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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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LuvBunnyForever I’m 6dpo today and due 3:2 and I’ve had 2 mc. I’m so sorry for your losses and I hope and pray this is your month too!! Just know you’re not alone! Xo

6 years ago

@3JHope. I remember you. It's been awhile. I hope you caught the egg and you get your BFP. Did you do anything different?

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6 years ago

Hi ladies. Just checking in. I posted at around 5-7dpo (wasn't exactly sure when I ovulated). My best guess is that today I am 10dpo. I tested today and got a BFN. I knew it would be too early! Not sure why I did that to myself. I am impatient I guess. Really keeping my fingers crossed this is the month! AF isn't due until Monday the 26th. to all of you!

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6 years ago

So I caved and did another test after work today, probably only a 1.5-2hr hold. Hubby saw a faint line within 3 mins of taking the test. It’s very faint though. I’m losing hope that this is going to happen now :( what a cruel trick. (Posted the pic). I’ve honestly been feeling pregnant too. 12-13dpo, faint positive since 10-11 dpo. Couldn’t hcg levels just be taking awhile to build? I’m hoping for a miracle but feeling like this may be a CP.

6 years ago

@Tryingafterloss. I took a look at your test and I thought I saw a flicker of a line. I would test either with fmu or in another day to see if the lines get get darker. What types of symptoms are you having?

@sarahlf86. I also took a look at your test and I have a rough time reading those as I am not very good with the dip tests. I would test in another day. Good luck.

How is everyone else feeling. Anyone else close to testing?

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6 years ago

@dragonfly23. I will be testing in the morning. My symptoms this month are all the same as when I was pregnant before. Sore, tender, heavy breasts, pinching, stretching feeling. Cramping very different than my PMS cramping. I’m just hoping the faint lines get darker. Been trying for almost 3 yrs now other than when I was pregnant I’ve never had a faint positive or evap line. :(

6 years ago

Good morning ladies! I'm a little uncertain about my O day this month. I fear it was yesterday but it could be today or tomorrow. I got my peak on my CBD this morning so that suggests today or tomorrow. But I had a slight temperature rise this morning so maybe I O'd yesterday I missed my true peak? I'm nervous because the last time we BD this week was early Tuesday morning and we missed yesterday. We did BD before work this morning as I made that my mission after seeing that peak smiley. I'll continue as if today is O day and BD tonight and tomorrow too. I was hoping it would be tomorrow but all signs are pointing to today. I think I possibly had lower right ovulation pain this morning right above my hip (actually still feeling that which is new for me). I'm hoping my efforts this morning were enough as I fear sperm does not stick around in me as long as it does other women and I can't imagine that there were any left hanging around form Tuesday morning. What do you ladies think? I can share my chart tomorrow once I have another temperature and that might shed light too. If it drops tomorrow and rises on Sunday then I will have O'd on Saturday (tomorrow), which is what I was expecting. To make matters more confusing I woke up 30 minutes before my normal alarm was a bit restless and then fell back asleep and took my temperature 30 minutes later at the normal time. I'm worried that messed with my temperature and now I don't have an accurate reading for today. Gah! Why is it so tricky this cycle!

6 years ago

@3JHope - Hi! Sorry af showed up, better luck this cycle!!! When will you start to test? I'm new to the groups here - I'm currently CD20 and 7dpo (I think according to my opk tests anyway).

@sarahlf86 - Still time to get your BFP! Fx'd for you!! When will you test again? So exciting!!! I'm 7dpo and I've been testing since 5dpo cuz I'm a POAS addict haha

@Tryingafterloss fingers crossed for you!! Maybe it was because you only held your pee for short time? How long is a good hold usually? 3-4 hours? Also, what kind of brand of pregnancy tests are you using? Maybe it's the brand?

I have a question for ladies who have miscarried and then are now pregnant - did you do anything different/take anything extra? I feel like I don't have a terrible time getting pregnant when I try, but now I've lost babies twice and I'm so scared and I want to take EVERY precaution if and when I am pregnant again. Are you all doing anything diff once you get pregnant to try to lower miscarriage odds? I want to be more aware of things I can possibly do to minimize my odds of miscarrying... so many of my friends and family say "stop stressing, what's meant to be will be" - even my bf said that last time, but that doesn't help me. I am TERRIFIED that if I'm pregnant I'll miscarry again and I know many woman have had more miscarriages than I have and still gone on to have healthy babies, but it's just so hard to try to think and stay positive.

