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Future Mommies-2-Be--TTC#1

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I started this board for ladies who are TTC #1. Not that ladies who are trying for #2-7 aren't important, it's just a totally different ball ground and I wanted a place we Future Mommies could come to and share are feelings since "we" aren't Mommies yet. We, Future Mommies-2-Be, do not know what its like to be pregnant/carry full term, or to have a baby in our arms. Therefore our journey is completely different by that one aspect and its a big difference.

Age/ DH's:
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297 Replies • 13 years ago



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B, Hello and welcome! Glad you found us. We do understand and that why we have each other. I'm sorry about your previous M/C and I hope that you get a sticky bean soon.

Jess, no positive OPK sorry about that but like you said just keep on BDing. Thanks, Jess. Sorry about your cruddy eggs and I hope that you get a sticky bean soon and it will be your miracle.

Katie, Oh, no. ecoli infection not good. You know what they say about anti biotics. I also was reading that sometimes when your feeling sick your body will be to busy fighting off the sickness instead of the fertilizing egg and it gives the bean a chance to survive. Cause we all know its foreign to our bodies.

I would love the warmth of Australia. One day I hope to visit there and Canada. I love traveling.

Elle, thanks. I'm sorry you was out of test but it could be a blessing in disguise and gives your body more time to get some HCG going and that way its not another BFN.

Connie, Sorry about AF coming.Oh, I have told him everything but he forgets as he claims. I will never understand them either.Sorry AF is kicking your butt.

Aby, YAY, for a +OPK!!!! I hope you caught that eggie and I have heard that morning is good too for BDing.

Well, Since Af is here and its colder outside, I am enjoying coffee. I have cut out coffee and caffeine since July hoping that it would help increase my chances of getting pregnant and well since Af is here I decided to relax with some hot coffee. YUM. I'll put the cup away again after AF leaves and enjoy some hot cocoa.

Hoping to get some BFPs on this forum soon!!!

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12 years ago • Post starter

Bug, I think you deserve a good cup of joe lol. I love the cold weather and I'm glad that it's back! I hope you enjoy this cold weather and stay positive and think positive I know I will still continue praying for you.

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12 years ago

Aby, thanks!

I am a little right now. I found a forum that well basically said that this forum was just to general and had lots of followers. Which I love to know other mommies to be want to join us. But the claim is its to generalize, to many followers, and that those who have been trying longer than a year are way different than those who haven't been trying a year. I get the 3rd reason toa point but this forum is not to general.

I believe this forum is where you can say anything you want general or very personal. My feelings are hurt. No, I haven't been trying a year but I sure in the heck am getting close to that one year mark and let me say this I don't think its any different, once you hit the 6 month mark all emotions and feelings change about TTC. Everybody expects to be PG right away and when month after month goes by without a BFP your emotions and feelings change.

When you start to creep up on the 1 year mark you begin to think something is wrong with you and its harder to know a doctor will not see you till you hit that one year mark to even find out what is wrong with you and your reason for not being able to get pregnant within that one year mark.

I must say its harder between 6 months and 1 years because you have fears that something isn't right and you have to wait it out before having a doctor help you, especially, for us NORMAL regular AF type of girls.

The more support you have the better the journey is. So, I hold my hand out to all the other mommies2be no matter how long you have been trying. It doesn't matter what matters is that you have support and a shoulder to lean on when times are tough and when its time to celebrate we will be there.

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12 years ago • Post starter

Good morning to those whoâ??s morning it is!

Welcome to lilgreenchicken and nolajb! Glad to have you ladies on board!

This thread just seems to keep on growing! Its awesome. Its all thanks to Bug!

Lilgreen â?? I know its easier said than done but you shouldnâ??t worry. Its said that each cycle we only have a 20% chance of conception. I know you say you know your body very well which is great news! I just have a few questions for you. Have you ever been on birth control? If so, what kind? Are you charting your BBT or using OPKâ??s to confirm ovulation? These are all things that can help up. If you have a short LP, that could be one reason why you havenâ??t conceived yet. Perhaps (donâ??t mean to be rude) there is something wrong with DHâ??s little swimmers. Many things unfortunately affect TTCing! Stress, illness, hormones and LP just to name a few. Until you have reached the 1 year mark I wouldnâ??t start to worry just yetâ?¦ Good luck and Im sending tons of Baby Dust your way!!!!

Nol â?? Wow, New Orleans! I have always wanted to visit because of Marty Graw(sp?) I hope you were not one of the family affected by the hurricane. If so, I really feel for the families that struggled to survive. It was a terrible thing that happened. The people here in good olâ?? Canada tried our best to help everyone down there! Im sorry for the M/C, Im sure that has also been a difficult road. At least your doctor is there to help you along the way and its good that he/she feels the need to do some tests and find out whats going on! Good luck at the docs and keep us all updated!

Bug â?? I know exactly how you feel. It is very hard to stay positive. Thatâ??s why Iâ??m glad I have you ladies to smack me back into reality when I get really down on myself. We only try to do the same for you. Good luck on this cycle!! Im going to be praying hard for you!

Jess â?? Sometimes I get like that too!!! And I know if I sit down after work or something for even a minute. I donâ??t want to get back up and do anything and I lose the cleaning momentum. Hope it all came out just the way you wanted it! Sorry you have to stop BBTing. If you have a pretty good idea of when you O, you might be able to get away with just using OPKâ??s. Hope it all works out for u!!

Krunchi â?? Omg ecoli huh? Thatâ??s terrible! At least you know what it is and the doc can treat you. Yeah, thatâ??s why I was asking what CD you areâ?¦I was thinking maybe you were PGâ?¦sorry! Hopefully you will be better soon so you can start bbting again and being able to get healthy!

