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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Morning All

@ Sophe28 - Mine went way down - it was 97.7 yesterday and went down to 97.2 this morning :S - I am only 8 dpo today, so maybe this could be implantation dip and the one I saw at 5-6dpo wasn't? I am not sure since this is my first time charting and I have no idea what my chart would normally look like. I really hope it goes back up tomorrow morning!!! I am already having hot flashes today (had them the past two days ). Had some pinching and pulling last night, but other than that I've just been super tired and really forgetful! I literally had to back in my house 3 times this morning, first I left without my breakfast shake, then realized I left my lunch behind, and then realized I left without laptop bag! I am never that forgetful and for the last two times, I was actually at the end of my street before I realized I didn't have them! Good thing I caught on, I have an 1hr and 15 min commute to work- it would have been a very bad day otherwise!

I am so excited to hear yours are going up! I am really hoping that mine start to really take off tomorrow morning!

8 years ago

Hey Ladies!

xoxojadorecouture-Well your not out yet at all. Let's hope the dip is your implantation taking place. Good Luck!

Sophe28-Hows your temps coming along today? Let's not even begin to mention the witch at all. Thank you and I'm trying to hang in there. I don't feel like being bothered at all but just going to work and going into my bed with the lights off right now.

twwtoolong-I am definitely going to buy a huge bottle of wine when I leave here. I don't know what to do now, I feel like honestly giving up. I do hope that all these signs that you are feeling are positive ones for your sticky bean.

lalou3tt3-Thank you. I hope this is your implantation dip as well.

Good luck to you ladies. I really do hope we get see alot of positives in these cycles. I'm cheering for you!

8 years ago • Post starter

An update with me now.
Ladies I don't know how to feel anymore. I mean this is my 2nd cycle using the PreSeed and my 1st cycle using the OPKs. I don't know what more to do. I guess that means I should start temping, but I don't want to stress myself over temping and this test and that. I just don't understand if everything is ok then why isn't it happening to me.

I'm tired of everyone always telling me I'm young and it will happen and that I'm in my 20s, and wait until later on. That's not what I want, I want my babies now and I don't see what the problem is, it's my life and not theirs, and I understand their looking out for my best interest, but come on. I was supposed to of had an hsg test done, but because my stupid insurance doesn't want to cover it, I'm kind of stuck.

Is there anything else you ladies think I should try or even get done or think about getting or doing? I'm running out of options and I'm starting to actually run out of hope.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hi HopefullyAMommy, how long have you been trying? This is my 6th cycle TTC and I remember I started to feel discouraged around the 3 or 4 month mark. Both my sister-in-law and sister became pregnant right away with their first babies and I was feeling discouraged that it had not happened as quickly for me.

My doctor told me that, as long as I'm having regular periods, then there's likely nothing wrong. She said, on average, it takes 6-8 months for a woman to become pregnant. And it takes some women longer than that, even if both partners are completely healthy.

Personally, I love tracking my temperature. Some people say it can be stressful, but it actually has the opposite affect on me. I feel like the more data and information I have, the more relaxed I feel. And it's nice to know what's going on with your body, especially if you're having a strange cycle. For example, my cycles average 28 days but I am currently on cd 40. I know that this cycle is going to last longer than normal because I ovulated 2 weeks late. If I hadn't been tracking my temperatures, I wouldn't have known that I ovulated late and I'd be really worried about what was going on.

I know it's hard, but please do not give up. :)

8 years ago

Sophe28-Thank you so much and that was amazing. It definitely made me smile and helped how I am feeling. It also lifted up my spitits too, now I have to go and talk to DH about it. When I told him AF came I just said I didn't want to talk about it. He asked if the things I tried worked, but I don't think he understands the concept of everything I'm using. I have been trying for about 1.5 years now. It's been an up and down roller coaster honestly for me. I guess sometimes it hits me more and more is because I already have 2 angels that are watching over me. I have on average a 26 day cycle and the shortest being 24 days. My doctor told me the same thing, that since I'm pretty regular that I don't have anything to worry about. I would like to start temping, but I'm definitely going to need some help with that as well.

You do have a point and I'm not going to give up. I just really want it so bad, that this is all I think about sometimes. If there's anything else you think I should try please let me know.

Maybe you can help me out with the temping?


8 years ago • Post starter

@ HopefullyAMommy - I agree with Sophe28 - temping actually has been really good for me this month. It let me know that I actually had that temp spike after my opk's were positive and it actually gave me more confidence in my body and my timing. Even if it doesn't work this cycle, I am defintely temping again next cycle.

I am in your boat re. tyring for 1.5 years. I think you are doing everything you can to be healthy for your little bean, maybe take a little more time to try and find things that really relax you and keep you calm over the next cycle.

There are some specifics with temping in terms of when you need to do it and the thermometer (you need one with at least a tenth of a degree accuracy). From the sounds of it, Sophe28 is more experienced than I am, so perhaps she can give us both tips on temping!!!

Big hugs lady - take all the time you need to vent!

8 years ago

twwtoolong-I love you ladies! You guys really are making me feel so much better. Before joining this site I was always so down about how this would make me feel and now it isn't as hard as it was dealing with it on my own. I'm definitely still getting my wine since I cut out alcohol during my tww. Yeah I think I'm going to go back to reading and I might invest in a kindle again since I lost my first one.

Sophe28-we're both going to need your help when it comes to the temping. You guys have definitely made sure that I don't feel discouraged at all. Well I guess this means that I'm looking forward to when AF leaves me alone and I can finally start trying again.

xoxojadorecouture-I'm really sorry to hear that your out....Are you ok?

8 years ago • Post starter

@hopefully mommy no I'm not but I will be .. thanks

8 years ago

Hi ladies, newbie to this website. But to piggyback off the conversation, I was ttc for 3 years with no success. DH and I were trying for years! I was 21 he was 22 at the time. It became so stressful it drove us to a divorce. Prior to the divorce we went to see a fertility specialist. To put it in lame man's term so you all will understand, my body was "allergic" to his sperm so it kept fighting it off as a foreign object.
So we both moved on. I met a new guy, and the VERY FIRST TIME bd, I got pregnant! For years I was beating myself up thinking that something was wrong with me.
Long story short, it will come when you least expect it. Here I am now ttc baby #3. I have had a mc in January and another in May. Currently in my tww with hopes of testing Sunday (if I can hold out that long hehe)

8 years ago

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