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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2131 - 2140 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Hey ladies,

Marie: congratulations! That's totally awesome.

Dandy: hopefully you either get that bfp or the witch is gentle for you and you can start the iui process.

Lucky : Yay for the last bcp. Can't wait for your transfer.

As for me, tests are negative and the nausea isn't too bad. It's subsided quite a bit. Most likely a stomach bug. On side news, I am going to skip the next cycle if this one is a bust. I scheduled my weight loss surgery for March 23rd in Mexico! I will spend 5 days there and then fly home. So excited for this. I am using my tax return for the surgery. Thank goodness for small miracles.

7 years ago

Oh wow Cronins. Thats great!! Plus you get to go to Mexico. Hopefully its near a vacation spot and can get some relaxation on. Lol. Prayers for a fast recovery and easy trip home while recovering. IF you dont get your bdp this round. : )

7 years ago • Post starter

Congrats Cronins that's awesome! Hopefully you can enjoy the trip as well!

7 years ago

Morning ladies!!

Marie, huge congrats! That's very exciting! Wishing you a happy healthy 9 months and beyond!

Cronins yay!! Mexico :) and your next step in an awesome direction!

Dandy & Lucky: hoping you miss the witches visit! She got me bad :(

So...DH and I had a long chat last night (he was married once before) about his previous experience TTC and that he has low sperm count. (I already knew this). But he's feeling very doubtful now and it's a little heartbreaking to see him feel like he's failing me. We began this TTC with little pressure or discussion, and it's not a conversation that we put on the table too much, but now that he opened up to me a bit more- I want to explore your experiences and advice.

I know the obvious first step is to consult a doctor- we will wait a few or more cycles before that so I'm looking for info related to at-home tips and aids to improve both our fertility. Do any of you have experience with male and female fertilaid or countboost? What other options? I've already purchased fertilaid and ovaboost for myself. I didn't want to insult him by buying him the male version, but I'm thinking of checking in with him about it. Anyone use this?

If at home aids and tips don't work next question is regarding IUI? I don't even know where to start here. What do you do when it's a low sperm count issue? I've googled and such- but figured I go to my favorite group of experts :)

Help ladies!

7 years ago

Bambina I use firtlaid and I believe Lucky uses ovaboost( am I correct). The firtlaid for me has definitely help regulate things for me n I swear have helped Ovulation. As far as the male version of these, I would definitely order them for dh. Maybe he wont take it personally since you are taking them too. Like, here honey lets do everything we can : ). I dont blame you for trying on your iwn for a few cycles first bc most obs wont help much unless you have been ttc 6 months to a year. However, having the male factor is a biggy. So you may grt a recommendation to a specialist sooner. As for the IUI. I jst had this discussion with my RE on wed and you would be a good candidate. Bc they will take his best swimms and put em up there. Since we dont have a male factor IUI doesn't increase our odds by a lot. Thats why the more we talk about it, the more we are ready to go full force with ivf. Which brings me to you again Lucky.... I have been looking up costs. I know it can widely vary between clinics. Im not sure where Im getting the 20,000$ cost plus 10,000$ in meds. But thats what I thought. But I keep reading statistics that its actually half that? i plan on calling my RE Monday for spacific numbers. I don't expect you to give me specific numbers but which do you find to be more accurate?

7 years ago • Post starter

Bambina if it's male factor they would probably recommend IUI or even go straight to Ivf. I take ovasitol and several other supplements for egg quality. One of the main ones is coq10 ( I take ubiquinol which is the form of coq10 your body doesn't have to convert bc I'm 37 and as you age it's harder to convert).
Dandy, I think the cost before meds at my clinic is around 14,000 and then my meds cost me another 4,000-6,000. My clinic does the Attain program where I was able to pay more and get 2 fresh cycles and unlimited frozen cycles (which I never knew would be so hard to get frosties lol). So, I think I paid close to 24,000 before meds but during the first it allowed me to be more relaxed knowing I had another chance. Granted, I don't have this kind of money so I'm buried in debt but if I get my little babies out of it, it will be well worth it.

7 years ago

Yeah I totally get it. We got this one shot before we would be going into debt for another cycle. But like you said it will all be worth it. Thank you for the info! I dont think I will have any frosties either with only having one ovary. Im anxious to get my amh results on tues. I have a feeling they are going to be low. Dh n I discussed donor eggs last night. I just wanted to see what he thought about it. If the dr recommends it then we will go that route.

7 years ago • Post starter

Thanks to you all! I have not planned yet how to tell my husband but we are at friends next week end so it s not the best quality time ahead..but i want to tell him face to face to see his reaction!
Otherwise I hope the little bean sticks!

Cronins! Enjoy Mexico! Cool that you do the surgery!

Dandybabydreams, is AF still away?

7 years ago

Good morning everyone. Marie, you will have to tell us about his reaction: ). Maybe have something waiting on him when he walks in at home. Cronins how does your test look this morning? Lucky how do you feel today? Bambina, af still kicking your butt?
Afm, bfn this morning. Only reason Im still testing is my breast are so sore. But Im done now. Waiting on af in the morning. Nervous for this iui if I dnt get a trigger shot. I ovulated 3 days after my first + opk this cycle. Im going to try n not worry about that for now but it does concern me.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello everyone,

How is everyone doing today?

Dandy : I can understand the reason for your worry. Maybe he'll do the ultrasound and trigger? Can't hurt to ask.

As for me, bfn on the hpt this morning. I am anywhere from 7 dpo-9 dpo. Not too sure. Not really feeling nausea anymore. So that's good. Just did my surgical consent this morning. Yay!!! Can't wait to get the surgery done. Just around the corner now.

7 years ago

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