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November 2018 babies

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Welcome to the November 2018 babies club! I am starting this discussion a little early I am sure. I carried over from September and October 2018 babies and hoping to see some BFP soon!

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

380 Replies • 6 years ago



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My boyfriend and I have been trying since October and no luck..... My last period was January 27 and only lasted about 4 days, according to my period tracker app FLO I ovulated the 11th of Feb, but this site says I ovulated the 10th.. (kind of confused lol) Anyway, we had sex the 11th and 15th of my fertile window. According to my app FLO I'm suppose to start my period today, but no sign (I had slight cramps the 25th but that's it) usually I have cramps 1 week before my period. But yet this site says I'm 2 days late and that I should have tested the 24th. LOL! I have no symptoms, except slight cramps here and there. I felt my cervix today and it was medium, soft and wet and closed ( not sure if that helps) I would really appreciate the help ladies!

6 years ago

Austynpaige - did you test??

for I created you in your mother’s womb.

6 years ago

Hi all, I'm 27 and very new to this and was just wondering what implantation pains feel like as last night I was roughly 10 dpo and I experienced a sharp pinching feeling in the right ish side of my uterus area. it radiated through my belly a bit at the tail end of each pain, it was quite sharp but nothing like pms cramps I usually have, am due according to my flo app on march 2nd. please any advice would be much appreciated :)

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6 years ago

congrats to all the BFP i am seeing in here!

@winnie i am not for sure about Implantation pains. i don't think i have felt those.

@austynpaige did you test?

ASF i am 1 day late according to CTP. AF should of came yesterday. o boy...i want to POAS so bad but i think i will just wait another day or two! no symptoms to report.

please excuse any typos as I'm on my cell phone

6 years ago • Post starter

@katyfootballmama, i would have no self control! I'd have tested already!
Currently, im 9dpo. Cd23. I am crossing my fingers i dont start early. Been cd24/25 for last few months. Not cramping and cervix still soft and wet so hopefully she wont show early. Moreso, hopefully i am pregnant but i dont feel like i am. I had sore bb last time at 8dpo.

6 years ago

Hey everyone! This is our first cycle of really trying for our second. I am 5dpo and starting to maybe feel something (breast are a tiny bit sensitive and been nauesous off and on today-- no idea why as i think its too early for that?? But who knows for sure). I hope I will be able to be a part of this group! Baby dust to all you ladies! And good luck during the waiting process.. The TWW is the worst! Im already pacing to POS!

6 years ago

I am looking for a tww buddies. This was my 2nd cycle back after childbirth and haven't tracked Ov. We only had unprotected sex once this month on the 22nd and pretty much have been having symptoms since then. Im guessing id be 7dpo max. I did a POS which showed positive hours after taking it so I am not convinced this is viable yet. Looking forward to sharing and hearing everyones cycle

6 years ago

I am looking for a tww buddies. This was my 2nd cycle back after childbirth and haven't tracked Ov. We only had unprotected sex once this month on the 22nd and pretty much have been having symptoms since then. Im guessing id be 7dpo max. I did a POS which showed positive hours after taking it so I am not convinced this is viable yet. Looking forward to sharing and hearing everyones cycle

6 years ago

Hi ladies!! Hope everyone is doing great today!

@austynpaige - have you tested yet??

@Winnie91 - I'm pretty sure I implanted last Saturday night - I left stronger cramps than what ovulation feels like - kinda like AF but not as bad as when I have AF if that makes sense and felt it only on my left side. I had my first positive test on Monday - but it was very light - I'm so nervous waiting for it to get darker as days go on. My AF isn't due til Friday so I'm going to test again tomorrow and Friday and hope to see darker lines! My previous tests are on my page if you want to see...

@katyfootballmomma - OMG Idk how you are holding off lol, I'm a POAS addict for sure!!

@Kelliria - have you tested? I'm currently 12dpo - going to take another test with my SMU as I feel those test results come out darker than FMU for some reason...

@AdlersMama - I swear I felt symptoms before implantation happened - so I believe we can feel things before! Fingers crossed for you to get your BFP!!

@gunners - wow - I hope you caught the egg and get your BFP - how amazing would that be with only having sex once!! Eeeek, so exciting! The TWW is the worst though lol... I'll be waiting to hear about your symptoms and POAS results! Crossing everything for you too!!

AFM - I'm 12dpo today. Took a test Monday and it was faint positive, took another one yesterday - still faint positive, but didn't look darker (I'm so worried it could be a CP!) My bbs are sore as hell, I'm having dull cramping in my stomach and slight backache (one of my first signs both times I've been pregnant), so having symptoms should be a good sign, right? Maybe it's still too early for tests to result with dark second line? Technically I won't have missed my period until this Friday, March 2nd... I'm so anxious and nervous and trying to relax and breathe and believe what's meant to be will be, but it's soooooooo hard to try to be calm after seeing the faint positives! Praying so hard for a sticky bean!!

6 years ago

@BB2016 - Thank you mine pains were similar but on right side, the pains were bearable and nothing like my usual period cramps that are quite crippling in the lead up and first day of, I've had non of my usual PMS symptoms, my breast are normally sore as hell for the week lead up but I have nothing but do have other symptoms that are very unusual for me.

hope everyone get the BFP they are wanting this cycle. I know my fiancé and I would be ecstatic if I get one :) I'll probably test tomorrow and see what happens

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6 years ago

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