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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2011 - 2020 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Amen sister! !!

7 years ago

Hi ladies!
Oh my it's been a long day lol. Working 2 jobs is for the birds. I can't wait to join you two with bfps:-) I figure by the time you get yours I'll have my transfer lol. Everything happens in 3s so you guys get us started and I'll join you :-)

7 years ago

Sounds like a fantastic plan lucky! Don't forget to take some time for you in the midst of working two jobs.

7 years ago

You bet Lucky, well get them bfps rolling! I prey so at least. Im with Cronins, have some " me" time if you can. : )
Afm, cm has turned extremely creamy. So Im so sure I ovulated, come on temp rise a little more. My body hasnt been this in line for O in about 8 months! I swear by that firtlaid!

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies. How is everyone today?
Lucky were still waiting on those pics of the onesies. : )
Cronins, do you think today is O day?
Afm, temp couldn't be trusted this morning. Lo woke me up at 3 am so when I took it two hours later, it was feverishly high. Idk why. So I adjusted it down a bit due to movement. Just have to keep waiting it out. All three if my apps have different O days. Lol. They may change as more info gets put in tmrw. So far I plan on starting testing on super bowl Sunday . Figured I can hold iff that long at least : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning!

Yay for the tww! Dandy I'm not sure how to post pics on here. I don't have any of the apps for pics on my phone. I'm still waiting patiently or trying to, to be done with these bcps lol. I've read a couple articles on endometrial biopsy and helping implantation and wonder if it really works. I'm going to send my nurse an email to see what they think.

7 years ago

I wander if it is similar or has a similar effect as endometrial scratch? But sounds like the biopsy is actual testing on it? I had the scratch right before getting pregnant with my son. I plan on bringing that up with my RE as well.

7 years ago • Post starter

Yeah, I think it's similar. I haven't heard back yet but hopefully will soon. I would probably have to have it done next week bc says don't do while on estrogen.

7 years ago

Ive been thinking about you today Cronins. I pray for you and your family today as you lay your uncle to rest.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks dandy! We just got back from the funeral and reception. It was a beautiful Catholic Mass with reception.

As for me, my clearblue easy advanced monitor is still at high fertility and my opk's are blazing positive. Not sure why that is lol. But I plan on using February 2 as ovulation day just in case. Wow ttc is so complicated, lol. Can't wait to see your bfp soon. Wow talk about a Super Bowl party if you were to get that bfp.

Lucky: you're doing great. It's definitely difficult to be patient and wait. Can't wait until your transfer and implantation occurs.

Woohoo I am excited to see what this tww brings all of us. Perhaps 3 bfp's.

7 years ago

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