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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Thanks I have the thermometer (basal body) but i wasnt doing it right. When I get my AF I will start monitoring every day.

11 years ago

@topo-Oh yes, I told them about all the wonderful ladies I have "met" along the way :) Hopefully these women get us some babies!

They are pretty amazing actually! My best friend's mother works in Zambia for a non-profit that helps widows. She is just amazing!

AFM: Last night DH and I went to a movie last night and my back was just killing me like AF was coming! I am 3dpo, so she is a long ways out! I keep having little twinges on my right ovary. I felt this Sunday morning which is when I ovulated, so I am not really sure what this is.

I should be getting my in depth reading today. SOOOO excited for it :)

I hope everyone is having a fabulous day!

11 years ago

One question I have....the last two mornings my temp has been 96.4 and 96.7. Doesn't that seem really low??? Monday was 97.6. I have no clue what I am looking for to begin with, but this just seems odd to me....

11 years ago

Alright is my in depth reading. Parts of it have me SUPER excited and parts leave me unsure with.

When I connect with your energy, I feel your aura is mainly purple and spots of white at this time. Your aura is the energy center that makes up who you are in a sense, and can give a lot of insight into what your personality is like, or anything that is going on in your life. Purple is indicative of devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also can be associated with high spirituality, religious connectedness, purification, affection, gentleness, charm, and peacefulness. You have a sense of intuitive understanding and special intimacy. White symbolizes truth, innocence, and purity. This is the color that most will see in people when they are close to becoming pregnant. It usually indicates pregnancy is to occur very soon, or that the person is pregnant at this time. With your current TTC path, I do feel that things have shifted a wee bit. Normally when I see this, there was an early loss, a decision which altered timing, or an outside circumstance which altered timing which can be fertility treated, health related, or perhaps something else in the grand scheme of things. While it normally does not happen, I canâ??t really say why it does for some people. If you suffer with infertility, there is usually a reason that the egg and sperm cannot meet, anovulation, ect, and this can throw timing off. For whatever reason, know that it is STILL a good thing for you at any rate. I do feel that you have a few decisions to make regarding the next step with TTC. This is with regards to fertility treatments, or adding things that are natural to boost fertility. With timing, I am now being shown the month of April as being significant to this baby.

In fact, your entire reading suggests things to occur soon, because I also see a strong tie to the season of summer, which could line up for a Spring delivery. All of us do not have cycles that begin and end in one month, so anything relating to your cycle of conception (start, conception, or BFP) can definitely be tied to that month that I see. It can also be birth timing. Please note that my predictions usually are for the current year, or next, as there is no such thing as timing with spirit. I see the number 8 associated with this, which can be that you will ovulate, or find out you're pregnant on this date, or it can be the number of cycles before youâ??re pregnant. I know that seems like a wide range of things, but numbers are just that-numbers, so it is hard to pinpoint significance, but keep those in mind. I do feel you will have a beautiful baby boy.

With pregnancy, I am being shown a lot of excitement, and so much planning that you're going to want to get on as soon as possible. You are a planner, and a researcher, and I see it being something you pour hours into. You're going to want the best cribs, birthing plan and location, doctor (or in your case, I feel a midwife will be better suited for you) and with this, so much that will be quite overwhelming. Know that you do have 9 months to plan things, and that you have time. Donâ??t feel pressured to get it all done at once. Tackle each step at a time, so that you do not feel stressed. I feel that pregnancy will be something that suites you very well. I am not getting a lot of symptoms or things that will be overly bothersome, on the contrary, I see it being a very open, calming, and exciting time for you, and that you will embrace each stage of pregnancy with so much love and warmth. You are born to be a mother, and you look at pregnancy as a positive and wonderful thing. You choose not to focus on the negative, and it really shows it, because you arenâ??t going to have too many complaints. Towards the end of pregnancy I see it being something you will be completely over, because baby is going to squish everything, but other than that, a wonderful start to a new beginning. The number that I see associated with birth is 4. This can be your due date the date or time you give birth, or the number of hours you labor. Your bubba is on the smaller end, and has a very excitable, bubbly, and happy personality as a baby.

I am not sure about the fertility statement and needing to make a decision about that, especially since she sees this happening very soon. We did use Pre-seed for the first time this cycle...maybe that is what she sees? She described me as wanting to be a mom very well. I have always dreamed of being pregnant. I honestly cannot wait to experience being pregnant and have always thought I would love the process...however, I can never see myself using a midwife. You never know I guess!

Please let me know what you guys think!

11 years ago

What a great reading, who did this for you. Can you recommend her and if so how much?

Sper excited for I have a feeling this is going to happen real soon!

11 years ago

@ants- Her name is Tania. A lot of girls here have used her. She is awesome. Her site is:

For the TTC reading it was $5.00 and you can expedite it for a little more.

I did that and then loved it so much that I did the in depth reading which was $11.00.

Thanks, I am hoping this means my turn is coming.

11 years ago

Where you scared that your credit card would be taken or the accuracy?

11 years ago

No i was never concerned. She has a Facebook with great reviews.

11 years ago

Hi everyone. I will be an observer this month. I'm not going to track with opks or temp this cycle. If I baby dance around ovulation time great.. if not oh well. I am going to just let it all go for now. I have other things to focus on for the time being.. like either strengthen my 5 year relationship or let it go.. I have been struggling with deciding if I need to let go of my relationship or not for some time now.. I'm giving it all to God and praying about it. I hope you all understand. I am not sad. I am actually ok. I trust that it will all work out. I will check in from time to time to see how everyone is doing with your TTC journey. I am rooting for all of you. Seriously don't be bummed for me.. God has awesome plans for me.

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11 years ago • Post starter

Ohh mama :/

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11 years ago

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