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BYOB: Finally Got My BFP!!

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Hi ladies!!

This is NOT the usual BYOB page (that one is currently called "BYOB: Hoping for some Easter Babies")

I finally got my bfp a few days ago, and altho I have already joined the "countdown MY Pregnancy" site and the BYOB thread on there, I somehow really dont feel like I belong there yet. I am sure I will get used to it, but I wanted to start a thread on ctp for all the BYOB girls who want to join and any others who have recently gotten their bfp's that want to share their worries/excitement without being insensitve to the ttc ladies.

My name is Joy
Dh and I are both 28
we've been together 9yrs
we got married & bought a house together in 2009
From Manitoba Canada
I'm a wanna-be stay-at-home-mom, currently just a house wife. (But not for much longer!)
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
So we have escentially been ttc #1 for over a year now
8mos after m/c and 15 mos over all we finally got our bfp!
We have a nursery room all set up, the theme is Baby Winnie the Pooh
My LMP was May 28th, I O'd between June 17-19th (I'm going with the 19th - Fathers Day )
I got my bfp June 30th in the evening with EPT, FRER & a CBDigi with Conception Indicator that said 1-2weeks.
Took another EPT on July 1st - Faint BFP
Took another FRER today (July 3rd) and got a very strong BFP!
(I am a little parinoid about m/c-ing since I did last time so will probably continue testing until I am at least past 8 weeks)
I am currently 4 weeks pregnant!

Hope all my fav preggo ladies decide to join me here! & anyone else who has been lucky enough to get their bfp!!


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13 Replies • 13 years ago



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11 - 13 of 13 Replies

Hi ladies!!

Abbie - I am glad you are just relaxing. If the spotting hasnt turned into anything more then I would say you're probably pretty safe! Any more spotting today?

I havent even called my doc yet for an apt.. probably wont get in until 8 weeks anyway. But I will call later this week. I'll be going with an ob/gyn for sure, cause I know dh's insurance covers all the perks of a hospital delivery. (And have never heard of any midwive in the area)

Shannon - I am already over on cmp, and I promise I will chat more!! LoL! I am starting to get used to the site, but I still come on here all the time too to check on my ttc ladies!!


Daisypath Happy Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickersDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

13 years ago • Post starter

Is this a "dead thread" ? Has everyone moved over to CMP? Shall I stop checking : )

[url= BabyFruit Ticker]

13 years ago

Yeah pretty much! LoL!

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13 years ago • Post starter

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