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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@BB2018. I saw the test and I thought I saw something. I would test again in the morning.

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6 years ago

Good morning ladies. How is everyone feeling today? Been feeling pretty worn out and tired the last couple days. Yesterday wasn't a very good day either. Hubby wasn' t being to nice to me so we didn't talk much throughout the day and then to top it off my daughter decided to kick me in the face missing the centre of my eye while I was changing her diaper. Hoping today will be a better day. Have a doctor's appointment with the gyne and will give her all my concerns in the hopes of a solution. Anyone close to testing soon?

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6 years ago

Morning! I’m on a work trip this week so I will not be on much during the daytime but will still be here! I think I sorted out when I O’d so i’m pretty sure today i’m 3 DPO. I probably won’t test until 12DPO unless I have some obvious symptoms. We BD on O day and the day after so I feel better now that I know we BD on O day. Hopefully that is enough! I’ve been thinking that we might not have swimmers that live long and we haven’t managed to BD on O day for a few cycles now so maybe this will give us that BFP we are hoping for!

@Dragonfly - I hope you have a better day today hun.

6 years ago • Post starter

@FlamingoGirl13. Thank you. I am still feeling pretty down and out and my eye is still sore. Guess it doesn't help when a person bottles things up as it does more harm then good. Also, not feeling the greatest either and very tired. I hope you were able to catch the egg and get your BFP this cycle. Off to my doctor's appointment.

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6 years ago

Awww dragonfly - so sorry about the kick to the face... hope you didn't get hurt! Idk why hubby wasn't nice, but maybe plan something for the two of you to do? I know when I was pregnant last time, I concentrated SO MUCH on my pregnancy that I kinda left out the relationship/us stuff and everything became about me and the baby and how I was feeling tired, bloated, etc. and that's obv not attractive or fun for a man to listen to haha. If you ask me, men are needy, way more needy than women LOL and they also like to know that they are needed/wanted... just my two cents. I feel like when you do good for others, it comes back to you in positive ways too.

AFM - I'm 10dpo today. Took another FRER - I see a slight 2nd line, but I don't see pink in it - evap? idk... the waiting game is NOT fun! I felt cramps for sure on Saturday night for about 1-2 hours and then felt them late last night for about 20-30 min and I'm feeling them now a little... I don't think they're AF cramps, I've always been exactly 26 day cycle, BUT I'm truly not sure when AF started last time - I bled some on 2/1, then nothing on 2/2 or 2/3, then full blown started bleeding on 2/4, so I'm counting 2/4 as my first CD... what do you all think I should count CD1 as? Anywho - I'm hoping these faint second lines I see start to show up pink tomorrow! I'm trying to stay positive and I know I"m not out yet :)

Who else will be testing today/tomorrow/wednesday??? Hope to see lots of BFP's up in here!!!

6 years ago

@BB2018. Thank you for your kind words. It really does mean a lot to me.

Just got back from the doctor's office and she pretty much gave me shit (sorry) for taking progesterone cream without any rhyme or reason and pretty much told me to stop taking it but left that up to me. She had no clue what I was talking about and made the visit very nerve wracking. I am so emotional with everything that I just want to go home. Can't seem to focus on the job at hand and I need to relax for the baby's sake and for me I guess.

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6 years ago

Awww @dragonfly23 - I'm so sorry she didn't make you feel comforted. What do you feel is right to do with progesterone? I say get 2nd opinion or follow your gut instinct. I swear we know more about our bodies than the drs do sometimes!

OMG OMG OMG - my boobs started to hurt this am at work and I'm crazy LOL, so I went to CVS to get more FRER tests and came back BFP!!! It's DEF there, no line eyes! I'm in SHOCK! I'm shaking I'm so nervous and excited! I haven't even told my bf yet... omg!

Do you see it?!

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6 years ago • Edited

@BB2018. I honestly feel I should keep taking it. I just bought two more tubes as I was running low. I told the woman that if I stop taking it, the sudden drop in progesterone can make me miscarry and I don't want that. Even my family doctor asked me why I was taking it and I explained to them all my symptoms that I got before AF and its like it doesn't faze them. I should be happy about being pregnant, I waited 8 months for this little bean, but why am I not happy. She even suggested I start taking depression pills and gave me crap because I stopped taking them. There's just no pleasing anyone. I sort of see the line on the test and I really like the FR 6-days sooner test as that is what I used for all my tests. Will you be testing every day or every other day. I did every day as I missed the tail end of the BFP my previous cycle and I guess the baby didn't stick.

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23 - I say go with your gut! If there is no possible way it'll harm you or baby, then why not do it! Peace of mind is everything after you've suffered a loss. I'm praying for you! I'm a POAS addict, so I'll be taking a test every day. I think the last FRER I got off Amazon were no good - seems to keep happening to me. But this store bought package from CVS - this second line came up within 2 minutes so I just knew and my BBs are BEYOND sore today, but I'm not gonna complain, I'd rather have symptoms than not have them... can't wait to take more tests... I pray the line keeps getting darker! When do you think I should go to dr for HCG blood draw? I can't go today, but I could go tomorrow

6 years ago

@BB2018. The lady said she didn't know if it would harm the baby or not but I know a lot of woman that take it and everything was fine. When is your expected AF?

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6 years ago

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