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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

1811 - 1820 of 7993 Replies | Last Page

@miricalmomma babe i am sorry you are again going through it again working it out is strengthening it we are here for u i am here for you babe u need piecesgirl on her i am not good with my words like her but dnt be giving up it is good to sit out and be a cheerleader i did it for two months waiting on my surgery member so its okay just dnt leave us luv plz.

@Ants mommy i was concerned to at first but after piecesgirl and everyone did it monkey see monkey due she had pay pal which i know is really secure. i want to do my intense reading i am so jazzed but i am goign to wait.

@LSchrade omg maybe it worked maybe u are pregers this month maybe it is your month or maybe next month but she is right how awsome is that if u get pregers this cycle due date will be around march if u get pregers next month it is april so good luck babe

AFM nothing new fml nothing new just again last night but not feeling any ovulation i hope due to the surgery it doesnt throw me off or i am gonna scream lol i was at 99 for got to get ov pack. again this monring like a smart ass forgot to temp @miricalmomma doesnt look like me and u will be opk and tempting either luv dnt feel bad k we are going in bling sighted which is always good right

11 years ago

Hey everybody, the Angee curse strikes again:

The HSG machine went down yesterday afternoon and I am on standby **crowd boos in protest** if its not fixed by tomorrow then no HsG until next month. Oh well and I wasn't even all upset like I should be. The nurse at the Fert clinic doesn't feel that I should sit out this month she said try and maybe I won't have to see you next month except to take a blood

So what do you ladies think? Should I try or sideline?

@miracle I know what you must be going through, what a hell of a decision to make. Giving up a 5 year relationship is a very tough decision and I can't imagine him letting someone as wonderful as you slip through his fingers. Whatever your decision and TTC or not, I consider you are friend and I want you to have the best relationship and situation to get our baby into this world.

11 years ago

@lsch I think that this is going to be your month! I know that my last cycle counter said that my due date would have been March 27 and I O'd way before you so your due date should be April for this cycle right? And she said it was going to happen soon. Interesting. I love Tania and her readings seem very genuine. Thank you for sharing. So how are you feeling and are you charting using CTP or Fert Friend or both? Post a link up your chart.

@topo it's almost July sweetie and this coils also be your month. Try and relax and practice deep breathing. You can be a fire cracker and stress can be a factor in why we haven't gotten a sticky bean yet. So lets really relax and try to work on just taking it easy and let it happen. I am reading "The Secret" and I am going to be working on visualizing and the power of bringing that positive energy my way. I tend to focus on the negative sometimes and what I am finding is focusing on the negative brings negative energy. All week I was scared that the HSG would be bad news and I even saw myself in the docs office receiving the bad news. I called myself mentally preparing for the worst case and what I actually should have been doing was visualizing a positive result which allows my eggs to fertilize and implant and a healthy pregnancy. My new focus. OUR new focus.

@tiff hey girlie! Checking in with you. Hope up are feeling well and your blood work was awesome! :-D how are the girls?

@jsx praying you get that job sweetie and regulate your schedule. I am visualizing you getting that job right now.

@ants mommy Tania is awesome! You should do it. She was so spot on about so many things in my TTC journey and she picked up on so much that I know she is truly gifted.

@trouble hey babygirl! 9 or 10 DPO **whoop whoop** how are you feeling? When is your business trip?

11 years ago

@miracle-I am so sorry that you have this decision to make. You deserve to be happy and you need to trust that. Do what you feel is right for YOU! I have had past relationships that were hard to let go, but what I realized was the history was harder to let go of than the actual person. Not at all saying this is you, just letting you know I have been there too.

Whatever you decide, make sure it's for you and no one else. I hope we still hear from you. After all, you are the one who started this and brought us ladies together :)

@topo & Pisces- I so hope this is my month, but my due date calculator says March 16th. So maybe next month will be my month. I am a little confused about some things she wrote (midwife and needing natrual fertility aids...although that could be the geritol).

I am not really paying much attention to my temps, but I am keeping track. I was 96.8 again this morning. I am thinking that I wrote the wrong temp down my first day. I know I ovulated so that I all I am worrying about. I really hope this is my month, but her reading makes me think that it will be next month...April, number 8 (August is month 8) so we will just see.

My back is hurting still today and I am DEAD tired. But I am only 4dpo, so it is too early for anything.

