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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Sounds like a great weekend is planned. Have fun and stay safe. Here is a picture of this morningsite opk.

7 years ago

Wow. No denying that positive. Lol. Looks like your at your peak for sure. Get some more bds in : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Morning girls. Whats on everyones agenda for the day?
Afm, Im going to go run a couple errands then see what time my SIL will be here. Cant wait to see my nieces : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning!
Nothing much going on today, just going to clean the house (If I can motivate myself to get out of bed and do it lol). I have a lot of stuff I want to sell so need a little motivation. I want to change décor :-)

7 years ago

Hey ladies,

How are you beautiful ladies doing?

Lucky: I am cleaning today as eell. Working on my kitchen and dining room and bathrooms today. I am as long steam cleaning my title floors. Phew, what a job! My husband took the kids to gymnastics and swimming at the YMCA. Now I just need to complete what I started, lol.

As for me, I bd last night and plan to for the next three. Just want to be sure that I get enough bding in, lol. I putting my ovulation date for tomorrow as th as t is 48 hours after my peak on my clear blue easy advanced monitor. I did have add omega ovarian pain yesterday afternoon, but I want to be sure with how many days I am past ovulation. I figured Sunday would be the latest that I would ovulate.

Dandy : how are you doing? Are you 6 do today?

7 years ago

Lucky, if you find some motivation, send some my way! Im running on empty today. Zero energy. Wanted to get the house cleaned up before dhs sis came but thats not gonna happen. She wont care, it will look like a disaster when they all leave anyway. Lol.
I caved and tested again. I have no will power. I knew I wouldn't see anything at 5dpo but had to scratch the itch. : /

7 years ago • Post starter

Geeze Cronins. Come do my floors when your done! Hehe. Cant blame you for being cautious about your O date. Mine may possibly be a day sooner but Im doing the same thing.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good morning everyone.
Tested this morning to big ol dye run. Bla. So I used a first signal and thought I seen a shadow line. Then I thought maybe if I dipped the wondofo in water it would wash some of that dye out of the way. Well lets just say, wouldn't this be nice if it was reliable lol
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7 years ago • Post starter

Oh My goodness, let's hope that the line is real and you get your bfp. That would totally rock!!! Retest if you get the chance later in the day dandy. I can't wait to see you get your bfp soon.

As for me, today I consider to be ovulation day, although I really think it was yesterday, lol. I could be 1 dpo today, but I want to err on the side of caution, lol.

7 years ago

I tested with smu with a 2 hour hold and it was negative. Im going to try and wait till tmrw. But Im sure I will cave later : ) maybe at half time during the super bowel. I dont wanna see lady gaga anyway! Lol.
Yay for the tww Cronins. When do you plan on starting to test?

7 years ago • Post starter

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