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In Need of a 2WW Buddy - April Babies

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I start my 2ww on Saturday but I'm trying to get a jump start on having a group of ladies to journey the 2WW, discuss potential symptoms, type of cycle(no meds or meds, BDing or donor and etc.) The potential of having an April or very early May baby. Heck let's even journey down the discussions of the seasons of maternity clothes. I even want to hear what baby names you have picked out. What kind of delivery do you have planned (home birth, hospital and etc.)Have you used a mid-wife or doula before? I know we are not preggers right now but will be soon regardless of the day or month so why not discuss the thoughts we keep to ourselves and start speaking these babies into existence!!!!!!!!!

155 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Bug I love the names, I'm still not sure which names b/c my guy wants to incorporate his best friend that passed away into the girl name if a girl name so that changes things. I would love to know more about these essential oils???

@Mira welcome! what country do you live in if you are able to share?

5 years ago • Post starter

@mira, welcome. I have meet a lot of ladies from all over the world on here.

@lissa. For my girl, Lynn was my best friends middle name and why I choose it. She past away in 2006.

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5 years ago

@Mommy Thank you! I'm quite unconfident revealing my exact country but it's in northern europe.

@bug Thank you! I've thought that there may be other international ladies here. At least this is one of the sites popping up when googling. I'm obsessed with the calculators they have here. About names; I'm all about giving names after our loved ones. Name Lynn and story behind is just
My son has two middle names after his great grandfathers. Took a while to find a first name that fit them. If we ever have a girl it's going to be rather tough to name her. With two middle names after her great grandmothers and all. I think we're going to have another boy though. If we succeed conceiving.

5 years ago

@mira Two middle names would be tough. Yes, I love names with stories. My name came from a neighbor for my first name and middle name was after my moms best friend.

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5 years ago

@bug I love the background behind the names. how many DPO are you?
@Mira why do you think you will have another boy
Okay ladies I went in for my sonogram CD12 and I have a big follicle 26mm and 2 little ones trialing at 13mm, I was given my trigger shot. I go in tomorrow morning for the IUI and start my progesterone on Monday and I have a blood test on 8/12 to find if I'm preggers

5 years ago • Post starter

@mommy. Exciting news. I look forward to hear the results. I am 4dpo and on Monday I go for Progrestrone blood work.

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5 years ago

@bug awesome! are you taking progesterone suppositories now? Ok I will be 5 DPO from you?

Does anyone have any plans this weekend? I will be studying all weekend for a certification

5 years ago • Post starter

No suppositories.

This weekend I am studying for school. I am in my 3rd grad class. I will be finishing next fall. Sunday my fiance and I are going to look ar a wedding venue.

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5 years ago

@Mommy that's good news! I'm also looking forward for the result. Best of luck.
My SOs mother has only two sons. And most of his side of blood related family are male. So what are the odds for us to concieve a girl.

@bug What kind of venue are you looking for? And when are you getting married?

What a coincidence. I'm also studying to get my bachelor's this fall. Although I'm not technically studying anymore. Just waiting for summer break to be over so I can apply for my graduation.

I was baking and cleaning up around the house the whole day yesterday. We're
throwing a little birthday party for my son. And tomorrow I'm going to my god daughters birthday party. On top of all this I'm working morning shift. Haha, at least I have no time to worry about this TTCing stuff for a few days. 5dpo and still nothing as expected.

5 years ago • Edited

Hey again ladies. Been off for a few days just enjoying the sun with the kiddies so sorry for not replying @mommy. Feel free to ask anything and everything home water birth related. Was best experience ever. GL this cycle! And to you other ladies!

AFM. 13dpo today. No signs AF is coming. Been feeling a bit sicky, super tired and generally just different but all tests are BFN. not sure when AF will (or should) arrive as first cycle of mini pill, but currently on CD 31 ( cycles were 28 days before 1&2 but were 32 after 2 although ultrasound dating always has me ovulating a little later than I thought and I didnt track cycles or pay any attention unless I was pregnant ????????‍??). Think I’m out this month which is fine, was hoping for an end of April/start of May baby to break up birthdays. So far we have
Start March - my eldest
Mid June - my youngest
Start August - my middle (6 weeks after ^)
End September - me
Start October - partner (2 weeks after^)
End November - my partners eldest

So pretty busy and would like as much time between birthdays as possible lol x

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5 years ago

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