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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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So today is cd 3 and I start clomid 100 mg for the time and since my Obgyn is the one who prescribed it to me she said if this doesn't work then I'm off to the fertility specialist! Idk if that's a good thing or bad thing kinda getting mixed emotions I want to feel sad because I never thought this would happen to me and then ok with it because I can get some answers as to if this is from my Merana iud which can cause miscarriage which I had and also cause infertility which I'm having I am going thru a lawyer to get answers about that but either way I hope this does work so I don't have to go any further ... Ill keep you ladies posted .

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11 years ago

i was on mirena until about 4 months ago. I had no idea it can cause miscarriage or infertility. I have yet to get pregnant since getting off but it is still early. what is the percentage of women it has causeed infertility and miscarriage to?

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11 years ago

hi ladies no symptoms for me just dry heaved this morning because my friend say my other friends private smelled really bad and i am still gagging lolz i feel asleep early yesterday oh i got a tickle in my throat that tickle u get when u are about to catch the flu dh was sick yesterday and we went to bed early but when ii was a sleep he was kissing me and now i think he passed his dame germ to me patiently waiting to catch that dame flu so not happy.
@desertchick i agree with piecesgirl get a blood test so ease your mind i would if i could lol
@miricalmomma did u say diet that word is not in my vocabuilary since i been ttc lolz maybe after the baby is born.
@ Jst good luck with the clomid hun
@piecesgirl good morning luv no signs are good signs right still checking Tp how about u lolz two nights in a row i guess because my heart disires it and can not get it out of my mind been dreaming of the implantation bleeding on my panties and waking up to nothing aww the disappointment lolz

11 years ago

@desertchic and @jsx wow! I didn't know they either. I can't remember which one said they were consulting an attorney good for you !!! I am not litigious BUT if caused a problem, then they must pay for your treatment!

@jsx I really hope the clomid works. I am trying to convince my dr to give me some. So if I am not 5 days pregnant (which we all know that I am-through positive thinking) then I want that prescription ASAP.

@topo so no symptoms are good? Yayyyy. I do have this little pinching feeling lower abdomen but it could be gas. Oh an I also went to bed with a cruddy feeling. Definition "cruddy feeling" -stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and blah (I'm about to get sick feeling. Woke up in the middle of the night coughing from dry throat ....I had to sleep with a ricola. I think it's allergies. I think

11 years ago

@jsxitzbom@desertchick omg i had my paraguard for 3 yrs in two sad face and i havent been able to get pregant either but hopefully this is my month postive thoughts positve thoughts..
@piecegirl yes no signs are good signs till we hit the implantiation time wed through mon i think right fingers croosed implatnation plzzzz....
feeling like cold good signs right good signs.

11 years ago

Good Morning Ladies,

@topo ~ I totally had those kinds of dreams last month ttc. Gets you all excited and yes I'm hoping and praying for implantation bleeding too. No flu no flu :( I am not dieting, I'm happy with my weight. Piscesgirl had said she was eating pizza with diet shame and I told her that I was pigging out doing the same...

@piscesgirl ~ I'm kind of envious of your travels. Gas can be a symptom can't it? LOL!

@deserchic and Jsxit ~ I never used any birth control, wish I could be more of help. :( Sorry.

No symptoms this morning. Slept good. Crazy busy dreams. No sore breasts. No symptoms is good too. Hope everyone has a great day. I have a dear friend that I haven't seen in 2 years to have lunch with me today. I'm very excited. She has been ttc# 1 with her dh for 4 years now. We will be having baby chat all day....YAHOOO!!!!

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11 years ago • Post starter

Well I think it's safe to say I'm driving myself crazy.
I have cramps, increased sense of smell (unless it's all in my head) and I'm peeing a lot more. My boobs are sore underneath but I'm not going to count that one as I'm squeezing and poking them so much hoping for pain!!

At 10DPO in my last pregnancy I was very tired and my breasts hurt too much to lay on, hug people or touch.. My appetite increased to the point nothing seemed to fill me up and everything tasted so good.. Comparing the symptoms between then and now I'm not convinced so overall I'm feeling doubtful and a little upset, will be testing when/if I miss my period

11 years ago

@topo no signs are good signs? Yeeeee haw! We're pregnant Ladies! *i claim it* and my throat is still scratch *booo and yayyyyyyyyy all at the same time* lol
So we need to be on the lookout wed-mon? Ok cook. I am still TP watching even though I never had implantation bleeding before. First time for everything.

@miracle I'm like traveling but still wish I was with in driving distance to home at least. How exciting have lunch with a friend! When I was in Texas, I was trying to find time to have lunch or dinner with done friends but it just didn't work out :-( oh well there is always next time :-)

11 years ago

@piecesgirl lets own it luv i am pregers i am pregers lets all say it and say it with cheer omg here comes the doubt i am going to be such a wreck if she stalks me this month. .
miraclemama2be lols thats what i get for getting involed lolz well for piecesgirl no more diet talk lolz food is good pizza sounds good to me.
@BBDustx im sorry i dnt know you are you new to the site or have u just been mia either way it is nice to meet u your almost ready to test you are so lucky any implantaion bleeding
@piecegirl i think i had implatnation bleeding before but cant remember idk if it was trying to come down or it was implatnation bleeding brain fart. @piecesgirl sore throat went away after i ate lolz idk whats going on.

11 years ago

Hi all

This is my first post here, found you guys while on the dreaded google. Dreaded because it is just not healthy while obsessing. )

I am 9 or 10 dpo today. I went crazy a couple of days ago and I used my last HPT. Stupid, but I tend to get a little crazy, haha.

Anyway, I usually are quite symptomless when getting pregnant, missing AF and positive HPT being the first sign.

But now my nipples are sensitive and I get some stabbing pains in by breasts. I haven't usually had sore breasts when pregnant, except for my first pregnancy. I also have, starting yesterday, sorry TMI, very lose bowel movements. That sometimes happens for me 1-2 days before AF is due, but not like this. I don't feel sick at all, though, as I guess I would were it the flu.

And, while I know that one cannot go by the cervix alone, today mine is really high and wet. Cannot feel the opening at all. I am not an avid cervix checker, but usually just do so around AF just so I know when she's coming. And usually it's lower.

I thought I might test tomorrow, being 10-11 dpo. I have usually gotten positives by 10 dpo before, having never been pregnant if I hadn't gotten it by then. Do you think that might change from pregnancy to pregnancy?

11 years ago

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