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Thin milky discharge at 8/9 dpo???

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Ok I am confused...
I believe I ovulated on/around 1/10/14 (dtd on 1/10 & 1/11) which would make me 9 dpo.

At 6 dpo, I had a few twinges in my abdomen but brushed them off.

At 7 dpo, More twinges and also a weird pressure down there on either side of my labia (sorry for tmi).

Yesterday at 8 dpo, crampy in area above pubic bone, pressure "down there" and LOTS of milky discharge which seems to be leukorrhea to me. I also just FELT different! Ran to Dollar Tree and took test which maybe had the faintest of faint lines ( I know its early) but hubby said he didn't see anything.

Today at 9 dpo, took dollar tree test w fmu and bfn. Still having milky discharge but not as much, still cramping above public bone and my hips hurt today.

Anyone else having these symptoms go on to BFP? Does it sound promising or am I out?

13 Replies • 10 years ago



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AF came... Surprise surprise!
How's everyone else???

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10 years ago

AF officially 2 days late but had BFN last time I tested which was Fri night, weirddddd for me : ( I feel like she's about to arrive though, as I'm very crampy and have a tired back ache. Boooooooo AF, you witch!

10 years ago • Post starter

MsConception: that's good!! Maybe you don't have enough HCG on your urine yet... Hope AF stays away and you get that BFP soon!!!

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10 years ago

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