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Hot Mess, Please HELP. Angry Cervix on board.

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Ok, so as the title says, I am a hot mess. I will try to be clear. I am driving my sister nuts with questions and my husband thinks I am making it all up at this point. Any input is great. I am going nuts. HELP.

I have been on the pill for a while but for the last few months have missed days. I have PCOS so I didn't think it was an issue.

My period date was 12/31/12 though I didn't bleed till 1/2 (normal for me on pill). Started new month 12/6. Woke up on 12/9 with the worst sore, heavy boobs of my life. Sex on 1/13 too painful for cervix. Stopped pill on 1/13 to wait and see. Tested for ovulation 12/14-12/16 all neg. Started new extra discharge, cramping, cervix was low, firm, closed. Spotted almost nothing on 1/17.

Sex on 1/19 too painful, spotting began after and is finally slowing down today. Bad cramps 1/19 to now. HPT neg. Cervix today HIGH, soft, closed, and tilted back (totally new for me). Tons of other symptoms of preg, all feel new. HELP!

11 Answers • 11 years ago



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It's because I pay for cobra, so my insurance doesn't always cover things until its paid every month which is hard at $700. So I went a week a couple times in the last few months while waiting for insurance. That is why I think it's more possible. I've also finally gotten my blood sugar/insulin under control which is directly related to my pcos, so that could play a part in being more fertile.
If the pill were not part of the picture, what would you say?
Also my urine was really cloudy this morning, hpt still neg

11 years ago • Post starter

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