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January 2015 Babies

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Hello, Ladies.

I wanted to start a group for the mama's expecting a January '15 baby.
Let's share our bfp stories and symptoms. Have you spread the news?
How are you feeling?

I am currently 6 weeks and 5 days along. DH and I have been TTC for a year now with two losses during our TTC journey. We have three children and are praying for one more to complete our family. I look forward to hearing from you and

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112 Replies • 10 years ago



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Good morning girls!

I am 8+1 today. No spotting for the third day in a row! It feels longer because I rejoice everytime I go to the bathroom. My husband looks at me strangely when I tell him how much I am enjoying going to the bathroom now! I was dreading it everything I was spotting. I also found I had trouble with bowel movements because, stupid as it sounds, I knew that they forced out more blood so I didn't want to push!!!

ruth1981 I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have gone through the emotional rollercoaster with both pregnancies. The previous one was very extended as we kept having inconclusive scans. You almost need to just forget about it for a while and get your emotions back on track, but that is impossible when you could be doing something and suddenly stop and think "wow, I'm pregnant". Then the hope and fear starts again. My emotional roller coaster is on a high at the moment but that in itself scares me. I think what if things suddenly go bad again? Sure I have seen the baby and a heartbeat, but last time it died two days after a similar scan. I am just hoping because I still "feel pregnant" that things are still okay. Four weeks until the end of the first trimester and my scan (not booked yet) so a while to go through before further confirmation of our progress.

I have had similar experiences to both of you with the telling people early thing last time. We told my parents at 5 weeks just after our first scan and I was so excited I would have burst otherwise. Then we told my husband's parents at 8.5 weeks when we had the scan with a heartbeat. So then when things got really rocky during those last two weeks (baby had died but didn't know it) we had lots of calls and texts checking how things were going. It meant that because they were so in the loop a couple of nights before I miscarried my mother actually said "You are probably going to lose this one". That comment actually hurt more later than at the time because I was feeling the same way, but I didn't want anyone else saying it!!! This time we were so relieved when we had the bleedign that we hadn't told them as they would have been wondering if we were going to miscarry again, and I hate the thought of them thinking that. So, at over 8 weeks we still haven't told any friends of family. We might in another two weeks but want to leave it as late as possible.

I slept sooooo well last night, feeling very refreshed which is great. Was so tired yesterday. That is my worst symptom at the moment!

10 years ago

Hi, how is everyone feeling?

Am 6 weeks and 2 days today and feeling much more reassured as I've got achy boobs and feel sick most of the time. Not had bleeding since Thursday either so a big relief.

Shelob, totally know what you mean about toilet visits and looking out for blood, I'm constantly doing it as well but am starting to be more relaxed about it now.

It must have been hard for you losing your pregnancy when you did. I had lots of inconclusive scans with both of my miscarriages but we never saw a heartbeat on either so at least I didn't feel that I was losing a baby really. It's all very hard though and doesn't make it easier for next time.

How are you Babymine? Feeling any better with all your symptoms?

Katiekins, did you book an early scan at all? I've been wondering whether to do the same and just pay for one. I remember when I was carrying my daughter though they forgot to book me in for a scan so I would have had to wait an extra 2 weeks so I paid for one and then they said because I had done that I wasn't entitled to have my free 12 week scan so I felt I missed out there as I was looking forward to having 2 scans.

Has anyone had a scan yet?

Hope all is well with

10 years ago

Hi! I am feeling awful, which is great. My nausea came back worse a few days ago. Even though I have been spending a lot of time resting I have felt constantly sick. I am 8 weeks 4 days today. No bleeding or spotting for the past week which is fantastic!

I have just had the one scan at 7 weeks 4 days. Gosh, it doesn't feel like it was only a week ago!! Busy times. We have our first midwife appointment in a week. I am feeling SO much better about this pregnancy every day. I can't feel this rotten for weeks on end only to lose it!!! We have progressed so far beyond the miscarriage point now. In fact it was 8 weeks 4 days ish that our previous baby dies, but it only measured just over 6 weeks. This one was right on track a week ago so I know it will be much bigger now!!! Two more weeks and we will be past the point I actually had the miscarriage. Looking forward to getting past that milestone!

