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LACK of sore boobs a pregnancy symptom?

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Most things i read are from people who say that they have sore boobs as a pregnancy symptom. The thing is, i ALWAYS have sore boobs starting 3-5 days before AF and it disappears the day after AF arrives. For me it is a symptom of AF, not pregnancy.

But this cycle, i am on 13DPO AF is due in 2 days and i have no sore boobs at all, not even a twinge. I've even poked prodded and squished but nothing!

Ive read that sore boobs before AF are caused by the drop in progesterone and estrogen (hormones which suddenly drop when AF is due as progesterone is used to grow/maintain the uterus lining which isn't needed if there is no pregnancy so the hormones level drop to shed the lining)

so if i dont have sore boobs, my progesterone level hasn't dropped which is what happens in a positive pregnancy? Ah who knows!

Has anyone else experienced a lack of sore boobs to be a sign of pregnancy?

16 Answers • 5 years ago



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11 - 16 of 16 Answers

I've had three kids all three pregnancy bbs hurt that is what gave me my first clues hope you get a

5 years ago

My sil said her bbs did not hurt before her BFP with the pregnancy she is due with now. For me I always get pain one way or another, but this cycle the pain started much later post O. I normally have it the very next day. It didn't begin until 9dpo this time. I hope this is it for you <3

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5 years ago

I wasn’t being curt, I feel like sites like these get a bit silly when people try to look for any possible sign of pregnancy. I understand as much as others here what it’s like to hold out hope for anything but people feeding into these kinds of questions are why people get so disappointed snd sometimes depressed when they get a BFN that cycle because so and so online had this symptom and THEY ended up pregnant. Each to their own, I just think it’s a poor use of this site

User image EBF 10 months!

5 years ago

Thanks everyone for all your answers! I really appreciate everyone's different takes on it and it seems like it is such a mixed bag of what everyone experiences (even different experiences for the same women but different pregnancies) so it must be something really individual. So many hormones doing crazy things to us in our cycles, its so strange to see how they affect us all so differently.

I have no idea what to make of my lack of sore boobs but am not knocking it cos it’s a lovely relief to not have it this cycle ???? For me its very out of the ordinary and so are a couple of other things that have happen so I feel very odd at the moment but happy to just wait and see.

I’ve made it to 15DPO, AF was due yesterday or at a push, today. I’m still in the running but realistically I do think this could go either way and I’m holding off on any testing until Friday night if its not arrived by then. Fingers crossed!

5 years ago • Post starter

With my only one pregnancy, my boobs were not sore at all. I didn't notice any nipple/boob changes or nausea until 6-8 weeks!

The only thing God gives you for certain is a CHOICE.

5 years ago

Hi! I was wondering the same thing! My boobs typically are sore about a week before AF, and this month I've just been getting random twinges of pain in my nipples and then what I can't tell is chest pain or breast pain. Very weird!

5 years ago

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