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March/April TT 2020 babies

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Welcome back to a new month everyone !!! You've got this ladies

315 Replies • 5 years ago



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So, I bought a test from another brand yesterday. Was hoping for a more clear line, but it's pretty faint still..

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5 years ago

With a flash.

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5 years ago

@Pandorica it is faint but I can see it. Maybe give it a few more days to darken and if it doesn't but it's still there then try a digital?

5 years ago

@Burkette - I think I'll try a digital in a fre days, but only if it gets stronger. Don't want to see a "Not Pregnant" again..

5 years ago

The definitive words are definitely more painful than the absence of a line

I'm keeping everything crossed for you!!

5 years ago

Ladies please can you let me know if you think tonight's shadow on my test appears darker than last night and this morning. I'm testing out my trigger and it was barely there this morning. Want to know if I getting my hopes up or if I have line eyes! Top is last night, bottom is tonight xx

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5 years ago

And this was this morning..

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5 years ago

@pandorica looks like it's getting darker!

@scuba looks like your lines are getting darker as well!!

AFM got my hcg levels back today.
7/17 at 12:30 pm (9dpo) was at 11
7/19 at 12:45 pm (11dpo) at 49

They want me to go back on next Friday when I'd be 18dpo to check levels again. Looking good so far though...numbers are quadrupled so far.

5 years ago • Edited

Guess that strip was just a fluke or something, because it's not getting any darker now. It's even lighter. Since this brand doesn't seem to be that reliable, I'm thinking weird evap rather than a chemical. My skin's gotten quite bad since yesterday, which is my regular PMS symptom. So, I think af will arrive in a few days.

5 years ago

Crams Congratulations on your bfp!

Agatch Thank you babe for your support. Means the world to me! Sometimes we’re losing our self in our thoughts and that’s why I like to get back into here.. to clear our ,nod and get back in track! I’m so happy to see your lines getting darker and can’t wait to see all the updates from a healthy pregnancy. How are you feeling symptom wise?

Sam I don’t know how you must be feeling but I can sure tell you that even tho I’m not pregnant or ever have been, I’m always worried what if I get pregnant and will miscarry?.... I think about it all the time and I believe is that You wanted this so bad for so long that you think is too good to be true. I don’t know how to make you stop thinking about it but I can tell you that there’s nothing you can physically do except being cautious of course in logical limits. Enjoy your pregnancy because it’s gonna pass so fast that you will go back to it thinking how silly you were worrying all the time. You’re pregnant girl!!! You’re pregnant now and that all that matters. Life is happening when we are worried about what might or might not happen in the future...

Scuba I can see the lines but I’m not sure if it’s darker or same. If it was the trigger I believe it should be disappear till tomorrow. Hopefully it will keep getting darker!!

Pandorica I sure can see a line on the cheapie one but I don’t know about the latest one! Fingers crossed hun that you’ll get darker ones on your next testing!

AFM I’m CD6 today and AF left for good. Preparing to Ovulate next week and I will sure do my best to catch that egg. Hubbys swimmers should be kinda stronger now lol and we’re both pretty relaxed since we’re on a vacation mode! Fingers crossed ladies that this old cookie will finally do it

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5 years ago

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