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Not Just Cycle Buddies!

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Hi Friends! Lots of us have gotten our BFPs these past few cycles and we all aren't "cycle buddies" anymore. I feel like we need a place to connect and keep up the conversation with each other. This way we can keep chatting even if some of us aren't pregnant and some of us are. I'm just starting my 6th cycle TTC and hoping that this will be the one. Please join in and update us on where you are and how you are feeling.

916 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Moonbaby15. Glad you made it over here. We are a lovely group of ladies who support each other the best we can.

@FlamingoGirl13. Good luck with the OPKs and hope the EPO works well for you. I'm excited for you and really hope you get your BFP.

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6 years ago • Edited

Love this idea, and would love to join. I think this will be cycle no 14 of TTC #2. Trying to keep my hopes up for a bfp some day. Our son took 17 months TTC. This time it's a lot harder, since it always seems to be a chemical pregnancy. Have had too many of them and getting pretty sick of it. This time I will order a blood test to check my progesterone, and then call a obgyn depending on what the result is. I'm currently on cd 4 now and waiting to ovulate in about 2 weeks time.

6 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I found this thread thanks to my GF dragonfly23! What a great idea since we are not just all "cycle buddies"! Some of you might remember my first posts in November 2017 and some of you are my friends here ....

My nickname here is "hope4rainbowbaby" because I had a miscarriage in early 2017. So I got my wish! I am now 17 weeks 2 days pregnant and it's my rainbow baby and my first child. So far, things seem to be progressing well. I had a few ultrasounds now so I got to see the baby. And it's a BOY! :) I posted a few ultrasounds photos on my profile page. I guess it's set "for friends" to view. He's growing FAST and he's super active and wiggly. I could see it during the ultrasounds. And I think I start to feel a bit of "fluttering" in my belly when I'm lying still. But it might take a bit longer to feel the movements more (I have anterior placenta).

Anybody here whose due date is close to the end of July 2018? My estimated due date is July 30th, 2018.

Congratulations to all expecting Moms and to all of you who are TTC. Stay positive. It will happen. :)

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago

I posted the test I took yesterday afternoon - the line is SUPER light and it came up about 10 min after I took test so idk if it's evap or start of BFP or if others will even see it even if you use tools... I feel as though my second or third pee is always better for testing... I'm curious how others feel on that. How about you? Do you feel your FMU is the best to test with?

Do you think it's good to eat/drink certain things before taking test in afternoon? LOL.... I'm getting cray cray now ;)

I have a really good feeling for you! You seem like such a positive person who spreads that around like confetti and it's going to come back to you too! I just know it!

6 years ago

Good afternoon and happy Friday!
@Dragonfly hmm Maca? What does it do, do you know? Maybe I’ll try it, my husband puts it in his smoothies. I’m doing EPO and progesterone this month unlike other months. Waiting to ovulate so not anywhere close to testing. Low fertility today on clearblue advanced. Wouldn’t hurt to try baby asa either. Yes my time will come soon, thank you so much for your words of encouragement! How are you feeling? Queasy? Tired?

@Bb2018 yes I know what you mean! So many fb pregnancies haha :) omg I cant believe the faulty wondfos! That is infuriating! I don’t have that lot number though

@flamingogirl thanks Love, I’ve changed my attitude as well about the season the baby will be due in. Your twin sister and you could be pregnant together, you never know! :) I agree with Bb, it sounds like great timing! I would t worry too much about it and it sounds like you covered your bases this am as well. They say an egg will live 24 hours after it’s popped out, so it sounds like this am was perfect!

@kelleria and Kimberley how are you ladies doing?

6 years ago

I’m so sorry Beaut1ful. Take all the time you need and remember to love yourself. We will be here with open arms when you are ready to come back.

6 years ago • Post starter

@BB2018. I saw the test and I thought I saw something. I would test again in the morning.

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6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. I am in a much better mood; thank you. I tend to be very quiet when I am upset and then sometimes my german side comes out and I can be a total biotch and I am not that type of person. How are you feeling today?

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies!

I don't post a lot here, but I saw that there's a lot of good news going on now so I wanted to say:

Beaut1ful38: I'm SO happy you're ready to TTC! My nickname here is "hope4rainbowbaby". Like you, I had a miscarriage (after 7 weeks in early 2017). And I started trying again after I got my regular cycle back again. And here I am: 19 weeks 3 days pregnant now and so far everything is progressing very well. So I was smiling when I saw your post and thought "you go girl!". :) And it will get easier. :) I'm cheering for you and for your rainbow baby!

neovictorianmom: Congratulations! :) I'm not posting here a lot either, but I'm close to you : I'm 19 weeks 3 days pregnant now. to you!! And I hope your 2nd trimester will be much easier!

dragonfly23: well, you KNOW, I'm cheering for you! :) You'll be in your 2nd trimester sooner than you think and it should calm down with all the symptoms!

FlamingoGorl13: tomorrow is a big day! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and for and ! :) In my own experience, things that are out of ordinary, "strange" as you described, can be promising. This is what my intuition was pointing towards, too when I started suspecting that some symptoms are different from just pre-AF symptoms. So it's promising and I hope you'll get some great news soon! Fingers crossed for no AF tomorrow or next day and !

My baby was born on July 26th, 2018 And it's a ! And my 2nd baby boy was born

6 years ago • Edited

Good morning ladies. I hope everyone is having a good day and had a nice weekend. I was quiet all weekend as I was battling my demon voices in my head and trying to relax as much as possible but it just didn't seem to be working. 15 more days till my second ultrasound and it just can't come any quicker as I just want to hear the heartbeat to make sure my little guy is doing well and progressing nicely. One a side note, my daughter's 2nd birthday is in 10 days and have no idea what to do for her as we don't want to give her a lot of sweets.

@Beaut1ful38. I hope this is your month and you get your rainbow baby.

@FlamingoGirl13. Good luck and hope you catch the egg in time.

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6 years ago

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