11 years ago

@miracle- hang in there I know I justet you girls but you are a great group of women. Try to relax I know this ttc thing can put a burden on things try not to stress over it and focus on your relationship. Im here for u if want to talk.

Girls I will try the reading out since its not much money. I just hope yhat its true im a little skeptical since she cant see you. But ill give it a try.

11 years ago

Thank you ladies! I appreciate you more than you know! I hope you are enjoying this Thursday. We are having a heat wave this weekend in California. Must get to the beach ASAP! Time to shed some! I have gained 10 lbs since January. Yikes! You know that extra 10 lbs where you don't fit into your jeans.. lol. One of my best friends has been ttc with her husband for 5 years now. They both check out normal with unexplained infertility. They have had 3 failed IUI's and next month she will be doing her first IVF. I am rooting for her. I pulled one of my guidance cards for her while on the phone with her and guess what? I pulled BIRTH! Can you believe it. I got the chills.. I think this will be her month. Praying so.. Anyway's ladies hope you are all enjoying the day. Pisces, Topo and some others are approaching ovulation time in a few days.. YAY! Get er done gals.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@Ants- I was the exact same way. I was not into anything like this at all. But because it was so cheap, I thought it would be fun. I figured it couldn't hurt. I was pleasantly surprised with what she came up with. She described me to a t.

good luck!

11 years ago

@Ants mommy ~ thank you for your support.. If you feel drawn to get a reading by Tania then do so. follow your intuition on it.

@Pisces ~ I love that you are reading the secret. I have read the book and watched the film. If you haven't seen it you should go to netflix and check it out. So amazing! My pastor from the church is part of the book/film. He is awesome. Dr Rev Michael Bernard Beckwith.

@Topo ~ Hi hon. Thank you for the love and support. You, pisces and the rest in here keep me going.. so I thank you for that. I don't need perfect words.. just sincere compassion.. and you offer that.. thank you...
So what's next with you? I hope you are gearing up to ovulate soon and attacking your man.. lol This could be your month. Didn't Tania say so? Get it girl..

@Lschrader ~ I LOVED your reading. I have never seen one like that before. How awesome. The fact that she said pregnant now or very very soon.. This is your time hon. Can't wait to see what happens.

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11 years ago • Post starter

@miracle you must have missed my post earlier, my HSG may not happen this month because the machine went down and if they can't get it up by tomorrow at 4, no HSG until after my next menstral cycle. I had a long talk with the nurse at my Fert Doctor and she is not at the same office as my regular OB. She doesn't see a reason why I can't try this month since it was probably a chemical. She thinks I should relax and try. She also pointed out that she was in the OR when I had my TR and was like it was a solid reversal on that tube and should be a success. She said "relax Angela and maybe I won't see you next month" love her. She was my nurse for TR, for IVF, for every test under the sun. I wish I felt the same about the dr's that she works for. I am only returning there to get that HSG. They are the only ones in the area that have the machine in their office. But they are so pushy to run me back to IVF and I really don't want that. Yesss the weight that I have put on this year has been awful. I am 20lbs over what I would like to be. I mean I am tall so it doesn't look awful but my pants are tight and favorite jeans are making me have a muffin top. **she (as in me) doesn't really do muffin tops** 10 more pounds and I put a bikini on and head to Ocean City, MD.

@lsch yes you're right, this cycle is the one for March. Last cycle was for Feb 27th. I really hope this is your month, we need more BFSP's (big fat sticky positives) in this room!

@topo any ewcm or anything?

AFM: I noticed a tad of ewcm and I had some mild O cramping. My fertile period starts tomorrow I will use OPK's and temp, and relax and envision it happening for me & DH.

11 years ago

@ pices- doing good, my next appt is the 2nd so don't got long to go!! My little one has been sick for 3 days:( poor baby! How have u been? I hope a lot better! So no trying this month Hugh? But next month is ur month!
@ mirical- some times not trying so hard is when it happens they say when it's not by the book and its not like robot moves only when everything lines up just right is the best! Just Injoy it!
@jsx- well how's that little girl? Next time u go c if u can get the bpm, I wana compare lol!
@shrader- so it's ur month Hugh? I can't wait! We're r u at this month?

Afm- almost done with this first trimester!! I feel so bloated. Mt nausea is going away a little bit everyday I think ( I hope) lol! Dr appt on the 2nd! Can't wait to finally hear that Doppler at work!

11 years ago

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