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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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I think IUI is a very good choice if it's an option.
Cronins yay for a light AF! Hopefully she doesn't stay long.

7 years ago

I've been hoping for you Dandy! Good mindset though to just refresh, and reset for next cycle.

7 years ago

The nurce just called. They dont do IUI in the office so thats a no go. Shucks. I was thinking as such a go getter as the dr is that she would be down. Maybe I need to schedule an appointment and talk her into it. I know she can do it. Lol. She has to call me back with my plan for this cycle after talking to my dr.
Lottle bit of an update: she just called back and I lost my temper with her. She said she was still waiting to hear from the dr but she just seen that this was my 4th round of clomid and Im at the full dose so we probably wont be medicating this cycle. That info is wrong! This was my first back on cloimd and it was the lowest dose. After telling her that I could feel myself getting mad. I told her she needed to get her facts strait and needed to quit playing dr and do her job and just relay the drs orders instead of calling me with her opinion that she derived from faulse information. : ) i dont feel bad

7 years ago • Post starter

Good for you dandy for sticking up for yourself. Nurses like that drive me crazy too. They definitely need to keep their opinions to themselves and just do their job. Geez the nerve of some people.

7 years ago

She had me mad. Its one thing to tell me procedure. Its another to do what she did! I have no idea where she got that info, plus my dr doesn't stop meds after 4 cycles. Dh is taking a demotion at work so he can spend more time at home. Im thinking of talking to him about goung back to our RE we seen before. The trips are long and we would be spending his day off he is gaining at the dr but I hope he is for it. Its worth mentioning anyway.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy, that's a good idea and since he really wants a baby as well, maybe he will be willing to do so.

AFM, I have 2 frosties and the other 2 they are going to cont to watch until day 5 to see if they cont to progress or if they have arrested. I cont to pray these other 2 are just slow and needed a couple extra days to catch up. Not the news I wanted today, but 2 is better than nothing. She said they are both good quality so that helps.

7 years ago

Dandy, that's a good idea and since he really wants a baby as well, maybe he will be willing to do so.

AFM, I have 2 frosties and the other 2 they are going to cont to watch until day 5 to see if they cont to progress or if they have arrested. I cont to pray these other 2 are just slow and needed a couple extra days to catch up. Not the news I wanted today, but 2 is better than nothing. She said they are both good quality so that helps.

7 years ago

Hey lucky,

Glad to hear that you have two good quality embryos. I will definitely say some prayers for your other two that seem to be growing slowly. Fingers crossed that they continue growing for you.

7 years ago

Thank you Cronins. I was so disappointed they all weren't able to be froze but with prayers and God they can still progress and get where they need to be. If not, hopefully one or both of my frosties are the golden eggs:-)

7 years ago

Prayers for the other two comn up Lucky. Glad to hear that the other two are good quality though. That's awesome.
Afm, nurse called back and my dr doesn't think there is anything else she can do for me and wants me to go back to our RE. Dh n I have a lot of talking to do. Hes so frustrated and upset. I want to so bad but Im not even sure the commute is possible, or should I say finding a sitter for the amount of time necessary due to the commute.
So this cycle at least will be unmedicated.

7 years ago • Post starter

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