I'm currently 7dpo - got a very faint positive at 5dpo (maybe I O'd earlier or maybe it was evap line?), took another test yesterday am - no second line at all, yesterday afternoon took another one (yup, addict over here LOL) and there was a VERY FAINT second line after about 10 min, took one this am - again very very faint second line - or maybe I just have line eyes LMAO!! Guess I gotta give it more time and tests in couple days should really show it if I am. C'mon BFP!!!!!

My symptoms so far if anyone is interested...
Cycle started 2/1 or 2/4 - not 100% sure - my first cycle since my D&C on Dec 6th and I had some blood on 2/1 but then nothing on 2/2 or 2/3, then full blown had it 2/4 - 2/6 and little bit on 2/7. Started testing for O day and had darkest line on Friday, 2/16 (pics of my Wondfo OPKs in bio)

1dpo - felt like I felt pressure, gas, stuffy nose, increased cm
2dpo - dull cramps on left side only - not like af, irritable/moody - like ready to cry for no reason, bloated, gassy, increased cm
3dpo - extra cm - milky/creamy consistency, dull cramping, I feel pregnant, increased sex drive, bloated, gassy, increased smell but stuffy nose, extra tired, vivid dreams
4dpo - extra cm - creamy and slightly yellowish at 6:30pm, more cramps than yesterday but on and off and not like AF - dull, notice veins in arms more, pulling/pinching, feel full/heavy, bbs starting to feel bigger and tingly - esp under arms, I still have gut feeling I'm pregnant, bloated, gassy, increased appetite - feel like a PIG - wanna eat EVERYTHING and never feel quite full - so not like me! Stuffy nose, wicked tired, vivid dreams (I usually never remember them), started feeling achy/congested at night like I"m starting to get sick.. extra tired, but wouldn't quite say I'm exhausted
5dpo - wokeup with slight headache that lasted on and off all day - not bad enough that I felt I needed to take anything, but annoyingly there. Some bumps on right arm and back of neck - don't usually get that - pimples? not sure. Bad dry scalp (got this last pregnancy), Still extra cm - creamy - I feel like I"m usually dried up by this point? Feel dull pressure/cramps/heaviness/fullness in lower stomach, bbs feel heavy/larger/fuller, see veins more, bbs feel a little sensitive I think, I still could swear I'm pregnant! Bloated, gassy, loose stool in morning, still constantly hangry! Took wondfo pregnancy test after work and it came up with second line after about 8-10 min (pic in profile) Smell everything, wicked hot flash at night - had to change into tank and shorts to go to bed - so so tired, but yet couldn't fall asleep... clockwatched til I finally fell asleep.. not like me usually I pass out
6dpo - took wondfo pregnancy test with FMU - no 2nd line. cm is watery/slightly milky looking - maybe even yellowish tint and a good amount of it - have a wet feeling that started in early afternoon and lasted til I went to bed. Took Wondfo pregnancy test during lunch at work (yup, full blown POAS addict) - second line came up after about 8-10 minutes... evap or start of BFP? Feel full, but always hungry - strange. bbs feel and look bigger to me, I think veins are more prominent, still could swear I'm prego, very happy mood, bloated/gassy, smelling everything from mile away it seems, metallic taste in mouth today, vivid dreams again - days in a row now! So tired - passed out on couch before 10pm - not like me, I'm a night owl!
7dpo (Today) - woke up and still feel wet, swiped surface with finger and cm looked milky/watery and good amount of it still - such a weird feeling. Still feel pregnant. Slight headache, bbs still feel and look bigger to me, bit of nausea in shower this am, took wondfo pregnancy test with FMU and no second line came up. Feel starving - have eaten my lunch at 10:30am past 3 days - usually don't eat lunch til 1pm.

6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13. I think you should be okay. I know your hubby doesn't like using pre-seed but I only used it when I got my "yes" on my ovulation test but managed to BD the next day. I also think that if you are feeling pain in the hip area then the egg is about to or already getting released. I remember I got horrible pains and then the next day the temp rose. What was your temp yesterday and what is it today (even though you woke up early)? Try not to worry and go about your day as if today is O-day and BD tonight for extra measures.

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6 years ago

@FlamingoGirl13 - I just posted the hpt I took yesterday afternoon - it's hard to see the faint second line in the pic... I was trying to hide it while taking pic so no one at work saw me LOL, lemme know if you can see a second line or not

6 years ago

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