El â?? Im sending baby dust and sticky dust your way! Hopefully you get that BFP soon!

Its pretty cool that you came from a teen mommy Pgâ?¦When I say Ideal situation, I donâ??t mean it as being evil or that teen moms are bad moms, I just mean ideal meaning a stable home where mom and dad are married or at least have been together a while (I realize that even married parents donâ??t always make it) And its not always ideal for the mom (needing to finish school, get a job)

I donâ??t believe anyone here means to offendâ?¦A lot of ladies are just frustrated by the issues they are facing.

AFM â?? AF is gone! Yay!!! I am taking my little brother to see a musical/play tonight which I am very excited about. I love live theatre and he is following in my footsteps. He is only in 10th grade and taking drama class (like I did). Its not often that we get to spend time together because I work and have my hubby to take care of - not that Iâ??m complaining about that â?? but Im not in high school anymore and because of my daily responsibilities I find it difficult to spend time with him. So because my work gave me these free tickets I thought it was a great opportunity. But when I get home I plan on jumping my hubby. Its been almost 2 weeks since we DTD last because he was sick and then AF showed. Im definitely looking forward to that! It just might be a little late, and he might be already asleep. But I did warn him last night it was going to happen so he might be woken up with a nice surprise!

Now the waiting begins till I O and hopefully I donâ??t O late again this cycle!
Baby dust to all!!!

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago

hey greekmum, no worries i was not offended! just thought i'd throw in my 2cents... believe me,i get really frustrated when i see girls who seem to be able to get pregnant just by looking at a guy and then complain about how it's not 'the right time' or whatever too! (and yeah i was definitely NOT ideal for my mom... though she somehow ended up getting her GED, going to college and making a career woman of herself so it's all good now)

omg work is really dragging today!! i feel like i need to get out of the office. i don't think it's helping that i still feel like i'm getting a cold or something. am i crazy for holding out hope that it might be a sign that this time i might be pregnant?? my husband already told me last night he doesn't think it 'took' - granted we only bd'd once during my fertile time because he was sick, but it only takes one time is what i say! that's the story i'm sticking to until AF shows up to prove me wrong...

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BFP 11/2011; missed m/c 12/2012; D&C 1/2012. Surgery to remove fibroids 4/2012. Trying again 7/2012~ --------- I'm on a quest to live life as if every day were vacation. Follow my journey at

12 years ago

Oh bug. I've been trying for 2 years come december 1st (I claim dec 12th because that's when we got married but we really started the 1st....shh. lol)
And I LOVE this forum! I don't know what they mean by too generalized. My guess is they just want to talk about their specific problems. If you've been TTC 2 months or 2 years it's kind of the same thing, we all have a 2-3 week wait to O and a TWW to AF. The only difference might be that the longer you are TTC the more testing and human interference you may need but I still love this forum. Sometimes I get discouraged because it seems like I'm the longest TTC but who cares. I was just as much or more depressed and crazed about TTC in my first 6 months as I get now so it's not like the desire is any less at the beginning than the end. If anything, for me, it was more. Now I'm just going with the flow.......
Every one is different! Everyone's feelings are different. And just because this is a 'generalized' forum doesn't mean it's any less meaninful or helpful to those of us who just want to find people who relate and just want to have that connection with other TTCers.
I completely agree with you though. It was all fun and games TTC until I hit between the 4th and 6th cycle. THen I started freaking out. Then between 6-12 months I was a MESS! Around 14-18 months I started getting answers and started feeling better. Right around 21 months we found out what our major problem was and then I chilled out a lot. Now we know there is nothing we can do until February so I am just coasting along. I am so much calmer now at 23 months than i ever was at 6-12 months..............

So all that said. Whoever posted that comment doesn't know what she is talking about. Obviously this is an amazing forum for all of us 1st time mommies-to-be or there wouldn't be so many ladies joining and so many pages created in just a few weeks!

Don't worry about what other people say. They just don't understand :)

We're 27, TTC since we got married. No pregnancies, 3 fur babies. Male & Female fator infertility. Daisypath Anniversary tickers

12 years ago

Bug, There are always people in this world who try and bring you down. We just need to overcome it. Their just sad people who don't understand. I love this forum and I know that we all have different situations but we all have the same goal. I know I only just started trying and some of you have been in this journey for a while, but I feel like you guys are always there to help answer my questions. Well Anyways, this forum is amazing!

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12 years ago

if this thread is too general for them, they are more than welcome to start their own! i think i saw that and they started one on the long time trying to conceive section didnt they? good for them.

meanwhile, we are all quite happy here! the point of this thread was for those trying and not quite getting there yet for their 1st. 1st is they key for me. i'm sure its hard for those who might be struggling at the mo to conceive their next child, but at least they have their first child to comfort themselves with. we dont have that, which is why this thread was started in the first place! i like the fact it has a few different lengths of trying in the various females. its funny when someone joins in says oh my its been 5 cycles and i am soo depressed! come and sit down honey we have ALL been there!! and then there are the longer term ones who are still on here, posting and keeping hope that it will happen which gives me thoughts of well if they can keep going after how long they have been trying then i can too.

but i sincerely hope that everyone on here will eventually slope off and disappear because they have got their BFP and their first precious child and they can then hop off and join one of the other threads about conceiving your second child!

Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

12 years ago

Krunchie, I agree with you, We all have the same ultimate goal and that's trying for our first. That's all that matters!! I pray that everyone gets there BFP soon!!

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12 years ago

hello everyone..

I really love this thread and i came to love the people in it..(even we are from different race).,i am not much on comment but i read every single detail (story of every one.)..more important is we all understands each other.. and cares,comforts, suggestions, awareness, concerns and support is much needed...To achieve our goal!.. To concieved our first baby..

Praying and Hoping for a of every one..

12 years ago

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