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Anyone on or near 10 dpo? How are you feeling?

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Just wanted to check in with others who are like me waiting to find out if they are pregnant this cycle.
How are you feeling?
Any symptoms that are standing out that have you hopeful or wondering?
When are you going to test?

I am ttc #1. I have regular 27 day cycles with a 15/16 day luteal phase. I check my cm, take vitamins and use opk's. Been trying for almost 5 years now.

This cylce I got ovulation spotting which has only happened to me 2 times in my life before this. Hoping it's a great fertility sign?

Ovulated on Feb 13th. Now I am 10 dpo.

Symptoms so far
0 day - 7 dpo Not much. Just the usual gassy, heartburn, bloated, nipples sore for a few days after O, Some weird dreams and moody.

8 dpo - 10 dpo (current ) Vivid dreams, hot and cold body temps, dry throat, thirstier, dry skin (but it is winter) rash or pimples breaking out on my chest ??? Stuffy nose for 3 days. Mild ovary cramping/twinges. Getting shooting pains in my breasts a few times a day/night which I have never gotten before. Less moody today then the past week thank GOD! All these could be progesterone as well.

Anyone want to add on so we can obsess, wait, hope, pray and test together?

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7993 Replies • 11 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

201 - 210 of 7993 Replies | Last Page

@bbdust I am so sorry, didn't see you there. I would never ignore you on purpose. 10DPO you are almost home baby! Yeeeeeee haw ! (Sorry I usually break out in random yeee haw's when I get happy. Lmao at the bbs comment. It's so funny that someone else does that besides me :-) each pregnancy can be very very different so do not count yourself out of the game until IF the witch shows up, but I warn you...we gave her an eviction notice last month. She is not welcome in this forum! Lol

@freija welcome welcome! Now you have to know that you just blew my head wide open with the cervix checking business! Now you going to have me doing that...shaking my head. You gotta tell me how you do this and what the heck would I even be feeling for. I better leave that one alone. Anywho...the answer to your last question is YES...every pregnancy is different. But you are almost there hon...10/11 DPO you could probably test in the morning or Thursday morning.

@topo as for diets, I start a new diet every morning and by noon it's over. will power what so ever. Thank goodness I have a decent metabolism. Yep this morning I had a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit and I've had several large hot mango teas with copious amounts of honey and sugar cuz my throat feels like sand paper. Sleepy too. I hope I don't fall asleep on the train...I will wake up in timbucktoo!

11 years ago

Piscesgirl; just feel for anything wobbly in there. ;)

11 years ago

I'm not sure the percentage but its all over commercials in my area to consult a lawyer if this has happened and since my miscarriage in aug and now infertility it says it def can happen I've been going thru alot since it was removed last April I was pretty quick last June to get pregnant but mc and the more I seem them commercials the more I got concerned and it all been everything I'm going thru or have from the Merana I don't recommend having it if you ever want children again because its terrible now trying to do everything they say just by pulling it out by your dr can cause the damage and that's what I'm afraid of! So I recommend asking your Obgyn or even looking into it yourself! And your right they should pay to fix and I believe now should pay for all infertility treatments because I do want another baby but having trouble! I'm excited my Obgyn has been great I'm just worries of the hot glades I had last month on 50mg but now 100mg ugh I hope I don't get them!!! Ill keep you all posted in the mean time is look into the complications after having the iud!

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11 years ago

@bbdust omg i didnt see u there either ur almost there hun dnt do it wait it out to be sure lolz who am i kidding i would if i could.
@Freija welcome welcome i two like piecesgirl was interested and tempted but what the hell will i be looking for okay i went to restroom confused look on my face lolz and stuck my finger up there and nothing i almost lost my finger never did it before so i wouldnt know if there was anything diffrent sad face.
@piecesgirl diet shouldnt be in your vocabulary lolz where are u piecesgirl you have been quiet i just ate dinner why idk my dh was hungry at 400pm cali time i guess yoguart land for us tonight lolz.

11 years ago

@topo I very nearly died from laughter when I read your post about the attempted cervix check *rolling on the floor laughing* OMG!!!! I am only laughing because I seriously considered it and ditched the idea because of that very reason. What the hell am I looking for? I wouldn't know if it changed.

I was helping DH clean our 100 gallon salt water fish tank *yuk* it's beautiful but it's a lot of work. We have two clown fish, a yellow tang, some blue and yellow damsels, a blue and orange flame angel, and a shrimp named Jeffery who only comes out at night. It's our thing that we do to blow off steam. #ourtime

Meanwhile NO symptoms what so ever!!!!! Well except my cold-like symptoms which continue. I wasn't allowed to touch any of the tank yuk this time because DH is a worry wort. He's afraid that I could get a fungus or algae.,,.which is great seeing as I am already 5 days pregnant *positive thinking*

@ topo where can we find 5 day pregnant maternity clothes *shr's laughing again* DH and my dog are both looking at me with one eyebrow raised *sorry guys its an inside joke*

Where is miracle mama?

