a little inside because right now I know it is because of my body that things aren’t happening. I love that we are on the same page, but I feel like I am letting him down.

Emma thanks for the encouragement!! I have been O’ing late from as much as I can tell and it has always worried me.

Agatch I don’t really understand it all either. I would make sure to ask why you have to wait so long. It seems weird to me.

AFM: I am really struggling this cycle. I am not sure I have actually O’ed or not. I know the apps say I have but it just doesn’t feel like my body usually does after O. I just don’t know what to think. My temps are up compared to most of my chart but still not as high as I feel they should be. We are still going to keep bding until I do have a good temp rise or AF shows up. I really hope this is one of my months that I actually O though. It seems like I O one cycle and then go three long cycles before O’ing again. We will see though. If things don’t even out this month I will be calling my doctor.

5 years ago

Alright ladies let’s just add to the weird for me!! I have more ewcm though not much and some light pink/brown spotting!!! What is going on?!? Supposedly I am 5dpo but who really knows. Maybe this is a true O or implantation. I am so over this cycle!! I probably wouldn’t have caught the spotting if I didn’t check my cm. Blah so done!!!

5 years ago

Hi Ladies,
The TWW is going so slowly, I have a few pages to go back and catch up on.

12dpo and POAS this morning. I keep thinking I see a shadow but then it disappears. I don't think it's even worth putting in the gallery What do you all think? Major line eye?

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5 years ago • Edited

Feel like I'm deluding myself probably

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5 years ago

@mistique I see it!! xx

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5 years ago

@shay spotting during the TWW can be common. From everything I've read, it's just as common in BFN cycles as BFP so I wouldn't rely on it as an indicator. I get it every once in a while. That could mean that you O'd though so that's a good thing!

@mistique I don't see it yet, but I'm terrible at spotting the faint ones!

5 years ago

My OB appt is in a week and I'm getting kind of excited for it. I've decided that I'm just going to go for it and try the Clomid if they think that's a reasonable next step. The longer this takes, the more I start to second guess if I'm ready. I start saying oh but I could do this first or I could do that. I could just enjoy going out with my friends and leaving the house whenever I want. But I think that there's never a perfect time and the Clomid might help stop those thoughts a little and rip the bandaid off the rest of the way.

5 years ago

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