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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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I don't think he is going to do anymore testing. We are going with the donor sperm. We decided to just use the money he would have to pay for other. testing and just put it towards the donor iui. Especially since there is no guarantee that other testing will change the situation if it was related to the undescended testicle. I am supposed to call when my next period started to schedule the HSG. So probably within 2 weeks. I am cd 24 or something today (i stopped worrying about it this month) So I guess I will get to do the first IUI the following month since he wants to do medicated cycles of it

Best of luck Mel!

So exciting when you get such dark lines! Bet it doesn't feel real yet!

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10 years ago

Hoping I am glad that you are moving in a positive direction!!! Here's hoping that this will do the trick!

Mel soon right??

Stillfun I am insanely happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!

AFM: are you sure you want to know the run down? It wasn't pretty and I don't want to scare you. I will cut it short otherwise it is a long story.
Went into labor Sunday morning at 3am just mild contractions, had a bit more sleep till 8, had random contractions all day some strong some not some close and some farther apart, but I knew it was time. Derek got home and things progressed further, put Annika to bed and the contractions got really strong and I was leaking a bit of fluid, not a big gush but there was a trickle; called hospital they said to come in and get cked out. Called my mom to come and stay at the house so we could leave Annika sleeping at home for the time being. Got to hospital around 11 pm ish and by then contractions were hard and consistent, got cked and was about 3cm and on my way. Was up all night mostly in the shower with Derek on the stool beside me falling asleep (he had been up since 3 am for work) got cked again a bit later and had moved to around 8cm, by then it was pretty painful and the gas was not taking the edge off so I took phentanol (not sure how to spell it) it kinda took the edge off the peak of the contractions. About 3-4 am was 9.5 cm and they said any time now you can push, blah blah. Then Kaj got stuck at 9.5cm, they tried a block in my spine so I was numb waist down to hopefully allow my cervix to thin out more, no luck then the block slowed the contractions so they put me on oxytocin (to cause them) and it was a living hell, the block wore off and the contractions were now constant with no breaks, there was no more breathing through anything I was literally screaming like I was dying,all the while they are saying don't push even thought my body was screaming for me to push him out. So by that point he had been stuck for hours and I was in so much pain and not really coherent and voila emergency c section it was.
I really thought this time was going to go easier and faster than Annika (she was born naturally) but I was wrong! So no lifting, bending twisting or doing much of anything for 6 weeks ish and in a shit load of pain. But oh well such is life and we have our two little miracles to be thankful for. Speaking of them Kaj is up, ogtta go. Talk to you all later.

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10 years ago

Thanks for sharing how it went Anastasia. Sounds scary and really painful, but that's the way it goes sometimes. So glad it all worked out in the end and both you and Kaj are ok. How's the little man doing? Are you getting any sleep? Hope you have some help.

Hoping, that's great that you are moving forward and your dh is cool with using a donor. It sucks to be stuck and feeling like you're not going to get anywhere with this ttc stuff.

Stillfun, I gotta go check your latest test! Sometimes I go look at the gallery, just to see tests that are actually positive, lol. I can't wait to hear what your beta # is! Hope it's good and strong! Sounds promising so far if it's stronger/earlier than your last.

AFM, I'm CD8 today. Doing an all natural cycle again. Going to space BDing every 2 days and try for two days back to back at ovulation. If this one doesn't work out, I am thinking I will go back to the clinic and do a monitored but unmedicated IUI next cycle (except I might get the trigger shot) - if they let us collect the sample at home. I like the security of getting the ultrasounds and knowing that the swimmers are getting at least into the uterus but I really want to stick with the TCM approach for a bit and don't want to mess it up with the drugs.

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10 years ago

Hi ladies!!

Anastasia; YIKES!! I'm glad it was all worked out. maybe he will be an easy baby since he gave you such a hard time coming out lol!

Northern: I hope it works and you don't have to go back to the fertility clinic but glad you have a backup plan for next cycle. :)

hoping: YEAH for a plan. keep us posted on HSG! what bank are you looking at going with? Have you started looking at donors yet?

