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BYOB: Bring on the BFPs!!

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Hi all!

I have been on this site for what feels like forever (2yrs+) The BYOB threads have always been a great place for ladies to come for ttc support, answers, suggestions & even venting our frustrations! We used to have a hard time keeping up with all the chatter & made some great friens on here! I would love for it to be that again!

Former BYOB ladies & all newcomers welcome to join us! Cant wait to chat with you all!!

I aill start things off with an intro...

My name is Joy
I am 29 (30 in May) & dh is 30
I'm Canadian
Was married in 2009
I started ttc in April 2010
Got my 1st bfp in August 2010 & m/c'd naturally at 8 weeks
Got my 2nd bfp in late June 2011 & had a missed m/c at 11 weeks (baby died at 8)
Many complications followed - including a nearly 3 week hospital stay
Got my 3rd bfp on March 21st 2012 - finally success!Delivered my beautiful baby boy on Dec 4th
I am currently breastfeeding, & waiting for my cycle to return
I would like my kids to be about 2yrs apart & if thing take as long as last time we will need to get back to ttc soon! lol

Cant wait to chat with you all!
xx Joy

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301 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Elle - Happy bding!! Good luck, I am keeping my FX for you! Hopefully you wont need to go to a "next step" after your clomid cycles are done, but its good to have a plan just incase, so hopefully your apt will go well and be reassuring.

Allioak - I plan on bfing until ds is about a year if I can (only way I would stop earlier than that is if i got pg and milk supply got messed up) My current thinking is that I will stop at a year, but will probably go by whatever his doc thinks is best for him.

AFM - Did I ever tell you guys ds got 2 teeth already? He got them at about 4 and a half months I think (he will be 5mos on sat) and he already has another one about to break the surface!!! Yikes!!

On the ttc front, I am attempting to chart my bbt this cycle... did it yesterday, but then today ds woke early (at 6) and then fell back to sleep and woke at 9... usually take my temp at 7am so should have just taken it at 6, but oh well. So not off to a great start so far!! lol! Oh well!

Af is still here and kicking my ass... heavy-ish bleeding today, but not as bad as yesterday, looking like this may be a shorter af than last cycle. Have had horrible cramps the whole time (plus a week b4) this time around too... last time just had cramps 1 day about a week before af showed. Whatever, at least it should be over soon!

Hope everyone is doing good!
xx Joy

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11 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies......

I have been crazy busy at work and with my boys in Rep Baseball and Lacrosse running every night with practices. and found a couple of weeks ago my daughter had, what they thought was a may be a cyst of some sort....Sick Kids Hospital we go.

hi Expectingtoexpect....I am on cycle day 8 and today I have been having alot of lower back pain, mild cramping and sore boobs. very unusual not really sure why. I am going to be testing for ovulation starting sunday as I am supposed to ovulate somewhere around the 7th or the 8th. But wondering if I may have ovulated early. anyways we will see.....

Thanks for the welcome to all ...... I have been reading your posts and I am looking forward to sharing my story will hearing about all of your.

Baby dust and sticky vibes too all


11 years ago

Hi guys!

Welcome and welcome back to the new people and return TTCers. I am also here for #2 after having been a member of this board 2 years ago while TTC our first DS.

Aisha- that was some great info about BFing and fertility. I wish I knew exactly where I was, but it's hard to say because I had weird cycles and LPD before.

Joy- I know how you feel about charting being difficult with a little one waking you up at all hours. I have the same issue. I had to just give up on my chart and go with my fertility monitor.

AFM- sitting and waiting. I'm CD18 and my fertilty monitor still reads low. I'm not to optimistic that this cycle will have a competent LP. I won't keep driving myself nuts over it after this month. I'll give it a few months break before carefully observing it again. NTNP in the mean time. I also need to remember to be grateful for my sweet son that I have and that I am continuing to nurse. He is awesome and if he is telling me he needs a little more time with just us then that is what my body will do. I had all these plans for things but they rarely work out the way that I planned them. I guess God/Nature knows better than I do.

11 years ago

Hey ladies,

I'm having in-law troubles lol. Will be busy all weekend so I WO t get to respond til later but I will when I can!

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11 years ago

So it's CD20 and I am still getting "low" on my fertility monitor. :(

I think I'm going to have to give it more time. It's not worth it to track everything and try when my body doesnt want to cooperate. I'm pretty disappointed. I have always wanted kids close in age.

I have an OB/GYN appointment coming up. I'll ask about what my options are for encouraging my body to be fertile. But I'm not going to wean. I'm firm on that decision and so is my DS.

So yeah... Gloomy sad day.

11 years ago

Allison- I'm sorry you had those problems with the milk and BFing! My mom actually had similar problems with me. I wouldn't gain weight because I would vomit so much so the doc put me on formula until she could get dairy out of her system but then she got mastitis and lost her supply so I was only breastfed for less than two months. Have you tried goat's milk and cheeses from goat or sheep milk? It may be something to consider before baby number two. The protein in cow milk that causes most problems is casein. Casein is also in human breast milk but in a different form. The form of casein in goat milk and sheep milk is actually much more similar to the casein in human milk and so doesn't usually cause the problems that cow milk can cause. I actually give goat milk to ds in a sippie cup because he digests it a lot easier than cow milk (he seems to throw up whenever he has a lot of cow milk... I don't think it's a true allergy but more of digestive difficulty). Anyway, I'm trying to slowly wean ds now by getting him used to drinking goat milk from the sippie cup but I'm still letting him nurse whenever he wants. I think I will wean him when he is 2 if he doesn't wean himself before that but we will see. I'm hoping for a very natural weaning process.