10 years ago

Hello, Mamas!

I'm very happy to hear you are all feeling terrible! Funny how pregnancy is the only time you're relived to feel sick. Im 8w2d and my doctor is crazy busy and my first scan isn't until 6/20. I am terribly impatient and booked an ultrasound with a elective ultrasound company called The Ultrasound Experience. So my family and I get to see the baby and hear it's heartbeat on Friday at 4!!!!

I'm very happy to hear everyones spotting has stopped. I know that awful feeling to well. Not wanting to push during a bm and checking the tp every time you go. I still check after evry trip to the bathroom but am finally feeling more reassured as each day goes by. My symptoms are still very strong, bbs are killing me and i no longer fit into my bras, and nausea is with me almost all day. This is my fourth pregnancy (not including mc) and I never got morning sickness with any of them.

On another more fun note, lets check out some old wives tales with each other. A few I've come across recently.
1. Ramzi Theory- depending on which side your placenta is can revel gender. Right=boy Left=girl

2.Nub Theory- the angel of the "genital nub" 45degrees or more=boy, less then 45=girl (i think)

3. Morning Sickness- if your sick a lot its a girl, if not boy.

Add any others you've heard about no matter how silly. The first trimester is always so filled with anxiousness lets try to have a little fun!

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies!

I've been reading this post when I can and thought I'd finally post since I'm feeling more confident about my pregnancy. I'm also due in January, the 26th, so I'm glad to have others due around the same time! :D

Like most of you I also had spotting - it started when I was 5w3d and when I first saw it I broke down crying and was so scared. Luckily it was only dark brownish but still scared the heck out of me. I don't recall having it was my DD. My dh was away at a friends when I got it and I didn't know what to do so I called my mom to ask... not the best way I wanted to break the news to them. I've had it for just over a week with some days worse than others though not as dark as the first time. The 1st 2 days it was with bm then I just got it randomly during the day. It's been 2 days I haven't noticed it now so hoping it's gone!! I did ask the GP last week about it and he said that 20-30% of women have spotting and they don't know why so it's nothing to worry about unless heavy/bright red with severe cramping and/or clots! This helped me alot.

With DD I only told my mom when I got my BFP and waited to tell everyone else until after 3 mths but now it seems like everyone knows with this pregnancy... I've been so bloated (or was when really constipated) that it was obvious and when people asked I didn't want to lie! :( It's hard to keep quiet about something so beautiful, right?!

How is everyone feeling now? I think you're all atleast a week or two ahead of me (I'm 7 weeks today) so I hope you're all doing well!

I have a few more old wives tales I heard of too;

- If you show all in front then it's a boy while if you're evenly distributed everywhere, it's a girl.

- If you have a linea nigra (dark line down your tummy) from you pelvis to your navel it's a girl, or if the line is from under your bbs to your navel its a boy.

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10 years ago

Hi, Candie

Congratulations on on your pregnancy!

I totally know how your feeling about the spotting. I finally had an us on Friday, I was so relived to see and hear a strong and healthy heartbeat. I haven't spread the news, however there was a large family wedding this past weekend and DH told just about everyone.

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10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Candie, congratulations! I think I'm due the same day as you! By first day of my period I am due 23rd Jan but I know when I ovulated and it was later so I make it 26th.

It's surprising how many people are getting bleeding then and reassuring really! I got some more old blood yesterday so have had several incidents of it now and every time it is scary! It's getting a bit easier now though and midwife has told me there is no need for a scan. I've been having my hcg levels tested for the past 2 weeks instead and that I'm told is ok.

That's interesting about the linear nigra because mine was from tummy down with both my girls and my weight was distributed all over too so it's right so far! I've read that you crave salty food and meat with a boy and sweet food with a girl.

Great news about your scan Babymine, I bet you are relieved! Not so good that dh has spread the gossip or maybe you don't mind so much now you have had a healthy scan!


10 years ago

I am 9 weeks 4/5 days today. Midwife appointment tomorrow! I have started to feel a bit better which is a huge relief. I was having really bad nausea issues. I still can't stomach much for dinner (some raw veges and roast potatoes was last night's fare!!) Definitely can't handle meat. But, I don't feel like I have to keep an eye out for which spots I would be sick in if need be at work!!! This is far more manageable. I believe the placenta should be taking over hormone production now so hence the reduction in MS. Whew! Of course, I have heard plenty saying that it came back full force a week or two after a respite!

