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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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Pandorica Hopefully the NTNP plan will work for you! It’s amazing how many times in here we saw that ladies are getting their bfp at cycles when they least expecting it! Fingers crossed!

Neisamar welcome to our little safe place! Don’t worry about your English hun.. I’m not a native speaker either and even tho I often make mistakes no one ever complained and I can communicate perfectly with everyone in here! I hope you won’t be staying long and we’ll see a bfp from you soon!

Shay I really hope you’ll ovulate soon this cycle and without any confusion! The beginning of the new season is more than stressful by itself and while TTC can be hell! Hopefully it will pass easily!

Mistique Good luck! I hope you get your rainbow this cycle!!!

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5 years ago

Mrsshah welcome! Hopefully your numbers will keep rising. I’m not sure if it’s a good progression since I personally never been pregnant but what I’ve heard is that is should be double every 2-3 days. Have you talked with your doctor?

Shay it would be a very good change if you ovulated earlier this cycle!! I really believe that your turn is coming very soon!

Scuba oh hun.. I’m so sorry. There’s no much to say. Please stay strong and take care of yourself.

Agatch how are you babe?

AFM my O pains started so I’ expecting O soon! Praying this will be our month

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5 years ago

@scuba I’m so sorry hunny

5 years ago

@scuba noooo! I was so excited for you! I'm so sorry that it didn't stick. Keep your head up!

TTC feels like insanity, but we can't let it make us insane.

5 years ago

Actually I just found a FRER in the cupboard...

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5 years ago

To the ladies that ovulate late, I am one of those, it can make getting pregnant harder but it does happen, I’m 18 weeks this week and didn’t ovulate till cd20 ish this time around x

5 years ago

Shay glad your hubby is better! I have everything crossed for you this cycle you both deserve it!!!
Agatch is good to hear that you got some answers but I’m not sure I understand why you should wait so long before trying.. I would definitely take a second opinion on this.
Kate yay! Egg is dropping and I really hope you’ll catch it

AFM hubby yesterday was very upset and sad again about the baby issue. He told me he want to order the supplements again and not just the maca and ginseng powder. I’m happy that I can see now that he’s on the same page as I am finally but I’m so sad he feels that way.... I wish I could give him some good news In few days

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5 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies ...Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry I’ve really been MIA for a long while. I just read through a bit.
Congratulations to all those who got their BFP. Good luck to all in the TWW.
Emma so nice to see the bump and to hear everything is going good for you.
Scuba You are so brave and strong and I’m still rooting for you. I really hope this cycle is the cycle for you.
I can’t remember If i have mentioned before but I’m in the hospitality industry and it’s crazy during the summer. Long hours and just one day off.
If it’s okay to update after so long, I’m 17 weeks and only symptom is exhaustion. Since I’m considered high risk I’m seeing my regular OB along with a specialist. All tests have been good so far including the chromosome tests. They tested for gender as well but hubby and I want to find out at birth. ( If we don’t change our mind)
Thanks for always being an outlet and safe haven where we could come and speak freely.


5 years ago

GamerWife as exciting as it is to see temps go up, be patient. I have had cycles where my temp just kept rising and then dropped suddenly. So be optimistic but don’t get ahead of yourself just yet.

Biminibeauty good to hear from you and glad everything is going so well!!!

Lalou I am sorry work has been so stressful. I have been in a similar situation but with an aggressive and defiant student. Makes me dread going to work as I know I will be yelled at and worried for the safety of my other students. Stay strong and I know it will work out for you!!

AFM: Nothing has changed. No symptoms of anything af or otherwise. My temps are staying level vaginally and going up orally. Not sure what to think. 13dpo today. Curious if implantation happened at 10dpo as it was at 11dpo that my vaginal temp spiked up and my oral temp really started to rise again. I guess time will only tell. No spotting, no real cramping besides from working out, chest is occasionally tender but not really. Just exhausted which is mainly from work right now. Sigh I just want to know!!!

Good luck ladies!!!

5 years ago

Here are my charts. Just not sure what to think right now.

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5 years ago

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