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April/May 2020 TTC

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Morning/Afternoon/Evening Ladies!!

Hi lol...

You're one month closer to your bfp yay !! Hopefully this is it

341 Replies • 5 years ago



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@Shay That nausea sounds promising. Eventhough it can be such a pain sometimes.

@Alex I'm so sorry for that BFN. How many dpo are you now?

AFM. I'm kinda just waiting for my AF. I made my SO to do all the shopping now so I can't hoard any HPTs. And I hate ordering them online + it takes forever to be delivered.
I have some pulling and pinching and very light cramping. But for few cycles they've ment PMS. Otherwise no symptoms that would point to pregnancy.

5 years ago • Edited

Scuba I’m in denial for so long.. I shouldn’t even try or hope any more. But it hurts so fucking bad to know that I’ll most probably never gonna have a child of my own.. I will be 37 in December. This is so unfair...
Mira I’m 10dpo but I know I’m not pregnant and I’ll probably never be..

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5 years ago

Alex I am so sorry!! It could still happen! Be angry and sad. You have a right to be upset. Just don’t stay there. Your time will come!! It is such a hard thing and this living in increments of two weeks sucks. I know it will happen for you!!

Mira I get the trying not to horde is so hard to not buy them and test too early.

AFM: 9dpo today and I am not sure what to feel. Got some pulling pinching that has been there for about four days now. So trying not to think much of it. Getting sharp pains in my chest, but that happens before af sometimes. I don’t trust my temp today either. I didn’t sleep well, fell asleep late, had the fan on me all night, and slept past my alarm so I tested an hour later than normal. It is a huge drop too!! It worries me for sure. I usually start to see my temp go down around 10dpo since my LP is usually about 12 days. So I am just preparing myself for af. Sigh a perfectly timed month may have resulted in nothing. I am not giving up!! This will happen!! Just not sure when.

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5 years ago

10dpo today. Had a very real life dream. I was taking a PT super faint line tested with a blue plus sign test got that blue plus sign. Then with a digital too. I'm praying that this is the Lord letting me know it's time for a baby. Temp still high a little lower than the last few days but praying. Temp don't drop till the day before or day of af.

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God Bless

5 years ago

Oh Alex... I'm truly sorry. There's nothing to say to make the pain away. But you shouldn't lose hope. There's plenty of options out there to make it happen.

@Shay Just few more days and you'll find out. it's your month!

I kinda hate this not doing OPKs. It's hard to plan testing. I don't want to be too early and I kinda don't have it in me to wait until Thursday for AF to show up or not. I'm not sure if this stresses me out more than tracking with OPKs.

5 years ago

You guys I’m 11 dpo and af due today/tomorrow. I didn’t realise since I’ve been distracted with my broken ankle. No symptoms I feel completely normal.

TTC #2

5 years ago

Ladies. I'm terrified I might have chemical pregnancy. Please, talk me out of this.

Took a 10mIU/ml HPT after 3 hour hold. I was dry heaving all morning so I just couldn't resist. Got this in 3mins...

First I screamed and was jumping up and down like an idiot. Then just got really scared this is not going to stick. AF would be due in 3 days. I know I tested way too early.

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5 years ago

Stay strong Mira, whatever happens is out of your control. The only thing you are in control of is your response

TTC #2

5 years ago

Mira I am so excited for you!!! Enjoy this time and relax!! Try not to over think it and just breath.

AFM: This morning I found that my temps are so greatly affected by my surroundings!! I took my temp twice this morning, once orally and once vaginally. At first I was so disappointed by my oral temp. It was still below my cover line though slightly higher than yesterday. So I decided to just check my temp vaginally as our nights have gotten cooler and we sleep with window open and fan on. Well my temp was over a half degree higher!!! I was ready to count myself out, but truly I am not out yet. I feel like I need to disregard yesterday’s temp too. I am trying to be patient and wait for at least 12dpo to test since my LP is usually 12-13 days. Plus I usually get spotting starting at 10-11dpo. So far no spotting and no other typical signs of af. I am only 10dpo today so I am trying so hard to be patient!!!
Good luck ladies!!!

5 years ago • Edited

Here is my chart both with yesterday’s temp and without.

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5 years ago

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