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TTC January 2019 Baby

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Hello ladies I have created a new forum for those TTC.

I have been on CTP since June. We conceived on our 7th cycle but ended in a miscarriage. We did try our first cycle after loss but AF decided to show instead. So hear is to 2nd cycle after a loss and hope to get a baby!!!
I have seen a lot of ladies go through the heartache, stress to a I am happy to be following most of you on this journey. Hope you continue to follow me on to the next month.

*It’s all in His Timing *

Praying for my baby and my future baby

291 Replies • 6 years ago • Edited



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@Winni91. That's awesome to hear. and have a . May everything go smoothly.

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6 years ago


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6 years ago

Thank you everyone, my hcg level is 1000 and doc sending me for another blood test thurs or fri just to make sure numbers are on the rise like they are meant to...

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6 years ago

I'm a terrible POAS addict. 6dpo. There was a shadow when I came back 10-15 mins after, this photo was taken about an hour later though. I know it's probably an evap. But I can live in hope that it's a start of a BFP right!

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6 years ago

I think I can definitely say I have a now. It doesn't feel real till I know if it's going to stick past my AF date or not. The last CP I had really psyched me out. Line was still there this morning though! Slightly darker, and FMU was pretty diluted actually because I got up to pee in the night. It's only 9dpo - so I have some days to go before I expect it to double enough to get a positive on a digital. Wish me luck on a sticky baby!

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. I hope you guys caught the egg in time. Sending sticky vibes your way.

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6 years ago

Hi everyone, 2nd time posting on here. I am 9dpo and i think i may have the start of a BFP. Took a test this morning and i can see a line!!! Will test again in the morning and hopefully it will be darker...fingers crossed for everyone still waiting to test!

Ingi :)

6 years ago • Edited

Hi all! I'm new here and trying for a #3 after a chemical March. Hope we all get our wish for BFPS!!

6 years ago

I'm hoping for a january baby also. Ovulation day is may 3rd.


6 years ago • Edited

Hi girls! Got my BFP yesterday! I am in shock but sooo happy. This was our first month ttc baby 4. I honestly thought we were going to be trying for months...took 2 years to concieve our son, 12 months with 2nd and 16 months with 3rd. So as you can see, getting pregnant on the first try has completely shocked me...scared a little too i think, its too good to be true, im scared something will go wrong, but trying to stay positive!!

Good luck to everyone in your tww...heres hoping for lots of January babies!! Xx

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Ingi :)

6 years ago

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