Carolyn (cjpalaska), Yasmine (yasminesa), and Kat (popstarh8ter) are all pregnant again. There may be more that perhaps Joy knows of.

Dog was also my ds's first word! It's so fun now that he is learning to talk and walking! That's funny that your dd rearranges furniture- my ds rearranges my cabinets!

Elle- your bd plan sounds good to me! How many days do you usually have ovary pains before you O? I don't remember if I had those when I took clomid last time or not. I remember being happy the first time I took clomid too! Hopefully 9 will be your lucky number.

Joy- I'm glad finally showed but sorry she is being so evil! Having two weeks of cramps is so unfair! I also can't believe Logan has MORE teeth coming in! Soon her will have more teeth than Zain!

mommatobeeof3- can I call you m2b3 for short? Anyway, I'm sorry your dd might have a hernia! I hope they get it fixed and she recovers soon! You should be in your fertile time soon, right? Happy !

Victoria- I'm sorry your fertility monitor is still low so far in your cycle. I've been there. But I know how you feel about breastfeeding and being grateful for your son. I try to tell myself the same thing and remind myself that I only get to enjoy one on one time like this with my baby once and that my relationship with ds and the future baby will be different after number 2 comes along. So if it takes a long time to get pg, just think of it as more of that special time.

AFM- I am officially a crazy ttc woman again... especially since I'm only supposed to be ntnp right now and not really ttc! I say that I'm officially crazy because I bought ten hpts at one time on Friday (they were only 88 cents a pop so why not?) AND I bought a kit of 20 opks! So I started doing OPKS on friday (that would have been cd8). I'm not doing them though with the intention of figuring out my O so I can make sure I bd, but just to find out if I'm ovulating at all. If I find out that I am ovulating regularly, I may chill out and wait a bit longer before I start actively ttc again. We just bought some land a few months ago and are currently working with an architect to design our home and will hopefully break ground in the fall and be moved into our home by this time next year, so if everything is normal I may wait til then before I ttc hardcore. I always wanted a 3-4 year age gap anyway, but since my cycles are so weird I thought I would ntnp for a while because I'm so afraid I won't become pregnant again because of my cycle irregularity.

The good news is that dh's "fertility" problems seem to be getting a bit better. I don't like to go on too much about his personal business so I will just leave it at that...

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11 years ago

Hi Pookerdooks

Thank you so much....and yes you can call me m2b3. We will hopefully find out about my DD soon just waiting to hear from the doctor.
And YES!!!!!! ITS MY FERTILE TIME BIG O TOMORROW. I feel like I am right on track....been tracking my vaginal discharge and today it is heavy, sticky and creamy. Having some little twings on my right side and bloating like crazy.
My DH is so excited to get our BFP .... so am I actually. This will be our second pregnancy together....lost the first in March. We have three kids but not with each other, previous marriages.
This is our new beginning and we can't wait.....scary thou. Our oldest is 12 almost 13, middle is 9 and youngest is 7. All very independant so starting over is scary but so exciting.
I am trying to keep up with everyone's stories so I will start posting once I get caught up on everyone.
Thank you guys so much for welcoming me into your group.....xo


11 years ago

Hi ladies!

m2b3 - Really hope your DD is doing alright! Happy BDing!!

Aisha - Well oddly I cant feel Logans top tooth coming in anymore.... weird. Hope all is going well & your relaxing after a stressful weekend! So jealous about the cheap hpts!! lol they are $1.25 a piece here. :( Need to get down to the US sometime soon!! LoL

organizedchaos - Sorry to hear your still getting a low reading :( very frustrating!

AFM - Gonna be a busy weekend... my bday bbq with friends on Sat then family dinner Sun. My actual bday isnt till Wed of next week :) Turning 30... eek! lol

AF is almost gone, just some light bronish d/c :) glad its over! lol

xx joy

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11 years ago • Post starter


I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for starting this is so nice to come on here everyday and check in and know that you are not alone.

Big "O" was said for today but I'm beginning to think it was yesterday. Had my ovary pains and bloating yesterday and CM and a lot of it....TMI sorry. Today I am having dull cramps/pressure in my lower abdomen off and on which I'm not familiar with as I've been on the pill for 7 yrs and can't remember this. Should I go by yesterday?? Was going to test with OVK starting Sunday but didn' now I'm unsure.
Any advise as to the dull cramping/pressure?? What it could be???

*******Baby Dust to all - Sticky Vibes*******


11 years ago

M2b3- I'm not sure about your symptoms. My doc put me on the pill only 2 years after I started having periods because I was so irregular. When I went off to TTC last time I had to go on clomid and the only symptom I had at O time then was sore breasts. Then when I took a break from clomid and didn't think I would O on my own I didn't monitor my symptoms because I wasn't expecting to O so late in my cycle (it was CD34) but I remember having a high sex drive. So I guess everyone's O symptoms are different?

Glad you are enjoying the thread! Many of is have been chatting for a few years on here since TTC our firsts. Before you know it you will be on a first name basis with us all!

Joy- I'm glad AF is about gone! Sounds like you have a fun weekend ahead! And it will be your first Mother's Day!

AFM- CD12 and opks are still negative. Cervix still feels low but my sex drive is high. Dh is out of town til tomorrow but tomorrow he has a late meeting so chances are we won't be until Thursday. If I O it should be around Saturday. Hopefully I will get a positive opk soon. I would be thrilled it ovulate regularly!

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11 years ago

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