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September 2018 Babies

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Hi ladies, I am hopping over to the September board since I am teetering between Aug and Sept (due date Aug 30th if I conceive this month). For new ladies, welcome!! I am CD 12 right now and believe I will be ovulating in the next day or so. I just started using preseed and am BD every other day all month if we can! I also have an obgyn appt tomorrow just to get completely checked out and make sure there are no problems since we have been trying for a while.

Any Aug 2018 ladies that are moving over here you already know my story and I wish none of us have to move over to this Sept board but I am sending positive vibes to you all!!

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419 Replies • 6 years ago



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Welcome photomama! Baby dust to you!

Callmecrazy - just saw the line! V much there ????..wish you a v healthy pregnancy. You seem to be in good hands.

6 years ago

Callmecrazy - sorry for the ???. Meant to type in !!! ????

6 years ago

Beautiful- not a lot different, but just had the “knowing” feeling. I said that I had it last month but I think it was more of a hope and then actual feeling pregnant. I’m not sure how to explain it, when I feel pregnant even though I get negative early on I still just know , i’m just waiting for that line to show up. But other cycles even if I want to be I can’t convince myself that I am. I seem to move on very quickly cycles.
Physically I was just noting today I’m super irritated, and I have the irritating painful cramps, that feel more like diarrhea than menstruation. lots of low back and hip pain. Tuesday my breasts were very sore. And I was very aware of them.

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6 years ago

Gem -thank you! I absolutely love my OB practice. Planning a homebirth but they work with my midwife and will follow the pregnancy along with her

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6 years ago

Thanks Callmecrazy and Gem1981! Seems like a really great and welcoming group.

@Callmecrazy omg congrats!!!!! What a wonderful Christmas gift!

Where’s everyone from? Los Angeles here

6 years ago

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone. Hope everyone is enjoying themselves over the holidays. Welcome to all tge newcomers, and truely sorry for the ones who got their AF in August. Hope this is your month. Also congrats to those who got their BFPs and truely sorry to the ones where it was sadly taken away. Hang in there, your time is coming.

As for me, I have been lurking in the shadows on here and reading posts. This month had its ups and downs:

The good part is that I am going to be a aunt in early July; step sister. Not much to report here. Some minor cramps, itchy left nipple an that's about it. Since my last cycle I have not temped but did do OPKs. I got a yes on the first response ovulation kit on CD14. Sad that they are so expensive as machine permanetly shuts down and the test strips go to waste and I remember that day like crazy as I had no pain meds as it got so bad I couldn't move around as much. My last cycle I got a yes on CD17. So I am thankful that it was sooner, providing I did ovulate within the 24-36hrs. We managed to BD every other day (even) with expected ovulation on Christmas Eve. The calculators has me listed on every other odd day. I hope there still is still hope and we caught the egg in time.

The bad thing that happened and found out for sure on Christmas Day but knew for almost a week. For some people that have been following me for quite some time, I wrote a comment about a guy who claims he still loves me; but just recently had a child with another woman (that I know) a few months ago. It litterally made me sick for a few days. He had 13 months to tell me but made excuses. I then find out that the woman didn't know she was pregnant till 8 months; so no prenatal care, only one ultrasound and maybe a few months of prenatal vitamines. I was extremely hurt by this and I have since forgiven him as you can't change reality.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly- that’s rough. Hoping this is your month.

HCG came back, it was a 12 yesterday. So that is the BFP you saw at 10dpo.

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6 years ago

@callmecrazy. Yes it is pretty rough but I am fine with it all. Will just need to make some decisions on whether or not we can even be friends. Thank you, I hope this is our month too. Congrats on your BFP.

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6 years ago

@ callmecrazy - That line is for sure there! Dr's test are not as sensitive but I'm happy to see they are treating you as pregnant as you obviously are! Congratulations! I hear what you are saying about how you just know when you are pregnant. This is my fourth cycle ttc and each cycle previous I have just known that I wasn't pregnant.

@ dragonfly23 - I'm glad to see you forgive but also have realistic expectations about your future relationship with this guy. I might have missed it but what DPO are you?

@Beaut1ful38 - I'm doing good! All my apps and things put my O date yesterday but I strongly feel like it was the day before. So I'm either 1DPO or 2DPO. We used pressed the last four times we BD but missed out BDing yesterday. I hope there were some swimmers in there to catch the egg because I feel like today is too late. We will probably still BD today though. Now I'm just starting the waiting game. I'm feeling very positive about it this cycle. I worked hard to get my DH to just BD every other day leading up to ovulation so I'm hoping that helped! Just waiting for my temperature to really get higher to confirm O, but I trust my OPK.

@ Roundthree - I use the same OPK. On my first cycle using them, on the fourth flashy smiley face day I held my urine for four hours in the afternoon evening and then tested again. I got my solid smiley then. This cycle I tried the same thing I didn't get the solid but I don't think I held for long enough because the test looked very similar to the one that was solid smile last cycle. On my fifth morning I got a very solid second line and a solid smile. This is one the reasons I feel I ovulated on CD15 sometime that day.

Welcome to all the newly joined!! to you all!

6 years ago

Flamingogirl, I’m also 2 dpo. Ovulated the 27th at night. Cycle buddies :)

6 years ago

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