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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thought I'd drop by to tell everyone Merry Christmas!

Spent Christmas Eve with the bf and his family. Ended up spending the night and this morning we . I just got an "I miss you" message from him less than an hour ago. He's going to take me clothes shopping on Sunday. My flame has been ignited once again for him. He cooked for me after i slept in his arms, before i left for work. Miss him already.

11 years ago

Thought I'd drop by to tell everyone Merry Christmas!

Spent Christmas Eve with the bf and his family. Ended up spending the night and this morning we . I just got an "I miss you" message from him less than an hour ago. He's going to take me clothes shopping on Sunday. My flame has been ignited once again for him. He cooked for me after i slept in his arms, before i left for work. Miss him already.

11 years ago

Hello ladies hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. My grandma went to be with The Lord this afternoon. I told my husband that she was such a special lady that she got to go on his birthday. I am going to miss her so much but I am glad she isn't suffering anymore.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Athena - I am so sorry to hear about your grandma. You are very lucky to have had her with you for such a long time. My mom's mom was so special to me, and I lost her when I was 11. I still miss her every day. Sending big hugs your way & wiping the tears off of my tablet while writing this.

11 years ago

Good Morning!!!

I hope everyone had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Athena I am terribly sorry for your loss. But you are right. She is no longer suffering and I am glad that you are able to see things that way. She sounds like she is an amazing woman and I am glad that you were able to have her in your life for so long.

Butler I am glad things seem to be going well for you :)

Has anyone on here used Preseed?? I just read the other day that saliva can kill sperm. The PH level of saliva is not safe for the spermies. They said it is even better to refrain from oral during O time. I also don't seem to produce good quality EWCM. Is the preseed as effective as the EWCM?

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11 years ago

athena so sorry for your loss

well the other day when we went to middnight mass i had a very spritual moment .. where we was sat a statue of mary and her baby was staring at me we was also sat near 2 babys . i just know things will happen soon and that god knows the plan

sooooo happy there are no words to explain it

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11 years ago

She was an amazing lady. She had 15 children, 11 boys 4 girls. She was 76 and I am very blessed to have had her as long as I did. My grandfather passed away almost 20 years ago and so I know she is happy to see him. Thank guys for the thoughts and prayers.

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

11 years ago

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Athena honey I'm sorry about your grandma but what an amazing day to meet Jesus!!!

@kcordell- Here's the link to my BBT chart
According to the BD Timing Analysis...we have a 'VERY HIGH' chance of concieving based on the info I gave. Finger's crossed!!! I havent tried preseed. I'd love to though, but it's too expensive. Grapefruit juice worked fine for me :) I had EWCM with the clomid. It wasnt globs like my cervix has a cold but it was there.

@hkellerman- Yes, dh gets a kick out of watching me try to stick the softcup in after sex! The crinkling sounds of the cup sound like I'm wrapping my cervix like a christmas present! LOL

@Enbutler- so happy for you hun!

@lammy- did you OV on christmas eve like you thought?

AFM- I'm 5dpo!!! YA!!!! Temps are good! I know that the average lady has implantation from 6-10 days but I had a couple stabbing uterine pains last night on left side and some 'diahhrea' like cramps too, but with no diahhrea. My menstrual cramps a lot of the time feel like diahrrea cramps. So who knows maybe I'm implanting! My nips have been hurting since the day after I OV'd. Feel like they're black and blue. Thought by know they'd go back to normal. Also, I slept for 10 hours straight last night and I'm really tired today and feel a little 'off'. Sort of an off balance feeling but not dizzy. Despite noticing these symptoms, I havent been freaking out over them with the Christmas crazyiness! However, dh and I kept a tally....4 times on Christmas Eve we were asked when on earth we'd start a family. Getting harder not to smile when I say, "When WE are ready." Oh and my father in law "accidentally" bought us a baby blanket. Going for my progesterone test today. I was supposed to get it on CD 21 but that was sunday and the lab has been closed til today so running up there with dh soon!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

i dont know tara i didnt really take much notice been so busy didnt even but i dont mind as having family here was worth it . i have my progesterone test on monday

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11 years ago

yay yay yay!! Tara look at that temp rise!!!

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11 years ago

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