11 years ago

@piecesgirl i so needed that i been so moody omg i felt like crying and slapping dh i asked for a tuna sandwitch because he said he was going to make one then he looks at me like are u serious ugh like no dick head i just said that becuase i was kidding i said yeah i am kidding i dnt want one i so want one but idk if he is kinda calling me fat lol ohh wow idk if i almost cried to talk about emotional what the hell but u had me rolling i am glade i had u rolling yes ur dh is so cool precaution at least he is not depriving u of food lol yes where can we find the maternity clothes i say lets just un button are pants lolz
on the upside omg earlyier i had to get a icecream becaues i felt like i was going to rhgow up dry heaving is not the bizz i was scared to throw up and felt light headed postive umm trying then a lil voice in my head said hey stupid remember the hcg shot u took yesterday yeah it mimiks pregancy symptoms i am so bummed

11 years ago

@topo lmao yes, those trigger shots can have you on an up and down; however, I must add that when I had my trigger back at my IVF Fail, the only thing it did was make my boobs sore and I was sleepy. Absolutey no nausea or even queasy feelings at all. And no cranky either. So maybe the Great Tuna Debate was a good sign. Wait of course it is, after all we ARE already pregnant with sticky beans *power of positive thinking* so I guess it would make us seem like a complete nutbag asking for 5 day pregnant maternity clothes *laughing* OMG! In one of those Wayons Brothers spoof movies, the girls sits up in the bed 5 seconds after sex and says "we have to talk, I'm pregnant ". LMAO LMAO that's us! *on the train cracking up* people are starring at me! *crazy lady*

AFM: I got a little pressure and cramping this morning. Hopefully it's implantation starting. Oh and lower back pain.+the sinus, scratchy throat thing is still going on. Bbs are fine, no soreness.

How is everybody else? Isn't somebody testing today? BBDust? Let us know girl! I need some good news.

11 years ago

hi piecesgirl where have u been good morning sweet cakes as for me got my way last night with the tuna u have me cracking up at my desk omg that was so funny ohh and by the way i got my tuna last night idk what that was about but that fool ended up making it without me saying anything i couldnt get to sleep last night took forever maybe becuase i left early weird sign i was craving banannas lolz weirdo stutus. yes i am going to claim it omg i thank you for your experiance i needed that it made me feel alot more better alot more postive.
On the upside still on Tp watch lolz as far as me omg i had like maybe 5 sharp cramping pains 3 on my left side and one on my right side of uterus omg same as u i am sure this is it piecesgirl.... happy thoughts i am jumping on my chair

11 years ago

@bbdust girl did you test yet?

@where is miraclemama?

@topo **THIS IS IT** things have been do quiet and I read that was good but no symptoms has me worried? Now the question is, when are we testing? AF is due 28. My original goal was to not test at all until after the 28th came and went THEN I would test. BUT then there is the anniversary situation, **what should I do????** maybe I should just wait and have it be a special late gift?

AFY- cramping is good. So did it start this morning? I think the trigger combined with new symptoms is good. I swear I had none of those with my trigger, if anything I are MoRe as opposed to nausea. I am TP watching also.

My lower back had been at a dull ache since this morning and my cramps are on/off but more on than off since this afternoon. COME ON BABY-IT'S IMPLANT TIME !!!!!!!

11 years ago

Hi everyone. I have been moody and tired this morning. Breast are not sore which is not normal for me. Usually they are sore by now. Had vivid make out/almost sex dream last night. My cm is wet again, to the point of my partner asking me this morning if I was still ovulating. I noticed that last month too. Oh and I can tell during bedding if my cervix is soft, high and open. Just feels better and different. Usually after I ovulate my cervix drops back down and it's med/hard and bedding is different. I have never done the mirror/pap smear or finger check

Welcome to the new ladies that have joined bbdustx and freja.

@top0 ~ hopefully you are not eating everything that's not nailed to the Poor thing with your hcg triggers making you moody and hungry. I get all that regardless. :( It's all worth it b/c we are all preggers right? Yep, claiming it girls.

@piscesgirl ~ Hi funny girl. How are you today? You checking tp like a mad woman? Bring on the implantion bleed c'mon. Just want a sign if you know what I mean... :)

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11 years ago • Post starter

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