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Continue new thread from previous. Cycle buddys

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My last thread got lengthy and am affraid it will lock out at 15 pages( that its on) according to admin. Calling out my last cycle buddies as well as new ones. Most of are waiting to O

4483 Replies Closed • 8 years ago



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Replies (sorted by laughs)

2261 - 2270 of 4483 Replies | Last Page

Cronins that's awesome, surgery will be here before you know it.
Dandy sounds like you had a fun day. It was beautiful outside today. Crazy weather for February, kind of scary lol.

AFM, I did a little outdoor work, not much and then went to visit my mom. She's already buying me baby stuff when she gets something for my sister lol. I think she feels bad for me and doesn't want to leave me out. She made me a blanket and it's the first one she made. I told her things like that mean a lot to me :-)

7 years ago

Hi everyone! Help!! I just had my mirena removed Thursday and today started to bleed and cramp. I randomly took an OPK (no clue why but randomly had a thought I should) and it was positive. Can I really be ovulating while I'm bleeding and so quick after removal!? TIA

7 years ago

Good morning everyone. Pinkicee, sorry I cant be much help, I dont know much about any kinds of birth control. That would be very strange and confusing to me too. My uneducated guess would be that its jst your body hormone fluctuations trying to get back into sink. If its an actual ovulation surge I would be surprised but anything is possible. If your so doesn't mind, I would bd just in case.
Afm, just waiting around to opk test. Its supposed to be even nicer today. Think I will wash the walls n get em ready for painting since I got the wrong paint last time. Lol. Ill pick up more tmrw. Feel like I need to dip this entire house in a bucket of soap and water. Lol

7 years ago • Post starter

Hey dandy,

That's exciting that your cycle is progressing nicely. Looking forward to seeing you get your bfp after your iui.

As for me, AF isn't too bad so far. No cramping or irritability so far. A nice change of pace, lol.

7 years ago

Pinkicee: I am unsure of whether it's a real opk peak or not. I would definitely bd just in case. Our bodies have a natural tendency to regulate itself after birth control. Sometimes it's takes very little time and other times it takes longer. Be patient, it will happen.

7 years ago

Good morning girls? How is the witch treating ya'll? Lucky is your gone yet? When is your next us?
Afm, I haven't smoked in a couple days. I hadn't been doing good for a couple weeks. I know it will help raise my amh. Hope the that dhea kicks in soon too. RE wants to see it near 1. He said it wont get much higher than that with one ovary and my age. Last day of meds. Then just gotta sit tight for couple days and start opk testing. Im really hoping for the iui on the 27th or 28th when I will have a sitter for lo. Dh was joking about it last night. Bc if lo goes with us dh wont be in the room for iui. He was saying how funny it would be to tell our child that he wasnt even in the room when He/she was conceived. Lol.

7 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning ladies!
AF has been gone for a couple days. She was nice light and short lol. Dandy your getting closer to your opks :-) I have an US and bloodwork Monday the 27th and will see how everything looks. Hoping for transfer 3/3 if everything is looking good :-)

7 years ago

Dandy that would be awesome if you can quit smoking, it will help! I know it's easier said than done.

7 years ago

Oh Lucky yes its so hard! Working for addiction counselors, one thing they teach is that nicotine is by far the most addictive drug that there is. I cant defiantly see that! But Im holding strong so far today. I think if I can get passed that 3 day window it will get a little easier. I really want to be able to walk back into the RE office with some smoke free time under my belt. During our consult he said that he gets ppl pregnant everyday so its not exciting to him, still wonderful just not exciting anymore, but its not very often he gets to help someone quit smoking. He said it could increase my chances by almost double.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hello ladies,

Dandy: fingers crossed for you and your quest to quit smoking. It's such an addictive substance. I pray that you remain strong.

Lucky : woohoo, transfer is right around the corner. Prayers for some good thawing and implantation.
As for me, AF is light and it's day 3. Dh and I will be abstaining until after surgery so we do not have a slip up lol. This is going to be one long month lol. By the time surgery rolls around on March 23rd, AF will be here again. Then we plan to bd when I get back on March 26th. My fertile window will be starting soon thereafter. Yay!!!

7 years ago

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