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No Sperm......

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My partner and I have been ttc for 16 months now. He went for a SA and within 2 days had a phone call from thr dr to say they found no sperm, not 1, in his semen. He has to go again in April to see if there is any change or if they made a mistake. Has anyone been through this or similar? Really need some help on this

Nats xxx

User Image TTC#2 DD-3 DP-32 Me-24

2329 Replies • 12 years ago



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stillfun: It seems like you have so many more symptoms than me. Maybe it because I'm dealing with such bad allergies that its taking a lot of the focus away from my PG symptoms. I did develop a bit of pregnancy nose today. My husband started cooking downstairs and me and my brother were sitting upstairs and I said "mmm.. cilantro" He looked at me like I was crazy because he couldn't smell anything yet lol! It was pretty funny.

hoping: Depending on the day you take clomid it can def. bring O forward or push it back. That's why my doctor had me get labwork a couple times in the cycle to see where my levels were and if I was close to O. I would def start using OPKs. That is such a strange thing for an ex to do. Makes me think she still has some resentment towards him to feel the need to want to rub something like that into his face.

Northern: I hope that that's your first pg. symptom. :)

Anastasia: Glad you were able to pop in. Sorry your not feeling great about your body it will take some time but you'll get there. :) Glad everything else is going well.

AFM: nothing new My mom leaves Wed. I'm sad and relieved all at the same time. it's weird knowing next time I see her I'll have a baby in my arms.

On another note all this time going without sex is killing me. I've been having all kinds of naughty dreams and the slightest touch from my husband gets me aroused. I think I'm going to give in and have sex. I was trying to hold out until my next ultrasound but I don't think I'll make it lol! ;)

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

10 years ago

HAHA Mel ME TOO!!!!!! It fells like forever but my doctor told me specifically not to until the second trimester! I have noticed in the past two days while inserting my pesseries that my cervix is no longer in the way! I haven't searched for it my its definitely moved! And I dint really want to BD again until im not on the pesseries! on the up side I am on 4 day instead if 5 :) My symptoms do come and go, I don't have that many really, its weird when you think of all the things you thought you should have had but don't have... I figured the MS would be something I would deal with every day but I get it every second day or so and if I don't get the nausea I lose my appetite and don't want to eat, but I make a point of it and eat well! I do get it consecutive days sometimes where you think oh MS is setting in but no it goes for a day, I ordered a Doppler, I cant wait to get it and I also ordered a gender predictor LOL

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

10 years ago

Hi Ladies hope you dont mind me jumping in on this thread.

But hoping anyone could give me advice or encouragement before i go mad.

Currently been TTC #2 with my new partner for 15 months and long story short were due at the fertility clinic on 14th May. I may have problems as my bloods showed high testosterone along with other symptoms it could be PCOS.

Anyway DH had a SA done and got the results back which he was told it wasnt a "representative sample" i have no idea what this means but im guessing there was nothing to test.

They say that it could be down to Antibiotics and anthesisia (sorry about the spelling) with an opp he had 3rd March (his sample was done end of march) apparently this can decrease sperm.

Im just kind of freaking out a little bit i could cope if it was me but i have no idea what to say/do when he says he only has one job as a man and he cant do it.

Im rambling now

Anyone else had a simular result?

10 years ago

There are a couple on this board with sperm issues. My DH just has so few our chances would have been next to nothing without IVF. Now that being said, your partner may very well have had a poor specimen due to the surgery or illness. It takes 3 months to create a new sperm anyway so maybe he just needs a little time to rebuild viable ones. Has he considered fertilty vitamins? But since there were circumstances prior tp the sample, maube a second sample would give a clearer picture.
My DH sample came back with "n/a" under almost every category. He just had too few to bother with I guess

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10 years ago

WHAT? No sex for 3 months? That sucks! Is this something to do specifically with IVF or is this generally advised? I haven't paid ANY attention to advice regarding what to do with once you actually get pregnant. I was thinking the other night that when I finally do get a BFP, I will be absolutely clueless and frantically buying pregnancy and parenting books.

Hi Tiffany, welcome to the group! Your DH's SA could very well be thrown off by illness or surgery. Something as minor as a flu or even having a really hot bath can kill the swimmers. Try not to worry about it until you get another analysis done in 3 months. In the meantime, it can't hurt for him to take fertility vitamins, if he's up for it. Most of us have had trouble getting our guys to take vitamins, lol. They do seem to work for some though.

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10 years ago

Stillfun, I just saw your 9 week video. You look great! And Pippa is so cute! It was nice to see your place too - you have a lot of gardens and lawn to maintain.

