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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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@tryingafterloss... I see it but only when I play with the filters. Keep testing and posting!

AFM... I’ve been on this website for months now. My last update was that I needed surgery for retained tissue (3 months after the D&C). The surgery was scheduled for April, but I found a doctor who will do the surgery on Friday!!! Instead of losing 3 more cycles, now I’m just losing one! I can try now for a December baby!! Expected ovulation March 31, so excited to be back in the game next month.

Good luck to the rest of you!

BFP 10/17, MMC - 11/17, IUI#1 - 4/18 BFN, IUI#2 - 5/18 BFN, IVF#1 - 6/18

6 years ago

Okay, I know I’m nuts but I started taking wondfo pregnancy tests cuz I’ve had quite a few symptoms today and i took one after work and it came up positive after about 8 minutes!! Super light, but I see it! I’m only 5dpo today so I guess I must’ve ovulated earlier than I thought

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6 years ago • Edited

Here’s my ovulation test strips, de Sent it look like I ovulated on last Friday the 16th?

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6 years ago

Good morning, ladies. Im not in very good spirits this morning. I went to dr and received my labs. He said my FSH levels were 13. I saw on the scale it was in the mid cycle range and not in follicular range. I had test cd4. He said if your FSH is over 10 your in beginning stages of ovarian failure. So my eggs are about gone and the quality isnt very good. He said many women get pregnant with the levels higher but it is harder and with myvage trisomy 13 could be higher.
Im gonna start taking a few things to help egg quality. I take co q10, eat fish a lot for omegas, take vit e and b complex and eat flax, and gonna start vitex, ginger, and maca. I eat healthy and juice so i can incorporate natural ginger and add the other in smoothies or green juices.
Im very sullen atm and feel as if this wont happen. Im trying my hardest to stay positive. Currently 4 dpo. Im not symptom spotting this month. Im trying not to even think about it. Im just gonna keep bding around my hopeful O day and leave it at that.

6 years ago

@Kelliria - the second line came up a little after 5 min so could be evap. I took a test this am, but it was negative, but last 2 time I was pregnant the wondfo's didn't show up positive right away either - I have noticed my pee is darker later in the day - so that would probably be the best pee to use to test, right?

I'm sorry you didn't get the best news from the dr, but he did say it's not impossible! Hold onto hope and try to stay positive!! If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? I'm 37 and I have PCOS and my FSH to LH levels used to be 9:3, but at that time I was very overweight. I started exercising and eating better and lost 50+ lbs and my levels went to 1:1 and now still in check :) Do you have PCOS as well or anything else that could be throwing that FSH number off from what it really could be?

6 years ago

@kelleria - Keep in mind that FSH numbers are not fixed and they flux all the time. Mine were 11, and my RE told me not to really worry until the numbers get far closer to 20. I take Maca, Vitamin D and Vitamin E and extra folic acid to improve egg quality, and I'm still ovulating at 42. I did CoQ10 for a while, but ran out and haven't bought more. Royal Jelly is supposed to be good too. Those FSH numbers might be high for that day, and next month they might swing down to 9, you don't know. Definitely get your progesterone levels taken at day 21.

6 years ago

Hey guys I need help is this a positive ovulation test? Only on cd 10

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6 years ago

@Maegen looks positive to me. The left line is the test line, right? That looks a bit darker than the control line :)

6 years ago

@Maegen. At first glance I thought that was a pregnancy test lol. I agree with BB2018, it looks positive to me. Better get BDing. Good luck.

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6 years ago

I feel so impatient to test I took one last night at 6dpo and a bfn like I thought I would my AF isn't due until March 2nd so I will test again Sunday when I am 10dpo and then again March 2nd. I am hoping and praying that this month is our month we have been ttc our first for 3 years now and have had 3 mcs. This one was my first month trying geritol tonic on cd 10 so will see how that helps us this month. Please pray for me.

6 years ago

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