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First ovulation after baby

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Hey ladies! I had a baby boy July 2013 and just had my first cycle post partum. I usually ovulate cd 12-14. Today is cd 20 and im getting a pos opk. I am just curious about returning to a normal cycle. When was your first ovulation after baby?

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15 Replies • 10 years ago



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11 - 15 of 15 Replies

Yeah for smiley face! Of course I started testing and got a faint positive on an equate 11 dpo about...these tests give alot of evaps...I will test again around 8 am!!!!! Pray for me!!!!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Well the same thing happend for me this month as last where I got a smiley and then blanks and the another smiley a week later uuuggghhh....So we covered our bases as best as we could considering we had snow storms and my husband plows for work so we didn't get to do it everyday :( .... Now I just have to wait it out and see what happens...... and you haven't said if you got that POSITIVE ???? Was it good news !!!!????

10 years ago

Well the same thing happend for me this month as last where I got a smiley and then blanks and the another smiley a week later uuuggghhh....So we covered our bases as best as we could considering we had snow storms and my husband plows for work so we didn't get to do it everyday :( .... Now I just have to wait it out and see what happens...... and you haven't said if you got that POSITIVE ???? Was it good news !!!!????

10 years ago

Well the same thing happend for me this month as last where I got a smiley and then blanks and the another smiley a week later uuuggghhh....So we covered our bases as best as we could considering we had snow storms and my husband plows for work so we didn't get to do it everyday :( .... Now I just have to wait it out and see what happens...... and you haven't said if you got that POSITIVE ???? Was it good news !!!!????

10 years ago

Well I got my BFP !!! well 4 of them haha yyyaayyy .....did you have good news you haven't said anything!!!!

10 years ago

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