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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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Kresslove-Welcome hun! Wow that's actually pretty crazy because that's how I feel sometimes about DH. I'm happy you got your BFP's though. I know seeing that was probably one of the best things after trying for so long. I am also sorry about your losses, I know those aren't easy to deal with at all. I'm still grieving over 2. You have some days left.

Are you trying to keep busy at all?

xoxojadorecouture-I'm so sorry hunny. Listen trust me we're in the same boat because AF showed her ugly face and I wasn't expecting for her to come at all. But take all the time you need. Vent as much as you need. You know the ladies and I are here to listen.

8 years ago • Post starter

Hello everyone.

I'm so sorry to hear that AF is here hopefullyamommy. It's hard to be the one going through it no matter what we know about things factually. It's an emotional response and places like this where we can get it off our chest without judgement are great for moral support. We are all here for you. Taking temps is a good. Knowledge is power as they say. But just let yourself feel. Personally I have gradually acuired a song list of tracks I listen to that sort of have come to help me. Different things work for different people.

Xoxoxojadorecouture hopefully you aren't out this cycle. Hopefully the few more days left might show some promising signs.

Twwtoolong Sophie lalou3tt3 how are you charting today? I know some basic things about temping but would love to learn more.

Hey kresslove sorry to hear you went through such a rough time on your journey.

Take care you all

8 years ago

HopefullyAMommy- Thank you for the warm welcome! Yes, I am trying to stay busy and think about it. However, it's hard when DH wants twins which is exactly what I mc in January. If you think you are allergic to his sperm, I would suggest seeing a fertility specialist.
Do you feel sick during the tww?
I felt as if I had the flu during every tww (my body fighting his sperm.)
Thumbs down for AF! Hopefully this cycle will be your lucky one!

8 years ago

To anyone interested in more information about charting your temperature:

- twwtoolong is correct that it's recommended that you use a basal body thermometer which is more sensitive than a normal thermometer you might have. It'll show you slight variations in your temperature like 96.63 and 96.69. I got mine at Meijer for $5 and there are instructions for using it in the package. You can take your temperature vaginally or orally.

- I personally don't think you need a basal body thermometer, so don't worry if you don't have one. Just get started with a regular thermometer. When you ovulate, your temperature will jump up at least .4 degrees and that's a large enough variation to be picked up by a regular thermometer.

- One you have a thermometer, I recommend registering with That's what I use to track my temperature. You can use the free version of the site or you can pay to get the fancy features. I don't think the fancy features are necessary, but they can be helpful. They let you try the fancy features for free during your first month to see if it's something you want to pay for. I just stick with the free service. Countdowntopregnancy also allows you to track your temperature, but I don't find it as user friendly as fertility friend.

- Once you have a site to help you track your temps, you're ready to get started! The rule is that you take your temperature at the same time every morning before you get out of bed or do anything else (like eat, drink, or talk). I take my temperature at 5:45am when my alarm goes off. On the weekends, I still get up at that time to use the bathroom and feed the cat, so it's not hard to take my temp before going back to bed.

- Once you have your temp for that day, plug it in to fertility friend. Keep tracking your temperature each day and look for a temp increase. Once you have 6 days of lower temperatures followed by 3 days of higher temperatures (that are at least .4 degrees higher), fertility friend will tell you which day you likely ovulated. The day you ovulated is the last day you had a low temperature (the day before the temp increase). Progesterone is the hormone that raises your temperature and because this hormone increases after you ovulate, you won't see the temp rise until after ovulation has already happened. But the information is still useful to help you plan future cycles. You'll also want to input other fertility signs like cervical mucus (CM) and positive OPKs (if you use them) to further help fertility friend pinpoint your ovulation date.

- There's additional information on fertility friend about what to look for and what you'll want to know before getting started.

- I've only been temping since June of this year, but I have found it extremely helpful. I originally thought I O'd around cd 7 because I had EWCM, but by temping, I found out I was actually ovulating at cd 15.

I hope this helps! Best of luck ladies and let me know if you'd like any additional information.

As for me, my temps are still high. AF isn't due to start until Sunday.

