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6 dpo, this suspense is killing me!

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Hello ladies, any of you waiting to poas with me? Let's help one another pass the time, and analyze our tests together. I still have at least a good 4 days before i can begin testing, and i am running out of distractions

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260 Replies • 6 years ago



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201 - 210 of 260 Replies | Last Page

I'll be testing shortly. I will post here afterwards. No sign of af but I am taking progesterone so that's not a huge shock.

6 years ago

Taylor i just know this is it for you, just a feeling i have!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Nohemi, may have ovulated later hang in there girly. I have high hopes for you too.

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6 years ago • Post starter

Mary never say never, you may shock us all!

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6 years ago • Post starter

Oh and hurry up and test taylor your giving me anxiety. Lmao

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6 years ago • Post starter

BFN unfortunately. I took my last dose of progesterone this morning, I expect AF will start tonight or tomorrow.

6 years ago

Awe i am so sorry taylor

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6 years ago • Post starter

It's okay. Ready to start next month's cycle of IUI! We're going on vacation to Tokyo Disney in a week so I will be doing some Disney therapy very soon. Ya'll are awesome, and I hope we have each other next month too!

6 years ago

Oh im hoping about had a heartattack this mornig when i took a digital apart and saw faint two lines, un fortunately they said they always have two lines. ????

6 years ago

I am unsure of that i haven't ever taken a digital apart, heck i have only peed on two digitals in the 6 months ttc. They are expensive.

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6 years ago • Post starter

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