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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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I want to play! POAS party! Can't figure out how to get the image in here from my iphone 6s? Helllllp me I'm helpless. Anyway- it's a pretty solid far. Day is young and I have two more tests in my bag. Hehe.

Kidding, I'll wait until tomorrow. Weird, as I was typing this I felt some pings of pain in my breasts. That was weird. Very odd that AF should be knocking my door down and I have no pms. Ordinally I get super pms. ....hmmm....who knows.

Dandy I CANNOT believe that people say not to use Clear Blue OPK! That's what I used for this cycle and it said I was highly fertile for 8 days then peak fertile on 9th day...which could NOT have been right! I was so PEEEEEVED that I had no idea when I O'd. I really need to get better about the bbt. Or...maybe I'll get a BFP and be on to the Baby Nursery Pinterest Board :) xoxoxoxo

7 years ago

Bambina, I to have an iphone 6s. I had to get the Photobucket app. And use the direct upload option when it gives me the option of with one to copy. Then click add image tag off the the left on this page after its copied and paste it there. Ok. Im down. I'll post my recent negative lol
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7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Dandy! I tried it and failed, I'll try again. I'm a total tech dum dum. Anyway yeah- mine was a pretty solid negative.

Cronins, I also may have had two surges. No idea if I'm 13dpo or 16dpo. Both are pretty late in the tww game so not too excited about the negatives but not out till the fat lady sings her flo song. Still hope:)

7 years ago

Yeah Bambina you will just have to play around with it. I know I did. Good luck on everyones test in the morning! Guess Ill be testing too. No af yet. I have conflicting symptoms. The only thing Ive got going on is my boobs are getting so sore. Ill just have to see what my bbt shows tmrw.

7 years ago • Post starter

Praying you all get those bfps and the witch stays on vacation for the next 9 months.

7 years ago

Good morning baby makers. Lucky, im with you. Ill pay for her vacation to the Bahamas or smthn. Lol. How is everyone? How does everyones test look this morning?
Afm, bfn bla. Bbt did go back up. But I dnt think its accurate. I tossed and turned last night. Between my throat and boobs being so sore, I couldn't stay comfy. I no longer feel af(ish), cm is still creamy and plentiful. But that bfn says it all. Guess Ill just keep testing till she decides to show. Im 11dpo. So I guess its not out if the question to have just implanted a day or two ago. But Im not hopeful. Getting my amh bloodwork today and picking up dhea suppliments. RE has switched my suppliments around.

7 years ago • Post starter

Morning! Dandy my morning is right there with yours. I had some pretty heavy cramping last night- was almost positive I'd wake up with AF but no sign of her yet.

I did however, have a dream that I had BFP! That's never happened :) But my test this morning was bfn. I don't know what to think. Cycle day 29 and feel like I don't even own ovaries.

I imagine at 15dpo it's unlikely to still get raging bfn's and end up getting a bfp but just waiting and seeing.

Top of the morn :)

7 years ago

Ladies hello!

I am 10dpo today and did a clear blue early testing this morning first thing. I might see a faint line but it is really really faint. I would like your opinion but do not manage to upload the picture from my phone it is driving me a bit nuts ; )

I ll test again tomorrow and let you know!

7 years ago

Marie, can you upload it to the gallery? It always says my image is to large. I have to take a screenshot then upload or use the resizer option.
Bambina, I have bfp dreams quite often. Hopefully yours in a premonition :)

7 years ago • Post starter

Welp- I may have spoken too soon this morning. Guess who's in town? Yep- went to the ladies room to find some spotting. Just spotting for now- but consistent with the feeling of day 1 AF. DH is going to be bummed.

*let's all the air out of my balloon :(

In good news, this cycle was 28 days which is more regular. So that's a positive, I think.

Dandy: hoping the witch doesn't make her next stop anywhere near you!

Baby dust to all, and to all a good day.

If anyone needs me....I'll just be over here eating pamprin and chocolate while listening to Norah Jones for the next five days. :(

7 years ago

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