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Anyone Testing This Week or Next Week??

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I'm expecting AF tomorrow and I really hope that she has decided to leave me alone for a while or more like 9 months. I'm going to be testing in the morning tomorrow but I'm scared and very anxious.

Anyone else that's on just about the same cylce or any words of encouragement.

Good Luck to you ladies!

353 Replies • 8 years ago



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201 - 210 of 353 Replies | Last Page

Lucidity-I'm definitely going to tak this the next cycle. I definitely got my big bottle of wine last night after a long day of work, which definitely made me feel much better, as well as you ladies. How are you feeling? How is everything going?

Kresslove-Now thinking about it, I really sometimes do. But lately I have been fighting this consistent runny nose that just does not want to go away. But I definitely do feel out of it and sick before that. I never thought of that before. I'm definitely going to take that into cosideration when I go to my next appointment. Im so sorry about the mc though. I would love twins also. I definitely have many of those symptoms, but I'm never sure because then they never turn out to be positive for me.

Sophe28-Thank you for the information. I knew I had a BBT thermometer in my stash with all my tests and anything realting to this you can think of. I made it my business last night to find it and I did. It keeps saying "LO" though, so I'm assusming that the battery needs to change. I'm going right after I finish posting here to sign up for FF because I need all the help that I can get at this point. When do you think I should start temping?

xoxojadorecouture-We're all here still cheering for you that it's implantation bleeding. Try to keep positive as much as you can! I don't think your out yet at all until the witch shows her face.

twwtoolong-Yes that's exactly what I'm going to do. I've definitely been looking into some them and I might treat myself to it for my birthday. I'm definitely going to be relaxing for now and then get back to the testing and start the temping. It's also comforting in knowing that I'm not the only one that its their first time temping and that we all have each other's back.

Good Luck ladies, I really do hope that you get your BFPs this cycle. I'm here with my fingers and toes crossed for you ladies.

8 years ago • Post starter

So I finally decided to open up and talk to DH about the fact that AF showed up. He was asking me that how come everything we tried didn't work at all and all I could tell him was I don't know. I said to him I spend money on all these tests every month and lubricants and I'm about to spend more money to go and try adding prenatals to my diet now. He did say that he is going to get himself checked out and see what happens. I never had any issues since I've been pregnant before and even my doctor mentioned that to me. I also want to see if I can get like an ultrasound just to make sure that everything is good for a peace of mind right now. I am however and still going to get an hsg test, or would like too when my insurance changes over at my job and I know they will cover it for me.

DH and I are going to finally have a mini-vacation this week coming up and the great part is I'll definitely be fertile at that point. He still insisted that I bring all of the tests and the temping too. So hopefully with not having any of our parents hounding us, this could maybe be our cycle. I definitely packing an extra bottle of that big bottle I bought the other night, maybe some lingerie to spice up some of those nights.

8 years ago • Post starter

@HopefullyAMommy - You sound like a lady with a plan!!! I think taking the next step of temping will be totally worth it - it will definitely clear up any confusion about your window if you get a bunch of positive opk's again this month. My thermometer will say "L" on the readout unless it's over like 90 deg - so I have to put it in my mouth before any reading will begin. Have you tried to take your temp with yours yet? If that's not the prob, then just pop a new battery in.

I am also very excited for your mini-vaca plans! Relax and have fun and just enjoy each others company! The lingerie definitely made things fun for DH and I this month!

As for me- I actually had a bout of nausea this morning and am not feeling great again now. I am not usually a nauseous type person, but was super tired today after a super long day at work yesterday so maybe it's just fatigue (trying really hard not to read into it). DH texted and said he wanted to take me out to dinner tonight - so hopefully I'll feel better by the time he gets home from work!

Hope all is going well for you other ladies out there!
Keep us posted on how you are doing!

8 years ago

Hi Ladies!

@HopefullyAMommy - I think you should start temping as soon as you'd like to. Since it's still early in your cycle, you could start charting now and catch your temp spike next week (or whenever you ovulate). Your trip sounds so nice! I am jealous. And I am glad to hear your husband is so supportive.

@Twwtoolong- your symptoms sound promising. I am also jealous of your dinner out with the hubby. I am curious what your temp is going to be tomorrow.

For me - I am feeling fine. I haven't experienced any cramping since Monday, but I have been feeling more hungry than usual. I picked up a cheapie test while I was out grocery shopping today and I might take it tomorrow morning if my temperature is still high. If my temperature dips, then I'll just hold off and see if AF starts on Sunday.

Enjoy your evening!

8 years ago

Good Morning Everyone!

@HopefullyAMommy - I agree with Sophe28, start temping as soon as you feel ready so you can see that shift post ovualtion and be sure of your timing!

@Sophe28- They went back up!!!! Yippeee! I jumped from 97.3 yesterday morning to a 97.6, this morning. My highest temp post ovulation has been 97.8, so lets hope that it keeps climbing tomorrow! I am super interested to hear what has happened with your temps today to see if you might test! Keep us posted! Fingers crossed for you BFP if you do test today!

How is everyone else doing? KressLove have you been able to avoid testing?

8 years ago

HOpefullyamommy I am so sorry you were feeling so bad and glad you are feeling better. FX next month

Sophie thank you for the lesson on charting , I have been doing it for 2 months now . It is now that hard and like you say the pattern really help

Kresslove Welcome and fingers crossed as well . Something worth checking for the sperm allergy. DH needs to check his swimmers . We will do that after the holidays I think in January.

Twwtoolong I am glad your bbt dip and rise back so much. Fingers crossed for

Lucidity you are right keeping the fun it s s important it can all become mechanic

AFM if you look at my chart you could tell that it s not certain I ovulated. So I will give it another give or take 10 days , take a poas and start provera. to you all ladies.

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8 years ago

Good morning Lalou3tt3!
Thank you for the support - I really hope we got a sticky bean this month!

How are you doing? Any updates?

8 years ago

twwtoolong - I'm glad that your temp is back up today! Do you still think you'll wait until Monday to test? How was your dinner out last night?

Lalou3tt3 - where are you in your cycle? You mentioned you haven't ovulated yet; do you typically ovulate regularly, or do you have irregular cycles?

HopefullyAMommy - How are you feeling? When is your vacation?

My temp was up even more this morning from 97.9 yesterday to 98.17 today, so I now have a triphasic chart. I had some cramping last night which lead me to think I'd have some spotting this morning (I normally spot 2-3 days before AF), but when I got up I only had some creamy CM (sorry if TMI) which I don't normally have right before AF.

Anyway, with the high temp and the unusual CM, I decided to test using the cheapie I bought yesterday, but it was a BFN. That's okay. It's still early.

8 years ago

So, I decided to take out the positive OPK test that I had at cd 18 off of my temperature chart because I obviously did not ovulate at that time. when I did that, Fertility Friend moved my ovulation from cd 30 to cd 32 which puts me at 10dpo today (instead of 12). So, if I actually am dpo 10, it's too early to test.

Although, we didn't do a lot of BD'ing around cd 32 because I was out of town. We did it at O-3 and then O+2. That doesn't seem like good odds.

8 years ago

Lalou - Thanks for welcoming me! Checking out the sperm allergy is definitely a good idea. It took off a lot of stress in "trying."

Sophe - It only takes one swimmer to make it! Despite the odds, you're still in the game until shows. You didn't spot this morning so that's a good sign.

HopefullyAMommy - Enjoy your mini vacation and I'm sure DH will enjoy the lingerie!

8 years ago

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