8 years ago

I know dont think i could get through it without yall still trying to pray this is a light late implatation bleed but im preparing to tey for Aug still

8 years ago

Morning All!
Sorry I missed all the posts lastnight- I had a late meeting at work and basically came home and went to bed I was so tired!

@HopefullyAMommy - getting a kindle sounds like a great idea! I have a tablet with my kobo app and I just love it. We are even able to borrow e-books from our public library which is awesome! It sounds like your spirits have been lifted a little! Take some time to drink wine and read a book this weekend.

@KressLove - Welcome!! You have found the right group if you are looking for awesome ladies with lots of great advice and support! A number of us are testing on Monday (assuming AF stays away)! Keep us posted on your tww!

@Sophe28/HopefullyAMommy - I totally agree with the thermometer- you'll be charged so much more for one that has basal written on it, as long as you have one decimal place (that is all I have), you should be good to go. I am not as precise with my timing as Sophe28 is, I have to get up at 4:30 on Tuesdays for work, so those days are a little earlier than most of my other days when I am up at 5-5:30, but I try and keep it within the same hour. Definitely take it as soon as you wake up - don't sit up in bed or anything if possible. Fertilityfriend is excellent for tracking and does a better job than this site in calculating ovulation taking in consideration all factors such as cm, opk testing, and your temp. It was super comforting to me to see the shift in temp after ovulation!

@Sophe28 - so my temps only came up by 0.1 deg from yesterdays dip. So maybe I am out? Maybe I need one more day for the temps to rise? I am not to hopefully based on my temps right now but it's my first cycle so I have nothing to compare to and am pretty new at the charting world! Here is my chart -, what do you think?

@xoxojadorecouture - I hope the other ladies were right and you aren't out completely! If you are and it's full blown AF today, big virtual hugs. Hang in there, we are totally here to vent disappointment, frustration, or whatever you need!

Keep up the chatter- it was so great to wake up this morning and read everyones posts!!!

9 dpo and counting! Let's hope AF doesn't show her face and we get BFP's on Monday!

8 years ago

Twwtoolong - I definitely think you're still in the running. Your temperature today is still well above your cover line. I am also interested to see what your temperature is tomorrow. How are you feeling? Any noticeable symptoms? I'm still impressed with your BD'ing; you guys must have eaten your wheaties!

My temperature was up at 97.9 again today. If I have another high temperature tomorrow, I'll have a triphasic chart which would be exciting. Here's my chart if anyone is interested in taking a look:

8 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!
Well, my temp is still on the rise this morning! This is my first cycle tracking my temp, so I have no clue what's normal, or what my coverline is.
Twwtoolong- For me AF is due on Tuesday. Since majority of you are testing on Monday Ill try to hold out. Keyword: try lol.
What symptoms (if any) are you all having? I have a fairly short cycle at only 26 days, and today I'm 8 dpo. I cooked meatloaf last night and kept gagging on it. I was able to eat the side dishes without a problem. My bbs are no longer AS TENDER as they were, but my nightly trips to the bathroom have picked up. I'm not necessarily "tired" but I yawn every couple of minutes! Has that happened to any of you?

8 years ago

@Sophe28 - your chart looks awesome!!!! My fingers are crossed that your temps stay high! If you get another high temp tomorrow do you still thinking you'll wait until Monday to test?

I really, really hope my temps go up again tomorrow. We worked hard this month, DH was on a mission! We also really tried to keep bding fun this cycle, so I dusted off the lingerie a couple of nights in there to spice it up!

As for symptoms - super tired, have had some hot flashes on and off and a few instances where my heart starts to race a little even though I am sitting down at my desk (like I drank 2-3 cups of coffee when I haven't). Other than that, it was a bit bizzarre feeling last night and this morning while we were bd'ing- it felt almost like I had a full bladder when I didn't. Who knows, maybe I am just reading into things cause we both really want it to work out this cycle.

Are you having any noticable symptoms ?

8 years ago

Morning KressLove!

I am a shorter cycle too (26-27 days), so I'll be officially late as of Monday. I pray that AF stays away!

Your chart and symptoms sound so promising! Keep us posted and how it goes with the battle of whether to test - I am 9 dpo and am starting to get the itch, but really don't want to test too early, I am just so tired of seeing BFN's!

8 years ago

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