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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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So I've taken 3 more tests already this morning. 2 FRERs and 1 CVS early. I swear I saw something on the CVS then it disappeared. The FRERs are making me nuts. I used them with prior pregnancies, and I could never see anything if it wasn't positive, but I swear I see something, and I can't tell if it's just the hormone strip. EPT & CVS were the ones I got + before today, so I would think the CVS would just keep getting darker, but it's lighter, so now I'm wondering if it might have been chemical. My boobs never get sore b4 AF, but my last 2 cycles they have been, and I got a strong positive last cycle with an EPT, and AF came anyway. I swear my nipples look darker, and then I think, "If someone had squeezed and rubbed and mashed you 150 times a day for the last week, you'd be a funny color, too!"

I had EWCM on June 19, but I didn't do any charting or OPKs, so I don't know for sure if that's when I O'd. We did the BD the night before & the night after. has anyone tried or thought of trying the Instead cup method?

i've had lots of on/off nausea that's not getting any worse or better, metallic mouthtaste with extra saliva, aversion to eating, diarrhea, dizziness, seeing stars after I've been bent over having line eye with my HPT, seeing stars at other unexpected times with quick movements, very tired, lost weight instead of gained like I normally do b4 AF, abdominal cramping, pulling on my right side that can be quite painful, and I'm sure a bunch more things I"ve forgotten to mention. god help me because I'm totally freakin' insane.

12 years ago

I just posted @ of mine from this morning if anyone wants to line-eye with me. They're in the negatives.

12 years ago

due today i have done a dip stick test and im trying very hard not to use the clearblue trying to wait till tomorrow but its sooo hard .

yesterday and today the sickness is soo bad just wich i would be sick and get it over with . ive had cramps everyday since 7dpo and im 14dpo today .

hi to alll the newbies joining the nuthouse you will find you stright jacket to the left lol

p.s i know the feel about the "And my body cant decide between constipation and diahhrea."
other half ( cant call him DH just yet lol only 13 day then i can he he ) has been talking to my tummy and rubbing it . if does come i dont wanna tell him
as he will be dissipointed

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12 years ago

* dpo and took a test this morning (knowing it's still to early) as expected it's neg :( I have 6 more days to go until AF is expected to arrive on her stick. Symptoms are still just as strong as they were 5 days ago. Really hoping to get a positive soon!! My birthday is on July 9th and My accurate test date is July 8th, Maybe i'll get the best bday gift of all.........

12 years ago

Can someone tell me everyone wants to use clearblue as late as possible?? Is there something I should know???

12 years ago

ive got clear blue digital and want to use it as late as poss as they are not cheap so dont want to waste it

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12 years ago

waitingonmymiracle. - At my Wally World the .88 tests are at the front of the store near the registers and are mixed in with a bunch of different health items. It's a huge round bin about chest high with everything just thrown in. I've been able to get as many as 12 without having to dig for them, though. The boxes are light purple, about the same size as the $ store tests and say, "First Signal." I had to ask an associate where they kept the. 88 items to find them. I tend to go early so no one sees the crazy lady piling a bunch of HPTs in the cart & to avoid seeing many people in my small town. Next time one of the associates looks at me cross-eyed or says, "Um, do you think you might be pregnant," I'm going to tell them I donate them to a pregnancy crisis center!!

12 years ago

That makes sense! I bought a pack of the first response tests that detect up to 6 days sooner. I think i'm going to try and hold off until AF is supposed to be here, as brutal to my patience as it's going to be. Good luck ladies!

12 years ago

@alishakaye - My bday is tomorrow & AF is due the next day, so a BFP would be an awesome 38th birthday present!

12 years ago

Happy Birthday and lots and lots of luck and wishes!!! It would be the biggest blessing and greatest birthday present to be suprised with a little sprout!!!

12 years ago

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