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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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171 - 180 of 203 Replies | Last Page

I don't know... I never had that (I have no children) :)
Take a hpt!

11 years ago

How is it girls going?
How many DP IUI are you? Any ?

11 years ago

Just into my 12dpiui and have not poas. I don't have any symptoms despite bring on progesterone. My beta is scheduled for the 13th. I'm not sure if i will poas that day or not, i guess it will depends how the day is going.
How are you Sabrina? Any news from anyone?

11 years ago

I hope this is your month Golden. Don't worry about not "feeling" pregnant. I've read about lots of women that got their BFP without any symptom at all! Let's wait for the Beta. Tell us the result!

What about the other girls? Any BFP?

I am CD 17th. Today I'll have my 7th injection. Can't wait to get in the tww wait again. I hope this will happen in March.

11 years ago

Beta negative. Good luck

11 years ago

Ooh Golden....I am really sorry :(

What are you planning to do next?

11 years ago

Another round of injectables and a whole lot more of bd'ing with the dh!

11 years ago

Will you go for IUI again?
What kind of injectables are you doing?

11 years ago

Yes another iui and most likely menopur but a higher dose, we will do 225 this time around.

11 years ago

I hope it will help! I admire your perseverance!

11 years ago

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