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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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YAY, Lizzy!!!! I'm so hoping this is it for you!!!!! I took my first three out of the casing and it didn't affect them. It really sounds like you got a line forming and a line is a line!!! I can't wait to know for sure!!!!

And, I won't need to visit because you ladies will all be joining me soon over at CMP!!!

So excited for everyone!!! Hang in there lhen and Bride....soon enough...I can feel it!!

And thanks again for the congrats!!

You ladies are all awesome!!!!

12 years ago • Post starter

A blankie would be totally awesome, Lizzy!! This makes me smile!!

12 years ago • Post starter

That just means you have to keep in touch to get it !!!! I feel like we are such close friends now!!! I love all the support here!!! It's much needed right now!!! Plus I have special yarn that's just been waiting for a special baby!!!!

12 years ago

hi lily.. keeping .. hope to join you soon.. praying for that and i wish won't ever show up..

12 years ago

I know what you mean, Lizzy. I feel so connected to you guys!! And all because I asked if anybody else was 3DPO!!! I love how God works! too!!

all my cycle buddies get a and for

12 years ago • Post starter

What a great group of ladies you ALL are! Such an encouragement and inspiration! I am believing for GREAT things for all of us! This just gets more exciting every day.

12 years ago

Okay Ladies!!! I took another FRER this morning with FMU and THERE IS A LINE!!! It is still hard to see and I had to put it in the window against an index card to really be sure it was pink but its there...a smidge darker and easier to see than yesterdays!!!

I cant believe this!!! I am still too nervous and scared to say it's an actual positive though!!! I don't think it will show up on a digital yet either since it is such a squinter!!! But there is a light pink line there!!!

The wierd part is that I took my temp this morning because I slept so well last night and it was high at 98.1 but I cramped so bad last night and this morning that I fully expected AF to show up right then!!! And I don't ususally cramp right before she shows up...those mean babies hit right when I start bleeding and only last the first day...

So the cramping is weird for me and concerning...I am so terrified that she is going to show up!!! She is due on Monday...but my periods have been shortening lately so really it could be anytime between now and monday!!

I dont' really have any other symptoms...but that line has me hopeful...

I am still a little concerned about a chemical pregnancy but for now I am going to let myself be excited by that precious tiny hard to see squinty line!!! :)

How are you Ladies today??? Lily are you still testing?? Getting darker???

How about you Burton?? Lhen??? How are you feeling today???? :)

12 years ago

YAY!!!!! I just KNEW IT! Lizzy, don't be fearful...light lines are still lines ESPECIALLY on a FRER! You and that sweet little baby are going to be just fine. OH HAPPY DAY! This has proved to be one blessed group of cycle buddies, hasn't it?! God is so good! I am soooo happy for you, girl!

I am totally thinking that last cycle was a chemical pregnancy or something. I am STILL bleeding. It's CD 10 and it's still going on. UGH. Usually, AF comes and leaves within 7 days max. Who knows when and if I'll even ovulate this month. Oh well, God's timing is the perfect timing so I'll hold on to that.

12 years ago

Just FYI...your avatar picture is BEAUTIFUL!!!! You are such a lovely lady Burton!!! :)

12 years ago

Aww, thank you. You are way too kind!

12 years ago

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