Stillfun: Watched your video! Your poor Dh I could tell he wanted to be super excited but was also worried. I think my DH will be the same way but I think this is def. it for you. I'm loving all your HPTs!!! :)

AFM: I'm here in Sacramento! I had my lining check today and everything looked great so we are all set for Tuesdays transfer. I just got here and I'm already bored though being by myself. After my appt. I went to the local mall and half the stores inside were closed down. There's no good places to eat and my rental car company thought it was a good idea to upgrade my car which sounded great except I'm driving a bright red mustang around a place that seems to be full of old cars. so I feel really awkward and feel like someone's going to steal it when I'm not watching it lol! I have a cousin and a friend that live up this way that I'm hoping to meet up with this weekend and then my hubby gets here Monday so hopefully the time will start to pick up soon.

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

10 years ago

LOL Mel, that's funny that you're cruisin' around all bored in a hot red Mustang! Stay safe though. When we drove from Ventura to San Francisco, we couldn't believe how many Mustangs we passed on the highway. Seems to be the thing to drive when travelling in Cali. That is great that your lining is good and you're good to go! So exciting - hopefully we're on a roll with the BFPs!!!

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10 years ago

HaHa Mel!! I read that to DH and he laughed too!
In the video he is very reserved! Worried it would hav turned into nothing again, I had to explain like 100 times that its a good sign to get a pos digi, Glad your lining is good, Good luck Mel, I have everything crossed for you :)
Anastasia I wrote a big long post but somehow it didn't load, so long story shot... Holy crap that sounded scary, congrats and im so glad he is healthy and you are also well!
Northern good luck with your net cycle!
Hoping, I hated my HSG, it really sucked for me, some women don't feel it that bad but I certainly did LOL have fun with it!
Not much changed for me, super tired but that's prob because I wake up at 3am now LOL

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

10 years ago

My sister had hers done by the doc I am using also and she said it burned pretty bad for her. So I will be taking some pain med before I go! I have been searching banks and pricing. Fairfax has a donor I like but vials are like $700 (12.5 mil) and NW Cryobank has one and they are $325 a vial (min 10 mil) I am calling the doc office today and telling them I will be going with the donors and ask which banks they use or if I can use one I pick. I really hope that this works! We don't plan to tell the child (if we have one) so we are keeping it all a secret from family and friends. I wish I knew my DH blood type so we could maybe match it, but he doesn't know it. He is 1/2 German and I was using that to match but most of German ancestry have type A. I am O

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10 years ago

It would be a quick blood test hoping if you really wanted to know, has he done any other fert tests, that may already have it! Ken and I are the same....
I hope you get a good match anyway :)
How's the mustang Mel? Hehe... Not long now! Your already like 1 dpo!
Fx you don't need the fertility clinic northern, you got all the ingredients you just have to pre heat the oven :)
Afm- I can't stop testing... And its driving me mad! I only do one frer a day and it all seems to be progressing fine but I just can't keep my mind off the worst! Today's test is darker than the control so why can't I just relax now and be happy that I'm actually pregnant! Maybe once I start getting more frequent symptoms I will chill out but right now I get the occasional sore boob and a little tired, need to go for a number two more often ( damn retro uterus) and I'm a cranky snake but that's it, I feel very unpregnant! I know its still super early! Still only 13 dpo by rights, 4 weeks tomorrow! I did post my hpts too LOL

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

10 years ago

With both of my kids every time i went to pee I always checked the toilet paper expecting to see the whole time and I tested for a long time randomly too......

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10 years ago

stillfun, just keep looking at those positive tests! Not feeling pregnant could be a good thing, so try not to worry. Besides, worrying is not going to help. From stuff I've been reading, all those crazy pregnancy symptoms are signs of hormonal imbalance, which doesn't necessarily have to happen when you are pregnant. The TCM view is that our bodies are made to carry babies and adapt to the changing hormone levels blah blah, so basically they say that if you are healthy and your body is functioning optimally, you may not feel terrible pregnancy (or PMS) symptoms. Hang in there til you get the beta - at least then you'll have some solid numbers to make you feel better.

Good luck Mel!!!! One good thing about IVF is that your tww is shorter! Crazy that in less than two weeks, you could be finding out you're pregnant. Can't wait!

AFM, I'm feeling good about this cycle today (who knows about tomorrow, lol). I feel like my body is in good shape finally and I've got a handle on everything I'm doing - diet, teas, drinking water, yoga, moxabustion, acupuncture, and hopefully the timing for catching the egg will fall into place too. And we're going away this weekend - yay! Going to look at a boat! Unlikely that we'll end up buying it, but I've been wanting to look at this one for a while. Taking the doggie with us - first road trip with him so this should be interesting.

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10 years ago

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