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I'm currently 3DPO and absolutely hate the TWW! Was just wondering if there was anyone out there going through the same thing.

1111 Replies • 12 years ago



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Try not to let it get you down, Lizzy. I know that's easier said than done. It's still way early. My friend, who just found out Monday that she is pregnant, had horrible cramps from the time she ovulated till she found out. She was sure was crashing the party. It's early, and there's still tons of hopes!

Well it's 4DPO for me. Another day down, woohoo! Too early in the day to post any symptoms. I overslept big time. Hey, maybe that's a symptom, lol. How's everybody else faring?

12 years ago • Post starter

Good evening Ladies!!! Well I had some af like cramps today but I had them while i was sleeping so maybe I just dreamed worried about a bfn again!! Maybe I am causing dream cramps lol :)

On the upside...and this goes into the TMI category so cover your eyes if you are grossed out by CM talk...I have heavy, creamy cm going on right now and usually after O I am slippery but not creamy...I hear creamy is a good sign. My hubby tells me that it can be one of the first signs...and since he's a dr I suppose he knows lol :)

Other than sore boobies or anythng... I am trying to hold off on the testing this month because testing this early is just silly. It is so hard!!! Going to the ballet this weekend with my mother in law so I am looking forward to that and trying to keep my mind off the rest.

here is hoping that the cramps are implantation and not the and that we all get our BFP's soon!!! :)

How are you ladies???

12 years ago

Yeah, I'm having a bit of that too and mild cramps here and there. I'm an early tester as well. Can't help it. I will probably start testing around 9DPO or so. I love POAS though ;) I wish they would come up with some other form of testing so you know instantly. Ah well. The ballet sounds fun! Enjoy!

12 years ago • Post starter

Good day ladies..

i am 6dpo, cd23, a bit too early still.. bit cramp on my hips and thighs.. nausea still active on and off.. mild headaches.. i felt sick, like i have a fever right now.. hope these are good signs..

baby dust to all ladies..

12 years ago

Sounds promising to me, lhen!

12 years ago • Post starter

thanks lily..

hope these are good signs..

i am really obsessing over the signs.. my DH said i should not be stressing myself too much.. if its meant to be we will be having our soon..

baby dust to all..

12 years ago

It's sounding good for you Lhen!!! As for me, I am still cramping off and on today. They are just little spurts of pain and pressure but they feel like what I normally feel so I just can't get too excited that they are anything but pre cramps!! :(

I am still experiencing copius amounts of cm...which is wierd for me but I guess not totally out of the norm. I assume will rear here ugly head in a week.

I have been a bit naseous today but again...I am hesitant to blame any of these things on anything but my overactive imagination :)

Any progress from you ladies today???? Tomorrow I will be 7dpo and REALLY want to test...LOL even tho I know it will be negative!! I just cant help it!!! :)

12 years ago

It sounds promising to me, Lizzy.

I'm having a hard time not thinking about it this time around. I wish I could fast forward to testing. Today I am 5DPO and my boobs are a wee bit sensitive, but nothing drastic just very slight. It's got me thinkin'. I just don't want to get my hopes up ya know? I'm just praying and waiting.

All I want for Christmas is a

12 years ago • Post starter

I am 4dpo today, mild headache and lower back pain with hip aches. Neither of which are part of my reg pms symptoms. I guess I am lucky, the only thing I get exactly 5 days prior to AF is gas. So for me, this backpain and headache is actually a good sign... though last cycle I had it and wasn't pregnant. My cervix was fairly low after ovulation, and I did not dry up, cm kept coming. Now cervix is high and I have creamier cm vs the clear. When my cervix is high, i can just barely touch it with the tip of my finger... so I can't really tell if its soft/hard etc. Last cycle I did not have the creamy cm as I do now, i dried up for several days. Hoping this is a good sign.

What I actually think is these early symptoms are progesterone symptoms, which maybe means the egg was fertilized? Implantation is what we all want of course, but I bet that is where most pregnancies fail. So if my symptoms are indeed because the egg was fertiilized, then here is to hoping the egg also implants :)

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12 years ago

Hi Lily and girls!! 7dpo today and hot flashes like WHOA!!! No other symptoms besides the cm hanging around...and lots of it!!!

I broke down and took a test today even tho it was a silly SILLY thing to do. Of course, it was a BFN!!! I didnt' think I would be disappointed since I kinda figured that is what would happen. But then I thought I saw a line but it was just the white antibody was negative!!! And now I am so disappointed even tho I promised myself I wouldn't be. Oh what an addiction to :)

Any symptoms from you guys yet??? How are we holding up so far???

12 years ago

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