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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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2001 - 2010 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Awe hugs Lucky. You will get that excitement soon. That stinks its going to be a bit longer than we all thought. Hang in there.
Cronies sorry your not feeling well. Of course it would hit at O time. Cant blame you for not wanting to bd. It may actually delay O.
Afm, opks were still pos earlier jst not blaring. Think I od last night or this morning. Waiting for that temp shift to confirm. I was wanting to get one more bd in today but dh is in a mood. Bla. Last one was yesterday so hope that was good enough.

7 years ago • Post starter

Dandy the nights young, maybe he will snap out of it lol. If not, hopefully his swimmers are looking for that egg. I did get my onesies today :-)

7 years ago

Awe Lucky, I want to see them : )
Afm, dh didnt change his mood till I was drifting off to sleep so no extra bd. Small temp shift this morning but not sure if its enough. It may be a slow rise. Just have to wait and see. But my opks don't make sence. Now that the wondofo is negative the answer is positive. Its interesting to say the least.
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7 years ago • Post starter

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Hello ladies,

Woke up feeling much better today than yesterday. Not 100% but nearly there. Took an opk's and my clearblue easy advanced monitor is still at high and my opk's are nearly positive. Tonight or tomorrow will be at peak. Yay, I feel well enough to bd. God is good! !!

Dandy : not sure why your answer opk's are positive and the wondfo are not weird.

7 years ago

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We'll that didn't take too long for it to become positive. 2nd morning urine, and it's finally positive. CD 14. Wish me well. Let the bding commence, lol.

7 years ago

Yay Cronins. Thats so good you feel better just in time :) Tww here we come lol
Im not reading to much into mine or stressn over it. I think Im 1dpo, hopefully my temp continues to go up just a little

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks dandy! I pray that your Temps go up further as well. Tww here we come, lol.

7 years ago

Both opks are finally negative now. All in all I had about two n a half days of positives with the answer brand about half a day behind the wondofo into the third day. Thats not bad. It was interesting to see and nice to know for future reference. I was starting to worry about menopause again. Lol. Still going to try to get another bd in. Im no quiter. Hehe

7 years ago • Post starter

Lol, you go girl! Seduce dh, lol.

As for me, mine are blazing positive. I plan on bding the next three or four days. Making sure that I don't miss an opportunity.

7 years ago

Bow chica wow wow. Bd marathon commence. Lol. Come on bfps, where are you? They are waiting on Lucky so we can all rejoice together : )

7 years ago • Post starter

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