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10 years ago

Tiffany: I'm so sorry your dealing wth so much stress. Welcome to the board. My husband was required to have 2 semen analysis 3 months apart to make sure that it wasn't a mistake. We were told after the first result of ZERO sperm that he was not to ale hot baths or use jacuzzis and to eat right leading up to the 2nd semen analysis. Unfortunately for us he got the same results 2nd time around. Don't count yourself as out yet. My dh took the news extremely hard and we had a crazy rough year after the diagnoses but he did a lot of "soul searching" and we started opening up to those around us and it helped a lot! He was the one to come home one day and said he was ready to move forward wth donor sperm. If your dhs sperm results stay the same make sure to give him space I def think it's much harder for males to cope with infertility. My dh said all the same things your worried about. That he was the man and he was supposed to be able to give me a child. We are now pregnant with our first through an embryo program and I've never seen him so excited! He rubs my belly every night and talks to our Little one. Either way know that you will be a mommy and things may get rough but don't let it ruin your marriage because in the end you will be stronger than ever before. (Until the Preggo hormones kick in anyways ;) ) if you have any questions feel free to ask and please keep us posted!

Stillfun: I'm going to order a Doppler too what one did you get? I'm trying. To hold off a bit since I know if I don't hear the heart beat I'll be freaking out lol! I actually puked last night! :/ It made me smile for a bit then it just hurt lol! But I did sleep the best I have in a long time last night because of it :) hopefully I won't get a lot of that

Northern: my clinic just told me to wait until after beta but I forgot to ask after that and my husband doesn't feel comfortable anyways I think he's scared of hurting the baby lol! I think it just totally depends on your clinic.

California Conceptions DDE #1 2/10/14 Baseline Ultrasound 2/15/14 Start Lupron 3/7/14 Lining check 3/11/14 transferred two embies!!! User Image

10 years ago

Thanks Mel. I guess we'll hold off until the beta then just to be safe. It's only a few more days and I didn't really want to anyhow because of the progesterone yuckiness. DH is going nutty though, lol.

I laughed at you throwing up and smiling at first! Too funny.

Is it safe to use a doppler all the time at home? I don't really know anything about it but thought that ultrasounds weren't all that great for babies? This is what the chiropractors I worked for told me but I haven't researched it on my own and this was 20 years ago. One of the chiropractors refused all ultrasounds and ended up having surprise twins (at home)!

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10 years ago

Northern I cant tell you if its just me or an IVF thing, I know they say sex is good for pregnancy but then you see that orgasms make your uterus contract and isn't good for an implanting baby, there is always conflicting info but he said because of all the spotting I had at the start and because it was so hard for us to conceive that he thinks it would be best to wait until the second trimester, im ok with it and yeah the progesterone makes things so yucky and im on them breakfast lunch and dinner so there is no "good" time LOL

Welcome Tiffany, my DH had a count of 27million but only 2% of them were normal, we had to do IVF with ICSI ( where they put the sperm in the egg) and we are now 9 weeks pregnant with out first :) Its not easy but we love each other and I have never seen my partner do excited!!

Oh and thanks about my 9 week Vlog, you should have seen my belly lastnight, I was sssssoooo bloated, I had to walk around with my back hunched so our staff couldn't see my huge belly hanging out! It was to most uncomfortable I have been yet, belly back to a small bump today, still mostly bloat :) I don't think the uterus moves out from the pelvis until 12 weeks or something along those lines.

Yay for feeling sick mel LOL I have had a good few days, I went for a fly with DH in the chopper yesterday and I have always got sick in the chopper but yesterday was really something else!!

Not long now Hoping!! FX for some good easter eggs :)

When is your beta northern?

Oh forgot to add that I got a HiBebe Doppler and I think they are ok to use weekly, I will probably use it until I find the HB then I will go once a week and do it with DH.

Me 28 - DP 30 HSG all clear, very high AFC 42 SA 27million on Menevit,2% Normal Mild Teratospermia Been TTC since June 2011 Aug 2012 10dpo 10 weeks little boy Trisomy 16 Jan 2013 9dpo CP July 2013 1st round of Tamoxifen 20mg Ovidrel trigger and 4 pregnyl booster shots IVF November 2013 6 eggs collected, 5 Fertilized normally, Transferred 1 beautiful compacting 3 day morula, froze 4... FET Feb 2014 4DP5DT, Beta 11DP5DT 647 User Image

10 years ago

LOL stillfun, are you going to wait til 12 weeks to tell the staff? Good luck on hiding the tummy!

I'm going for my beta on Saturday, so 4 more days! I'll only be 13 dpiui but close enough. I really wanted to go on the Friday but the clinic is closed for Easter, and I thought Thursday at 11 dpiui might be too early.

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10 years ago

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