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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2141 - 2150 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Oh yeah Cronins that's exciting! What day do you plan to leave for Mexico?
Afm, breast seem a little less sore so far today. Bbt as all over the place but feeling like The witch could show at any time. No cramping yet. Just that heavy feeling. I fully expect her by the morning.
My RE said they dont do ultrasounds with IUI unless no positive opk by cd15. Then we trigger if ready. But I didnt think to ask if we trigger otherwise. Ill call n talk to em in the morning. i wanna get some figures anyway.

7 years ago • Post starter

I leave on the 22nd of March. So looking forward to the surgery day on the 23rd of March. I just know this is going to Jumpstart my fertility through weight loss. Flying by the seat of my pants now, lol. I just need to book my flight next week and pay off the balance of the surgery next week. Yay!!!

7 years ago

Cronins that is awesome! It will definitely help your fertility. I can't wait to hear how everything goes. Will someone be going with you, I hope?

Dandy- I would definitely ask about the trigger especially since you don't know if you ovulate every time, at least with the trigger you know you will (I think lol). Also, it helps all mature follicles to release not just the dominant one. Let me know what your figures look like there. I'm hoping I don't have to worry about figures anymore but I'm a planner lol.

7 years ago

Morning! Happy to see that everyone (except me) is still AF free! ...yep- she killin me. I dead.

Cronins- so exciting!!
Dandy: No AF is still a nice thing :)

I'm going to have to read up on this IUI business and thinks I'll be inquiring more and more as we carry on down our TTC path. I don't want to be annoying, because obviously I could search and read previous threads but anyone with IUI experience please feel free to give me a little IUI 101 for dummies :) What's the cost range typically? My insurance is United Heath, seems pretty decent but I haven't looked into any of this yet.

Traveling to Vegas for a work trip today with heavy AF and might be there for two weeks, well into my next fertile window. Bullocks! :(

Hope your Sunday's are all bright and fluffy :)


7 years ago

Bambina- I would look into your insurance and see if you have fertility coverage. If you do that is awesome!! I don't through my insurance so its all self pay for me. IUI cost will vary depending on monitoring and meds. I think without monitoring its usually between 300-400, then I know when I used injectibles it was around 1200-1500 because they did monitoring. I've had 8 of them so if you need to know anything specific I might be able to help lol.

7 years ago

Hey lucky,

I plan on flying solo for surgery. My dh will stay home with the kids. I do have an acquaintance who is scheduled the same day as me but with a different doctor. She's flying in from Oregon with her mother. Hoping to catch up with them.

7 years ago

ronins wow everything is underway! So exciting! Glad you wont be alone. Lucky, yes thats my fear since I dont ovulate regularly, I think thats why if no + opk they do the ultrasound and trigger. I will be on 100 mg Clomid. Days 3-7 will give me more egss he said. He thinks Im ovulating regularly. He agreed with my charts more than my obs progesterone tests. But Im definitely going to ask for it regardless. Im more worried about getting the positive but not releasing till days after. The more dh n I talk about it the more we are excited for ivf. We are going to look into a 2 or 3 time package. I will pass along the numbers when I know more. Bambina, I am self pay as well. My Insurance doesn't cover fertility. Definitely check with them first. My dr told me he thought my IUI was 380$ not sure if that would include the ultrasound if we need to do it.

7 years ago • Post starter

Cronins that sounds great! Good luck with everything and you will remain in my prayers daily for a safe and success trip and surgery.

Dandy I would definitely ask for it. I know I still had the trigger even when I had positive opk. I did a program that I got 2 tries with Ivf. After the first complete cycle they wanted to kick me out but my doc was able to talk them into keeping me in the program. That's why I feel this cycle is meant to be bc with their criteria and my results there is no way I should have been able to stay in the program. My AMH was .7 and the criteria is 1.2 but they kept me and then after taking supplements I had it tested again and it was 1.49 :-) God has an amazing way of working and with him and all the prayers I'm going to get this bfp :-) My 2 little ones are just waiting patiently in the freezer lol.
I'm hoping the witch decides to show up tomorrow so I can get this FET cycle rolling :-)

7 years ago

WOW Lucky that is an amazing raise in your amh! No wander these are good quality eggs! My RE said a 2 or higher is perfect for ivf and statisticaly speaking, 98 percent successful with that level. Normal for my age is 1.4-1.7. So he said he hopes its with in that range and I should still have a great chance! So Im praying my amh is good. God works in wonderful ways. I pray for you so much and really hope with all my heart this is it for you!

7 years ago • Post starter

I pray for us all everyday, it's going to happen:-) I was only on the supplements for less than 2 months so I'm not totally convinced it was them, but I think they helped. My doc said if they would have sent in my AMH at the beginning in July I wouldn't have even gotten into the program. Then Dec was when I had it tested again and it had doubled. I pray that yours is within normal range or even a little higher. I asked about the quality of my eggs and the embryologist said they were about the same as last time so not great but they did say just bc you have poor egg quality doesn't mean you would have poor embryo quality. I know when they froze these 2 they had less than 5% fragmentation so I'm hoping and praying they survive the thaw and cont to divide :-)

7 years ago

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