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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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Thanks @dragonfly23! Your story has been my inspiration this cycle

6 years ago

8dpo today and part of me feels out and part of me feels maybe I still have a chance. I know it’s still early to test but of course I tested this am with Wondfo and BFN.

I’ve been having dull but kinda achy constant cramping on mostly my left side of lower stomach for the past hour or so. Maybe implantation?????????????????

How’s everyone else feeling? Anyone going to be testing in the next few days? I just ordered more tests lol.

6 years ago • Edited

Currently 14dpo. Had spotting for 3 days when I wiped from the 18th-20th. So either November 1st or November 2nd ????

6 years ago

@celinav411 sounds about right! I’m 12dpo and if all goes well my EDD would be November 5th!
Good luck!

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6 years ago

hello ladies, I only have 24 day cycle regular. i think i ovulated on cd 10 which was feb 20th. I am now only 4 dpo. me and hubby did bd from cd 6-cd 12. i noticed cloudy watery egg white type of cm, then watery only the next 2 days which was dpo 1 and 2. dpo 3 and 4 today i had creamy white cm. and on and off slight cramps most of the time on the right side. today feels like something pulling in ky abdomen part. i have a feeling i am pregnant. what u guys think?...

6 years ago

@dragonfly23 thank you for your support:) this is so emotionally draining. ATM. I am still only spotting when wiping and still feeling the pulling pinching sensations in my uterus and the bbs are still sore. If this is a chemical I just want AF to come and put me out of my guessing misery! I haven’t done another hpt, I just feel it would be a waste of money

6 years ago

Well, I’m out. Officially a CP as AF has just arrived with a vengeance! :( Hope you ladies get your BFPs & have healthy pregnancies! X

6 years ago

@SheRiskers. Thank you. It means a lot to me that I have helped someone get through the nasty tww.

@SheRiskers. So truely sorry . Are you going to try anything different this cycle?

As for me. I have been super moody and annoyed today. Must be hormones as I'm not really annoyed easily. I even told my hubby that I am not sure what this pregnancy going to do. I was so calm and relaxed the whole time and even in labour I was calm. Should be interesting on what this pregnancy will do. Sadly, I'm so afraid that something bad will happen that I have to keep telling myself that my baby is fine and that there is nothing for me to worry about. Do you think once I hear the heartbeat I will be fine or still thinking the what ifs. I'm sorry, my emotions are high. Was at work and they called code blue in the renal unit and I was on break where the code blue team was running and I got teary eyed thinking about the patient and hoping he/she is okay. Oh man, what to do at a time like this?

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6 years ago • Edited

Hi ladies, AF arrived right on schedule last cycle though I never received a positive OPK. So either I missed the surge (which I find hard to believe given the amount of opks I was using) or I'm not ovulating? I don't know. But it's CD7 and I'm hoping for the best this cycle so I'm here again ready to obsess over every little thing.

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6 years ago

Huge temp dip for me this morning at 11DPO. I was so hopeful we got it this month but my temp usually drops a couple days before AF... Due on Wednesday. Oh well. It was at least nice to see how my body reacts to progesterone cream. I won't be testing anymore unless for some reason AF doesn't show.

6 years ago • Edited

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