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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Thankyou ladies, I told hubby last night but it was literally just over text because contact is difficult with him away obviously!

I sent him a pic of our dog with the test ????????
He's not the most reactive person, he was happy about it, but like me he's cautiously optimistic

Literally so panicked that something is going to go wrong. I took another internet cheapie this morning and it's still darker thankfully...

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5 years ago

@Alex I understand the fear of disappointment for sure! I think what I mean by don’t lose hope is more about finding a way to not focus on the fear which I know is hard. We have all heard many stories of women getting pregnant when they least expect it or when they’ve given up or when they are sure it is going to happen. It seems like when the fear/stress is stronger, chances are much lower. But if you can replace the fear with something else, that’s when it happens. For me what helped was exploring the worse case scenario (the what if it never happens -it took a while to conceive our first too so I had to go there). Once I had a « plan » for the what if it never happens (in my case it was adoption or fostering before I knew we could have children and now it would be to just enjoy the 2 I already have and be the best mom I can be for them as well as start a new carrier).
@ Shay glad to hear your husband is feeling better. The spotting definitely confuses things a bit! ????for you this month
@Mira I totally get it. My 2 best friends Got pregnant a few months after we started trying and now they both had their baby! One of them wasn’t even really trying. I’m thrilled for them but a little jealous too.
I just heard back from the doctor and the tests showed triploidy (there was a 3rd set of chromosomes) so it wasn’t a viable pregnancy genetically. Apparently there is no risk factor for it and it is not more likely to repeat if it happens once. I guess i’ll never know what happened with my first miscarriage though and the doctor says it was just bad luck to have the 2 in a row (I don’t believe in bad luck!). Anyway, the worse part is that triploidy is associated with partial molar pregnancies so my doctor says I shouldn’t try again for 6 months! I’m still trying to make sense of it all...

5 years ago

I think my ovaries heard me thinking bad thoughts about them... "I never get dark opks blah blah blah". They decided to make a liar out of me. I definitely didn't O yesterday if I got this this morning. It's the darkest opk I have ever had and in person the test line is actually a tiny bit darker than the control. Jeez! Only took til CD26 lol. I'm a little worried about egg quality this late, but we shall see what happens.

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5 years ago

@agatch thank you! I'm hoping so, but late O doesn't seem to bode well for getting pregnant. I'm glad they were able to get you some answers for your loss, but that's really disappointing to hear you should wait 6 months. Did he say why a molar pregnancy would mean you should wait? I feel like it shouldn't be treated differently than a MMC where the placenta and everything continues growing, but I'm definitely not a doctor. I'm so sorry, this has to be stressful.

5 years ago

@emma thank you! That gives me hope. I hope you and number 9 are doing fine!

5 years ago

Alex I totally get how you feel!! My hubby was having a rough time a week or so ago too. He had nightmares that we wouldn’t be able to have children and all of that. It kills me a little inside because right now I know it is because of my body that things aren’t happening. I love that we are on the same page, but I feel like I am letting him down.

Emma thanks for the encouragement!! I have been O’ing late from as much as I can tell and it has always worried me.

Agatch I don’t really understand it all either. I would make sure to ask why you have to wait so long. It seems weird to me.

AFM: I am really struggling this cycle. I am not sure I have actually O’ed or not. I know the apps say I have but it just doesn’t feel like my body usually does after O. I just don’t know what to think. My temps are up compared to most of my chart but still not as high as I feel they should be. We are still going to keep bding until I do have a good temp rise or AF shows up. I really hope this is one of my months that I actually O though. It seems like I O one cycle and then go three long cycles before O’ing again. We will see though. If things don’t even out this month I will be calling my doctor.

5 years ago

Alright ladies let’s just add to the weird for me!! I have more ewcm though not much and some light pink/brown spotting!!! What is going on?!? Supposedly I am 5dpo but who really knows. Maybe this is a true O or implantation. I am so over this cycle!! I probably wouldn’t have caught the spotting if I didn’t check my cm. Blah so done!!!

5 years ago

Hi Ladies,
The TWW is going so slowly, I have a few pages to go back and catch up on.

12dpo and POAS this morning. I keep thinking I see a shadow but then it disappears. I don't think it's even worth putting in the gallery What do you all think? Major line eye?

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5 years ago • Edited

Feel like I'm deluding myself probably

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5 years ago

@mistique I see it!! xx

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5 years ago

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