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5 days post IUI...Cycle buddy anyone?

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I had my first IUI on Saturday, so I'm now 5 days out and analyzing every twinge and eating way too much chocolate. Anyone in a similar boat or close in days?

203 Replies • 11 years ago



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191 - 200 of 203 Replies | Last Page

@sabrinababt right yup thats what re said he said it will be ready to test because of that march 5th huh

11 years ago

jaye1101 overdril is that a injectable i am unsure what that is they gave me ropronex injectable i can not answer till i am sure what u are refering to sorry but welcome hello nice to mee u jay1101 i am sorry it was not ur month but i will be hopeful this next cycle wil be

11 years ago

Jaye you need only one follicle to get pregnant! Good luck and keep us updated! There is always a chance!

11 years ago

I had back to back IUI's tues and wed and i'm too is 5 days after the o and i'm driving myself crazy!! with all these symptoms!! how do yall feel?

11 years ago

y back to bac iui only had one last sat and i am going crazy with this TWW i sware i have had several promissing symptums but with all the hormones hcg shots and clomid whos to tell speaking on my luck lol 9dpiui

11 years ago

Hi I had my first iui on Saturday sep 28 and i wanted to know who thinks having sex can still boost my chances I did two iui back to back?

11 years ago

Have sex! It won't hurt!

11 years ago

Hi ladies!
Guess what I am back!!!!! I got healthy, lost weight, and my doctor told me I can try again!!!

10 years ago

Texasgirl, I'm happy for you!
You'll do it this time! I wish you good luck!

10 years ago

Thank you. Super excited. My doc is going on a two month vacation. So I have to wait to try until February. This time I am doing it right. I am charting and testing my cm and I bought an ovulation monitor. I will also do back to back iui. My doc says besides being single I shouldn't have any problems. Scared and nervous.

10 years ago

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