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Week of 5/21/2012 testing

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I will be testing 5/27/12 and the excitement is overwhelming, any ladies that will be testing next week feel free to join

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

29 Replies • 12 years ago



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Replies (sorted by hugs)

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Mrstruth - I see each one of your pregnancy's was different (symptom wise)
Do you think it would be silly to test anytime before Friday?

Emmy - Welcome! :) Glad you could share this expierence with us!
How long have you been feeling symptoms?

User Image" rel="nofollow">User Image

12 years ago

I don't think it will be silly just have an open mind. Get some wlamart cheapies so that it's not that much like .88 cents. I am here to support you

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Thank you for your support and encouragement. I too am here to support you! :)
I keep going back and forth about testing before i'm 9dpo.
Have you used the Walmart brand before? I thought about buying a few of the more inexpensive brands but (for whatever reason inside my beady little brain) I'm worried that the cheap brands aren't as reliable as the "name brand" products...... : /

User Image" rel="nofollow">User Image

12 years ago

Hi there eande1203 and ladies!

Thanks for welcoming me!!

I have been feeling symptoms since 1 DPO believe it or not. It's been non-stop fatigue and mild cramps, especially around my lower back area, loss of appetite. Now the last two days I have had an increase in CM, it's been white and creamy. However, today you could say a lot of my symptoms have stopped. I took one of those dollar store tests at around 5:00am this morning and of course it was BUT I know that I am very early. today I am only 6 DPO.

I am going to have to stick to my guns and wait until at LEAST Saturday. I did say Thursday or Friday, but I am going to do my best to hold off as close as to as possible.

All last week I just FELT pregnant, now today I am like what the heck? My mind MUST be playing tricks on me

I am still going to stay optimistic and that the great Lord bless us this time with a

I shall keep everyone posted! Any other ladies in here due for the wretched 5/29 or 5/30?

How has everyone else been feeling?

to all you wonderful ladies and of course much

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12 years ago

Emmy - I know EXACTLY how you feel. I've still been dying to take a test. I have been feeling symptoms everyday since 3 days after unprotected sex but I feel like you do. I'm worried that my head is playing tricks on me.
I've tried to convince myself to at least wait til i'm 9-10 DPO but it's so hard! LOL!
I feel as though everyday my symptoms get less but i'm not sure if that would be considered a positive sign or not. : /

User Image" rel="nofollow">User Image

12 years ago

We all feel like that. It's hard to hold off when we are soo excited

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Mrstruth-how are you feeling today?
Any changes? Anything new/different?
(I just went and bought a few dollar store tests to make myself be quiet until at least the end of this week haha!)

User Image" rel="nofollow">User Image

12 years ago

I had my progesterone test results today. I am 6dpo and they really should have done it tomorrow at 7dpo but it was 13.3 I don't know how to feel about that. But I am having major cramping by my pelvic, uterus area, throbbing breasts wondering if it's premenstrual or BFP very emotional today as well

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

Stay positive and try not to stress! ;)
Your only 6 dpo so try to remain positive. (even though i know it's hard to be patient, i myself can't be right now lol)
You know i am definitely sending PLENTY of good baby vibes your way! :D
Do you plan on testing with a HPT in the next few days?

I too feel emotional, i guess. I keep going through what i consider little emotional roller coasters. One minute i'm excited, the next i'm worried, the next i'm disappointed, it just goes on and on!

More than anything my stomach is almost irritated no matter what i eat. It's awkward though because my stomach doesn't actually hurt and i don't have heartburn or anything. It just seems like whatever i eat i don't want much to eat of it and when i do eat i have to fight myself from gagging. (none of that is a normal thing for me, even before my period)
BUT i don't know if that's just my excited/nervous stomach or if it's due to pregnancy (HOPEFULLY)
*fingers crossed for you and I & other ladies in this forum!*

User Image" rel="nofollow">User Image

12 years ago

I am excited for you and other ladies at this moment this is our testing week which can be very scary,nervous etc. But I am still being optimistic. Now I want to add a link for you and other can follow my journey and blog 1st is
And the second is where I also share video blogs. Now for me I am still having strong symptoms nauseation woke up to sore boobs but it has gone away. Still stuffy nose, hip and pelvic pain that are painful off and on. And my va-jay jay is a bit swollen on the top underneath my tummy . DH was like, what's going on you are puffy and it brought it tomour attention. I am afraid to test and almost got weak and tested today lol. I was like NOOooOoooooo . You have some good symptoms and my fingers are definitely crossed. What day are you testing again?

[url=]User Image March 29,2012 April 29,2012 May

12 years ago • Post starter

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