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1dpo!! who's with me!?!?

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The tww is the worst!!

105 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hi ladies -

I think I am 2 dpos. I had an extra long lh surge (4 days) and hope I actually o'd. If so I think we covered our bases as far as bding. Weird thing is I had two...yes TWO false positive hpts on the 10th. I tested everyday, multiple times a day since and no second line. But then I got 4 days of positive opks. No sign of a chemical pregnancy yet, hope that the tests were just faulty. Never had a false positive in my life. I have two children and have had 3 miscarriages. So who knows. I'm hoping this is my tww.

Good luck that we all get out BFP!

7 years ago

I think im about 4 or 5dpo now. My cycle is usually anywhere from 25 to 28 days? I'm a horrible test addict lol. I test pretty much everyday up until af. Lol I know I get tons of negatives, but it's the only way I can get it off my mind. The only symptom I've noticed is I've been getting a little more tired they the day but nothing to bad yet. And I had some right side cramping...ughh the tww is horrible lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol i didnt know it was putting all those emotions actually on there haha..????

7 years ago • Post starter

Yay! The more the better

I am just experiencing some sinus problems and yes I am tempting...I love doing that more than checking my cervix. It helped pinpoint my ov day. Are you tempting @ ELGtrying?

7 years ago

Welcome ladies 3dpo today. Ugh. I have backpains and some cramping oh yeah a headache and really high for me temp this am.

How are you ladies doing?

7 years ago

Nothing but creamy cm since ovulation and usually watery at this point hmmmm. Anyone else have this?

7 years ago

Me too really weird for me.

7 years ago

Only 4dpo here but so far nothing unusual, having creamy CM too! not sure that's unusual though.

TTC#1 MC <img src=

7 years ago

Had cramps last night, creamy cm again today!

7 years ago

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