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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey introuble can you post your BFP chart we love to see and compare! Did you have implant dip? Your test is pretty dark pretty awesome! Congrats again!!

My insomnia has been bad lately I get up to P at least 3 times a night and once 4am hits I'm wide awake! Ugh the joys of pregnancy I had this with all pregnancies! Just wish could sleep I have a practical interview at my (new) job in Philadelphia lol I know I got it in the bag! I hate practical interviews they make me come in as guest speaker and teach a simple haircut and that's it! Like I don't know how to teach or cut and I've been in the field 11 yrs lol!

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11 years ago

Hi everyone, did another test, even dh can't deny this one! Blood work tomorrow.

Chart is here:
My Ovulation Chart

Hope that works as had to manually copy it I over!

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11 years ago

@Mari2013 lol well i guess the word is out i hate symptom spotting and those who did lol as @ piecesgirl and @ miricalmomma will justify there are simple observing lol. NO NO NO abslutley no symptom watching mari2013...

@piecesigrl i say it again one more time for
@ miricalmomma because i am about to send it out if she dont respond by today its offical i am putting out the amber alert. @piecesgirl did u o is tonight the big night date night or was it last night. did u opk was it postive i beleive by ov date was the 1st thats when i was cramping then again yesterday was a lil cramping so idk but my monitor says it wil be tomorrow or today and the first was cycle day 14 so maybe i am clueless again lol.

AFM nothing new forgot to temp forgot to get opk just in it blind i guess.

11 years ago

Hi Ladies... Sorry I was MIA since Sunday night. I was in a no wifi zone.. couldn't log in to my devices. Good news is I was shacked up with my man for 3 days doing lots of baby dancing morning, noon and night! I noticed ewcm last night and also this morning. Of course I bedded. Since I'm not doing opk's or temping this month I will be flying blind like topo. I guess just have sex until my cm dries up if I can. I usually have cm for 5 days.. So we shall see.

Welcome to the newbie woman :)

@Introuble ~ OMG OMG OMG! Congratulations!!!!! YAHOOOOOOO! I'm so happy for you! I can't remember but didn't you get a TTC reading done too? Too many people to keep track of in here.. lol!

@Lschrader ~ I'm getting so excited for you too hon. Definitely sounds like implant spotting to me. Do you normally have that around 6 dpo? If not then it is seeming really promising for you. How fun that will be to find out your pregnant on vacation in Kauai... I am praying for a BFP for you.. Have a awesome vacation.

@jxst ~ Sorry about your spotting scare.. I'm sure that must have been terrifying for you.. so glad you are ok. I know you have your guardian angels looking after you and your lil baby.. Give your cares to GOD..

I agree with pisces with thanking you pregnant ladies that stay in here to to cheer us on and share your day in and day out lives with us.. It's very encouraging for us. Thank you so much.

@Topo ~ Hi hon.. I'm here. Sorry I disappeared but it was for a good cause.. I had to get lots of sex in the past few days. I still have 4 more fertile days ahead of me.. Your post made me laugh about you trying to get sex with your DH.. You'd think our men would be happy to get laid non stop around this time of month.. we have a small window and they don't seem to recognize the importance of it.. Slip him some viagra and tie him to the bed just kidding.. We are flying blind hon.. so who knows.. This is ovulation time for you, pisces and I.

@Pisces ~ Hey there.. :) Thank you for the amber alerts from you and Topo. Feels good to know I'm thought of and missed. I thought about you and the girls but couldn't get to a connected wifi device. Here I am though. How are you? Did you ovulate yet? How you feeling? So excited about the new bfp with introuble and I think we will see another one with Lschrader here this next week. Our turn is coming my friend. Not a moment sooner than when our babies are meant to be here..

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11 years ago • Post starter

@miricalmomma miricalmomma miricalmomma i missed you dnt leave like that again well yes plz do as long as you are its all good. yes i know idk what the hell is wrong with these wierdo men idiots i swear they wanna when we are not in our window idk what the hell yesterday dh had a fit because i got him again he said i tricked him everynight is bd night lol i am gonna do it tomoorw and tonight last night i was so tired i told him hit it from the back i dnt want to see your face just give me ur babies idiot lol swear not even lieing lol

AFM idk whats going on maybe i didnt ov two days ago gotta fix my tww becuase i am in alot of pain today i think i am in @piecesgirl time frame still i though i ov two days ago but i might be wrong i am feeling o pain agin idk maybe i am just bloated lmao and its nothing maybe i am constopated lol lets go ladies we got one we gots to get some more lets go two more nights for some of us

11 years ago

Hi girls sorry I have been lost but my son is playing in the jr. World series in Georgia.

@introuble - congrats thats soo awesome im really happy for you

To all the other girls how are you all doing?

Im on day 2 of clomid

11 years ago

@topi- yes, I know you hate symptom spotting,which is why I am simply making observations. You help me keep track of monthly events. You know how it is ;)

11 years ago

@Topo ~ LMAO! You are crackin lackin my ass up.. lol! Knowing you, I know you're not kidding and that's why I'm laughing so hard...

@Ants Mommy ~ 2 days down of taking clomid for you? That's great! I bet you are one proud mama having your son playing..

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hey everybody can't stay long it's date and a girl has to get all gussied up m stuff. We are going to Kevin Harts premier of his new movie (Kevin will be in the house and we have a table amongst the celebs and what not). So I have a very small bebe little black dress that dips lowwww and shows off the girls (bbs) and very expensive pair of shoes but not just any shoes CFM's to the max. 5.5 inches of Charlotte Olympia and yes I am already 5 ft 10 so that's about 6'3 tonight.

@trouble that's right girl keep testing. Glad it's sinking in, cool huh?! I am so happy for you.

@lsch hope you get a BFP on vaca

@mari you poas today? Early preg sent me an email, I guess they were wondering why the hell I didn't re-stock this

@topo I almost chocked on some food laughing at the back that a$$ up story. I would feel a tad sorry for DH but he's getting laid so nope I don't feel sorry at all. I haven't been following my temps and stuff as closely as I should.

@miracle there you are!!! @topo and I were about to organize a search party but since you were getting laid, we forgive you. Lol. I haven't been doing OPK's or temping much either, so I am flying blind as well. It's a little scary and kind of cool at the same time. We are really Chill'n !!! I super proud of you @topo and me. We needed this mini vaca from stressing.

AFM: about to go on my date ladies so I have to run. Did NOT get any BD loving last night. I think I am O'ing right now, I went to go pee and I got a lotion white glob of cm and the rest of today ewcm. So I am going to attack as soon as we check in the hotel :-D

11 years ago

@pisces- of course I tested! Now I have the dh out restocking my supply :) I hope you have a blast, and I hope you get knocked UP!

@topo- I need some advice on how to bd in that position and then not freak out about getting on your back without losing too much of that stuff we treat like gold....aka sperm!

11 years ago

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