It also amazes me how many people get bleeding!! I got red bleeding but all fine at scan a few days later. The brown stuff can then be coming out for a week or so after you have had a bleed, so it is not really a separate episode, just your body still trying to get rid of it. I have been spotting free for two weeks now! It is a huge relief not to have that issue. My miscarriage last year had spotting which got worse and worse.

Welcome Candie! Glad you are feeling more confident about things. I know how you feel after the bleeding, that's for sure! I was certain I was going to miscarry when I had the bleeding. But no! Lets just hope everything is still all fine in there. Hopefully we will get to hear a heartbeat tomorrow at our appointment.

I have had bloating issues on and off. No constipation (or none more than usual!) but LOTS of gas. I felt like everyone would know for sure! But, that seems to have gone down a bit. I definitely have a bit of a tummy, more than I used to, but it is more hideable.

10 years ago

Hi all! Thanks for the congrats! I'm glad we're all in this together and I have people to chat with! :D

I had another scary episode last nite where I got a nice amount of dark brownish-red spotting! :( I thought it was over but nope... so I was worried all night since there seemed like more than the 1st time. I also had some slight achy cramps. Got nothing else for the rest of the night and had a very small amount of lite brown today. The whole waiting game/not knowing is horrible!! I don't see the doc till July 3rd so got a while to wait. My mom was saying it could be that I need to take it easy and relax more (aka lay down) and I should stop carrying my 3yr old DD as she could be too heavy (35lbs roughly) but I only do that once in a while. Have you guys tried any of this or figure this could be causing it or am I just worrying more than I should? It just seems so early to have to lay down and not do much and it's hard with an active 3 yr old!

Hi Shelob! Glad to hear you're doing so well and nausea is hopefully subsiding!! You eat whatever you can that makes you feel ok, right? I've been so picky about food lately and don't crave anything - I find I feel nauseous, don't feel like anything but when I can manage to not mind the food, I eat it and eat tons as I feel ravenous. I hope it goes well with your midwife tomorrow and you hear the heartbeat!

Hi babymine! Congrats on the good US and hearing a strong heartbeat! I envy you and can't wait till I get far along to do the same. I hope you're not too upset at your dh for spreading the news at the wedding but you do have confirmation things are going well so why not spread the joy?! :D

Hi ruth! So glad to have someone with the same EDD as me!! :) How are you feeling? I'm glad I'm not the only one still spotting though I pray it stops for both of us, really soon, so we can stop getting so scared! You're lucky to have a midwife to be there for you - they're more dependable and easy to reach vs doctors. I hope your hcg levels are doing well!

I swore and was 95% sure I was going to have a boy with my 1st pregnancy (we made it a surprise) but low and behold we had a girl. lol. I had a linea nigra from under my bbs to my navel and I was all out in the front to predict a boy but nope! Only signs it was a girl was I had the mild nausea from 6 weeks to 10 and I craved fruit and dairy so you never know!

Are all of you going to find out the sexes of your babe(s) or do you like the surprise?!

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10 years ago

Hi Candie. Yep I eat only what appeals. If something doesn't and I try to eat it I feel like I will be sick. We will be keeping the gender a surprise. There are boy grandchildren on one side of the family and a girl on the other so whatever we have will be well desired and of course we just want a healthy baby!!!

The cat is starting to be let out of the bag about the pregnancy. 10 weeks today. Told my parents on the weekend, and his last night (after the midwife appointment). My father told my grandmother while she was in hospital dying (she died last night :( ) so two of my aunties know. So, we will have to start telling other family members sooner than we had hoped or they will find out at the funeral for sure.

The midwife appointment was really just a "booking" appointment. They asked all the medical things they need to know, and we filled out forms. They did height, weight and blood pressure (slightly low). They unfortunately don't try for the heartbeat as their equimpent is not advanced enough to detect it reliably until 12 weeks. We got a referral for an ultrasound in a couple of weeks. Peace of mind!!

10 years ago

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